
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/zotonic/zotonic.git with the last commit being 5344cf0

These are Current warnings for zotonic.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
:44: Function to_html/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:70: Function yecc_error_type/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:70: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'erlydtl_parser', F, ArityOrArgs} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
action_admin_dialog_edit_basics.erl:97: The pattern {'error', _Reason} can never match the type {'ok',_}
action_admin_dialog_media_upload.erl:147: The pattern {'ok', _} can never match the type {'error',_}
resource_admin_edit.erl:107: The pattern {'error', 'duplicate_uri'} can never match the type {'ok',_}
resource_admin_edit.erl:109: The pattern {'error', 'duplicate_name'} can never match the type {'ok',_}
resource_admin_edit.erl:111: The pattern {'error', 'eacces'} can never match the type {'ok',_}
resource_admin_edit.erl:113: The pattern {'error', 'invalid_query'} can never match the type {'ok',_}
resource_admin_edit.erl:115: The pattern {'error', _Reason} can never match the type {'ok',_}
scomp_admin_dialog_link_add.erl:20: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
action_admin_category_dialog_category_add.erl:71: The pattern {'error', 'duplicate_name'} can never match the type {'ok',_}
action_admin_category_dialog_category_add.erl:73: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match the type {'ok',_}
action_admin_identity_dialog_user_add.erl:82: The pattern {'error', InsReason} can never match the type {'ok',_}
action_admin_modules_module_toggle.erl:54: The call z_module_manager:activate(Module::any(),Context::#context{host::atom()}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (any(),#context{host::binary() | string()})
mod_admin_modules.erl:40: Function all/1 has no local return
mod_admin_modules.erl:42: The call z_module_manager:scan(Context::#context{host::atom()}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (#context{host::binary() | string()})
resource_admin_module_manager.erl:32: Function html/1 has no local return
resource_logon.erl:271: The pattern {'error', _Reason} can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'error','user_not_enabled'} | {'ok',#context{host::atom() | #context{host::atom() | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}}}}
mod_backup.erl:299: The call z:warning(_Output::nonempty_string(),[{'module', 'mod_backup'}, {'line', 299}],Context::#context{host::binary() | string()}) will never return since it differs in the 3rd argument from the success typing arguments: (binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | []),[any()],#context{host::atom() | #context{host::atom() | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}}})
filter_match.erl:26: The pattern 'match' can never match the type 'nomatch' | {'error',{string(),non_neg_integer()}} | {'match',[binary() | [binary() | string() | char() | {integer(),integer()}] | {integer(),integer()}]}
scomp_base_button.erl:21: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_catinclude.erl:25: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_chart_pie.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_chart_pie3d.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_debug.erl:21: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_draggable.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_draggable.erl:111: The pattern [] can never match the type [any(),...]
scomp_base_draggable.erl:112: The pattern 'undefined' can never match the type [any(),...]
scomp_base_droppable.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:114: The pattern 'undefined' can never match the type [any()]
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:116: The pattern <<>> can never match the type [any(),...]
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:128: The pattern 'undefined' can never match the type [any()]
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:130: The pattern <<>> can never match the type [any(),...]
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:155: The pattern 'stacked_horizontal_bar' can never match the type [any(),...]
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:156: The pattern 'grouped_horizontal_bar' can never match the type [any(),...]
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:157: The pattern 'stacked_vertical_bar' can never match the type [any(),...]
scomp_base_google_chart.erl:158: The pattern 'grouped_vertical_bar' can never match the type [any(),...]
scomp_base_include.erl:25: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_inplace_textbox.erl:22: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_lazy.erl:20: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_loremipsum.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_pager.erl:21: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_script.erl:21: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_sortable.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_sorter.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_spinner.erl:20: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_stream.erl:20: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_tabs.erl:21: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_validate.erl:22: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_wire.erl:20: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_base_wire_args.erl:20: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
m_comment.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
z_development_server.erl:142: Call to missing or unexported function z_sites_manager:update_dispatchinfo/0
m_facebook.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
mod_import_csv.erl:52: Function event/2 has no local return
mod_import_csv.erl:63: The call mod_import_csv:can_handle(Target::binary() | string(),Context::#context{host::binary() | string()}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | binary() | [atom() | [any()] | char()],#context{host::atom() | #context{host::atom() | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}}})
mod_import_csv.erl:79: Function handle_spawn/2 has no local return
mod_import_csv.erl:81: The created fun has no local return
mod_import_csv.erl:90: Function to_importing_dir/2 has no local return
mod_import_csv.erl:91: The call z_path:files_subdir_ensure("importing",Context::#context{host::atom() | #context{host::atom() | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}}}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | binary() | maybe_improper_list() | number() | #rsc_list{},#context{host::binary() | string()})
import_csv.erl:174: The variable E can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',_}
import_csv.erl:295: The pattern {'error', _Reason} can never match the type {'ok',_}
import_wordpress.erl:220: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
m_l10n.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
mod_logging.erl:197: The pattern <_, Fields, LogType, Id> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <#log_email{},[{'content_id' | 'envelop_from' | 'envelop_to' | 'from_id' | 'mailer_host' | 'mailer_message' | 'mailer_status' | 'message_nr' | 'message_template' | 'other_id' | 'props' | 'severity' | 'to_id',_}],atom() | [any(),...],_>
m_log.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
scomp_logging_logwatch.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_logging_logwatch.erl:27: Call to missing or unexported function mod_logging:add_admin_log_page/1
m_mailinglist.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
scomp_mailinglist_mailinglist_subscribe.erl:22: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_mailinglist_mailinglist_subscribe.erl:73: The pattern {'error', _Reason} can never match the type 'ok'
mod_menu.erl:162: The pattern [] can never match the type nonempty_string()
scomp_menu_menu.erl:20: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
m_oauth_app.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_oauth_perms.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
mod_oembed.erl:193: The pattern {'error', Error} can never match the type {'ok',_}
mod_oembed.erl:223: The pattern {'error', _} can never match the type {'ok',_}
mod_search_tests.erl:15: The created fun has no local return
mod_search_tests.erl:15: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
mod_search_tests.erl:15: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
mod_search_tests.erl:18: The created fun has no local return
mod_search_tests.erl:18: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
mod_search_tests.erl:18: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
mod_search_tests.erl:63: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
mod_signal.erl:138: The pattern {'already_started', P} can never match the type 'ignore' | {'error',_}
mod_signal.erl:243: The pattern <'undefined', _Props, _Tags> can never match the type <[tuple()],maybe_improper_list(),[any()]>
m_signal.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
mod_signup.erl:111: The pattern Error = {'error', _} can never match the type 'ok'
mod_signup.erl:158: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match the type {'ok',_}
mod_survey.erl:245: The pattern <[{'survey_question', 'pagebreak', _, _, _, _, _, _} | L], N> can never match the type <[{_,_},...],1>
mod_survey.erl:246: The created fun has no local return
m_survey.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
scomp_survey_poll.erl:20: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_survey_survey_example.erl:22: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
m_tkvstore.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
mod_translation.erl:208: The created fun has no local return
mod_translation.erl:216: The created fun has no local return
mod_translation.erl:351: Function generate/1 has no local return
scomp_translation_admin_translation_statistics.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_scomp behaviour is not available
scomp_translation_admin_translation_statistics.erl:27: Function render/3 has no local return
scomp_translation_admin_translation_statistics.erl:54: Function count_translated/1 will never be called
scomp_translation_admin_translation_statistics.erl:55: The created fun has no local return
scomp_translation_admin_translation_statistics.erl:62: Function is_translated/1 will never be called
translation_scan.erl:27: Function scan/1 has no local return
translation_scan.erl:28: Function will never be called
translation_scan.erl:29: Function will never be called
translation_scan.erl:31: The created fun has no local return
translation_scan.erl:35: Function will never be called
translation_scan.erl:37: Function scan_module/1 will never be called
translation_scan.erl:38: Function will never be called
translation_scan.erl:41: Function dedupl/1 will never be called
translation_scan.erl:44: Function will never be called
translation_scan.erl:46: Function insert/2 will never be called
translation_scan.erl:58: Function merge_args/2 will never be called
mod_video_embed.erl:177: The pattern {'error', Error} can never match the type {'ok',_}
mod_video_embed.erl:209: The pattern {'error', _} can never match the type {'ok',_}
zotonicwww.erl:33: Function manage_schema/2 has no local return
pgsql.erl:83: The pattern {'ok', _RowCount, _Columns, []} can never match the type [{'error',_} | {'ok',_} | {'ok',_,[any()]} | {'ok',_,_,[any(),...]}] | {'error',_} | {'ok',_} | {'ok',_,[any(),...]} | {'ok',_,_,[any(),...]}
pgsql_pool_tests.erl:14: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
pgsql_pool_tests.erl:49: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
pgsql_tests.erl:419: The created fun has no local return
pgsql_tests.erl:419: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
pgsql_tests.erl:419: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
erlydtl_compiler.erl:1253: Guard test is_binary(B::[any()]) can never succeed
erlydtl_compiler.erl:1257: The variable A can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [any()]
erlydtl_runtime.erl:62: The call dict:find(Key::integer(),T::tuple()) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 2nd argument
erlydtl_runtime.erl:94: The call gb_trees:lookup(Key::any(),{integer(),_}) does not have an opaque term of type gb_tree() as 2nd argument
erlydtl_runtime.erl:106: The call dict:find(Key::any(),Tuple::tuple()) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 2nd argument
z_trans.erl:70: Function parse_translations/1 has no local return
z_trans.erl:75: Function parse_mod_trans/2 will never be called
z_trans.erl:81: Function parse_trans/2 will never be called
z_trans.erl:86: Function build_index/2 will never be called
z_trans.erl:91: Function add_labels/3 will never be called
z_trans.erl:107: Function to_binary/1 will never be called
z_trans_server.erl:58: Function load_translations/1 has no local return
z_trans_server.erl:81: Function observe_module_ready/2 has no local return
z_install_defaultdata.erl:160: Function datafile/2 has no local return
markdown.erl:358: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
markdown.erl:727: The pattern <[[] | T], Acc> can never match the type <[{_,_},...],[{{_,_},_}]>
markdown.erl:739: The pattern [[] | T] can never match the type [{_,_},...]
markdown.erl:762: The pattern [[] | T] can never match the type [{_,_},...]
z_html2markdown.erl:234: Function escape_html_comment/2 will never be called
m_acl.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_category.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_config.erl:25: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_edge.erl:22: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_identity.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_media.erl:25: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_media.erl:264: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',_}
m_media.erl:318: The call m_rsc:update(RscId::any(),[{'category','audio' | 'image' | 'media' | 'video'},...],Context::#context{host::binary() | string()}) will never return since it differs in the 3rd argument from the success typing arguments: (integer(),[any()],#context{host::atom() | #context{host::atom() | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}}})
m_media.erl:338: The call z_notifier:notify(#media_replace_file{id::atom() | binary() | nonempty_maybe_improper_list() | integer() | {integer()} | #rsc_list{list::maybe_improper_list()}},Context::#context{host::binary() | string()}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (any(),#context{host::atom() | #context{host::atom() | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}}})
m_media.erl:440: The call z_db:update('medium',RscId::integer(),UpdateProps::[{'is_deletable_preview','true'} | {'preview_filename',binary() | string()} | {'preview_height',_} | {'preview_width',_},...],Context::#context{host::binary() | string()}) will never return since it differs in the 4th argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | [any(),...],any(),[any()],#context{host::atom() | pid() | {atom(),_}})
m_modules.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_page.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_persistent.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_predicate.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_predicate.erl:193: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match the type {'ok',_}
m_req.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_rsc.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_rsc_update.erl:438: The pattern [] can never match the type nonempty_string()
m_rsc_update.erl:573: The pattern [{Name, D} | _] can never match the type [[any()]]
m_rsc_update.erl:595: The pattern <[{Name, {{'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined'}, {'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined'}}} | T], Acc, Null> can never match the type <[[any()],...],[[any()]],[{_,_}]>
m_search.erl:34: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_search.erl:97: The pattern 'undefined' can never match the type non_neg_integer()
m_session.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
m_site.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_model behaviour is not available
z_email_receive_server.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_smtp_server_session behaviour is not available
z_string_tests.erl:11: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:12: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:13: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:14: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:15: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:16: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:17: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:18: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:19: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:23: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:24: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:25: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:26: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:27: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:28: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:29: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:30: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:31: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:35: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:36: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:37: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:38: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:39: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:40: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:41: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_string_tests.erl:42: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
z_depcache.erl:89: The call erlang:apply(M::any(),F::{_,_,_},A::any()) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | tuple(),atom(),[any()])
z_depcache.erl:90: The call M:F() requires that F is of type atom() not {_,_}
z_depcache.erl:585: The call gb_trees:lookup(Key::any(),{integer(),_}) does not have an opaque term of type gb_tree() as 2nd argument
z_depcache.erl:621: The call dict:find(Key::any(),Tuple::tuple()) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 2nd argument
z_dispatcher.erl:244: Function collect_dispatch_lists/1 has no local return
z_dispatcher.erl:247: The call z_module_manager:scan(Context::#context{host::atom()}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (#context{host::binary() | string()})
z_expression.erl:66: Call to missing or unexported function erlydtl_runtime:find_value/4
z_media_tag.erl:178: The pattern <Id, 'undefined', Context> can never match the type <_,maybe_improper_list(),_>
z_module_indexer.erl:63: Function translations/1 has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:78: Function all/2 has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:198: Function translations1/1 has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:199: Function will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:201: Function lang_to_atom/1 will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:202: Function will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:204: Function extract_lang/1 will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:226: Function scan/1 has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:227: The created fun has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:227: Fun application with arguments (['action' | 'lib' | 'model' | 'scomp' | 'service' | 'template' | 'validator',...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ([])
z_module_indexer.erl:227: The pattern [] can never match the type ['action' | 'lib' | 'model' | 'scomp' | 'service' | 'template' | 'validator',...]
z_module_indexer.erl:231: Function scan1/2 has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:239: The created fun has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:240: Function will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:255: Function file2index/2 will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:260: Function scan_all/2 has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:268: Function scan_subdir_files/2 has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:270: The created fun has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:275: Function will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:281: Function will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:286: Function scan_subdir/4 has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:289: The created fun has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:297: The created fun has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:301: Function will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:303: The created fun has no local return
z_module_indexer.erl:313: Function module2prefix/1 will never be called
z_module_indexer.erl:319: Function scan_remove_prefix_ext/3 will never be called
z_module_manager.erl:146: Function active_dir/1 has no local return
z_module_manager.erl:148: The call z_module_manager:scan(Context::#context{host::atom()}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (#context{host::binary() | string()})
z_module_manager.erl:473: The created fun has no local return
z_module_manager.erl:510: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match the type {'ok',pid()}
z_module_manager.erl:589: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {atom() | {atom() | {atom() | {_,_},_},_},_,maybe_improper_list()}
z_module_manager.erl:620: The created fun has no local return
z_module_manager.erl:649: Function valid/2 has no local return
z_module_manager.erl:650: The call z_module_manager:scan(Context::#context{host::atom()}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (#context{host::binary() | string()})
z_module_manager.erl:742: The pattern <Module, Pid, [_ | Rest], Acc> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <atom(),_,[{atom(),byte()}],[{atom(),{_,_} | {_,_,_}}]>
z_notifier.erl:81: The pattern {'already_started', P} can never match the type 'ignore' | {'error',_}
z_parse_multipart.erl:255: The pattern 'undefined' can never match the type fun((_,_,_,_) -> 'nop' | 'ok')
z_pivot_rsc.erl:624: The pattern <_, {'trans', _}> can never match the type <_,binary()>
z_search.erl:285: The pattern <_Table, _Alias, _SearchSql> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <'rsc',_,#search_sql{}>
z_session.erl:419: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [any()]
z_site_sup.erl:40: Function init/1 has no local return
z_site_sup.erl:100: The call z_site_sup:add_db_pool(Host::binary() | string(),Processes::[{'z_depcache' | 'z_dispatcher' | 'z_dropbox' | 'z_installer' | 'z_module_indexer' | 'z_module_manager' | 'z_notifier' | 'z_pivot_rsc' | 'z_session_manager' | 'z_site_startup' | 'z_template' | 'z_trans_server',{'z_depcache' | 'z_dispatcher' | 'z_dropbox' | 'z_installer' | 'z_module_indexer' | 'z_module_manager' | 'z_notifier' | 'z_pivot_rsc' | 'z_session_manager' | 'z_site_startup' | 'z_template' | 'z_trans_server','start_link',[[any()] | {'error',[[any()] | char()]},...]},'permanent',1 | 5000,'worker','dynamic'},...],SiteProps::[any()] | {'error',[[any()] | char()]}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any(),[any()])
z_site_sup.erl:104: Function add_db_pool/3 has no local return
z_site_sup.erl:106: The pattern 'default' can never match the type binary() | string()
z_site_sup.erl:107: The call erlang:atom_to_list(Host::binary() | string()) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom())
z_sites_dispatcher.erl:150: The pattern 'no_host_match' can never match the type 'zotonic'
z_supervisor_named.erl:185: The variable Pid can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'undefined'
z_toposort.erl:28: Invalid type specification for function z_toposort:sort/1. The success typing is ([{_,[any()],_}]) -> {'error',{'cyclic',[any()]}} | {'ok',[any()]}
erlydtl_functional_tests.erl:247: The pattern 'skip' can never match the type {'error',[]} | {'ok',[{'fruit_list' | 'preset_var1' | 'preset_var2' | 'software_links' | 'var1' | 'var2',[any(),...]}]}
erlydtl_functional_tests.erl:249: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'error',[]} | {'ok',[{'fruit_list' | 'preset_var1' | 'preset_var2' | 'software_links' | 'var1' | 'var2',[any(),...]}]}
erlydtl_functional_tests.erl:292: The pattern 'error' can never match the type 'ok' | 'skip'