
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/joearms/elib1.git with the last commit being 4f6f7b4

These are Current warnings for elib1.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists --src lib/src
elib1_chunks.erl:210: Function parse1/5 has no local return
elib1_chunks.erl:214: Function collect_thing/4 has no local return
elib1_chunks.erl:216: The pattern {'yes', Rest} can never match the type boolean()
elib1_chunks.erl:218: The pattern 'no' can never match the type boolean()
elib1_chunks.erl:288: The pattern {'yes', Rest} can never match the type boolean()
elib1_chunks.erl:290: The pattern 'no' can never match the type boolean()
elib1_content_edit.erl:22: Call to missing or unexported function elib1_misc:template_file_and_args_to_io_list/2
elib1_diff.erl:40: Invalid type specification for function elib1_diff:diff/2. The success typing is ([any()],[any()]) -> binary()
elib1_docmaker.erl:77: The pattern {'dl', _Ln, L} can never match the type {'str',pos_integer(),[any()]}
elib1_docmaker.erl:78: The pattern {'ol', _Ln, L} can never match the type {'str',pos_integer(),[any()]}
elib1_docmaker.erl:79: The pattern {'ul', _Ln, L} can never match the type {'str',pos_integer(),[any()]}
elib1_docmaker.erl:80: The pattern {'note', _Ln, Str} can never match the type {'str',pos_integer(),[any()]}
elib1_docmaker.erl:81: The pattern {'include', Ln, L} can never match the type {'str',pos_integer(),[any()]}
elib1_docmaker.erl:82: The pattern {'pre', _Ln, L} can never match the type {'str',pos_integer(),[any()]}
elib1_docmaker.erl:83: The variable X can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'str',pos_integer(),[any()]}
elib1_docmaker.erl:93: Function parse_dl/1 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:98: Function will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:102: Function parse_dl_item/1 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:106: Function extract_tag/2 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:112: Function split_into_regions/1 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:143: Function parse1/5 has no local return
elib1_docmaker.erl:151: The pattern {'yes', Rest} can never match the type boolean()
elib1_docmaker.erl:152: The pattern 'no' can never match the type boolean()
elib1_docmaker.erl:168: Function split_into_list_elements/1 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:172: Function parse_list/1 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:174: Function will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:176: Function parse_paras/1 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:177: Function will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:179: Function parse_include/2 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:197: Function parse_include1/1 will never be called
elib1_docmaker.erl:253: The pattern {'yes', Rest} can never match the type boolean()
elib1_docmaker.erl:255: The pattern 'no' can never match the type boolean()
elib1_http_driver.erl:20: The created fun has no local return
elib1_http_driver.erl:22: Function server/2 has no local return
elib1_http_driver.erl:103: The variable Other can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'get',integer(),[any()] | {_,_},_,_,[{_,_}]} | {'post',integer(),[any()] | {_,_},_,_,[{_,_}]}
elib1_http_driver.erl:239: The variable FileName can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type atom()
elib1_indexer.erl:145: The call elib1_indexer:pack_files(Name::[any()]) breaks the contract (Name::'string') -> void()
elib1_indexer.erl:305: The created fun has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:307: Function extract_keywords0/1 has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:316: The call dets:open_file('result',{'file',[any(),...]}) breaks the contract (Name,Args) -> {'ok',Name} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,tab_name()), is_subtype(Args,[OpenArg]), is_subtype(OpenArg,{'access',access()} | {'auto_save',auto_save()} | {'estimated_no_objects',non_neg_integer()} | {'file',file:name()} | {'max_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'min_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'keypos',keypos()} | {'ram_file',boolean()} | {'repair',boolean() | 'force'} | {'type',type()} | {'version',version()}), is_subtype(Reason,term())
elib1_indexer.erl:365: The created fun has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:367: Function pack_index0/1 has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:380: The call dets:open_file('result',{'file',[any(),...]}) breaks the contract (Name,Args) -> {'ok',Name} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,tab_name()), is_subtype(Args,[OpenArg]), is_subtype(OpenArg,{'access',access()} | {'auto_save',auto_save()} | {'estimated_no_objects',non_neg_integer()} | {'file',file:name()} | {'max_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'min_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'keypos',keypos()} | {'ram_file',boolean()} | {'repair',boolean() | 'force'} | {'type',type()} | {'version',version()}), is_subtype(Reason,term())
elib1_indexer.erl:381: The created fun has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:399: Function merge_tuples/3 will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:428: Function invert_word_table/1 will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:433: The created fun has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:496: Function lookup/2 has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:498: The call dets:open_file('result',{'file',nonempty_string()}) breaks the contract (Name,Args) -> {'ok',Name} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,tab_name()), is_subtype(Args,[OpenArg]), is_subtype(OpenArg,{'access',access()} | {'auto_save',auto_save()} | {'estimated_no_objects',non_neg_integer()} | {'file',file:name()} | {'max_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'min_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'keypos',keypos()} | {'ram_file',boolean()} | {'repair',boolean() | 'force'} | {'type',type()} | {'version',version()}), is_subtype(Reason,term())
elib1_indexer.erl:515: The created fun has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:517: The call dets:open_file('result',{'file',[any(),...]}) breaks the contract (Name,Args) -> {'ok',Name} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,tab_name()), is_subtype(Args,[OpenArg]), is_subtype(OpenArg,{'access',access()} | {'auto_save',auto_save()} | {'estimated_no_objects',non_neg_integer()} | {'file',file:name()} | {'max_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'min_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'keypos',keypos()} | {'ram_file',boolean()} | {'repair',boolean() | 'force'} | {'type',type()} | {'version',version()}), is_subtype(Reason,term())
elib1_indexer.erl:519: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:520: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:521: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:523: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:529: Invalid type specification for function elib1_indexer:extract/2. The success typing is (atom(),integer()) -> {_,binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | [])}
elib1_indexer.erl:552: Function filename/1 will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:558: Function q1/1 will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:569: Function intersection/1 will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:570: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:582: Function dump_index/1 has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:584: The call dets:open_file('result',{'file',[any(),...]}) breaks the contract (Name,Args) -> {'ok',Name} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,tab_name()), is_subtype(Args,[OpenArg]), is_subtype(OpenArg,{'access',access()} | {'auto_save',auto_save()} | {'estimated_no_objects',non_neg_integer()} | {'file',file:name()} | {'max_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'min_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'keypos',keypos()} | {'ram_file',boolean()} | {'repair',boolean() | 'force'} | {'type',type()} | {'version',version()}), is_subtype(Reason,term())
elib1_indexer.erl:585: The created fun has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:589: Function dump_statistics/1 has no local return
elib1_indexer.erl:591: The call dets:open_file('result',{'file',[any(),...]}) breaks the contract (Name,Args) -> {'ok',Name} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,tab_name()), is_subtype(Args,[OpenArg]), is_subtype(OpenArg,{'access',access()} | {'auto_save',auto_save()} | {'estimated_no_objects',non_neg_integer()} | {'file',file:name()} | {'max_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'min_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'keypos',keypos()} | {'ram_file',boolean()} | {'repair',boolean() | 'force'} | {'type',type()} | {'version',version()}), is_subtype(Reason,term())
elib1_indexer.erl:594: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:595: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:596: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer.erl:600: Function min/2 will never be called
elib1_indexer_results.erl:13: The created fun has no local return
elib1_indexer_results.erl:15: The call dets:open_file('result',{'file',nonempty_string()}) breaks the contract (Name,Args) -> {'ok',Name} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,tab_name()), is_subtype(Args,[OpenArg]), is_subtype(OpenArg,{'access',access()} | {'auto_save',auto_save()} | {'estimated_no_objects',non_neg_integer()} | {'file',file:name()} | {'max_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'min_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'keypos',keypos()} | {'ram_file',boolean()} | {'repair',boolean() | 'force'} | {'type',type()} | {'version',version()}), is_subtype(Reason,term())
elib1_indexer_results.erl:17: Function will never be called
elib1_indexer_results.erl:19: Function will never be called
elib1_misc.erl:1610: The variable Other can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'error',{integer(),atom() | tuple(),_}} | {'ok',[any()]}
elib1_ml9.erl:147: The pattern 'error' can never match the type {'ok',atom(),_}
elib1_ml9.erl:156: The pattern {[], _} can never match the type {atom(),_}
elib1_mysql.erl:424: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'none'
elib1_mysql.erl:436: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'none'
elib1_mysql.erl:488: Guard test is_list(Data::binary()) can never succeed
elib1_mysql.erl:491: Function asciz_list/2 will never be called
elib1_new_webkit.erl:357: Function forever/0 has no local return
elib1_new_webkit.erl:455: Function start_batch_mod_server/1 has no local return
elib1_screen.erl:73: The created fun has no local return
elib1_screen.erl:76: The call elib1_misc:rpc('elib1_screen',{'getPortTellFun',_}) breaks the contract (pid(),any()) -> any()
elib1_screen.erl:133: The created fun has no local return
elib1_screen.erl:136: Function par_connect/1 has no local return
elib1_screen.erl:140: The created fun has no local return
elib1_screen.erl:147: The call elib1_misc:rpc('elib1_screen','getFun') breaks the contract (pid(),any()) -> any()
elib1_screen.erl:148: The created fun has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:28: Function test1/0 has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:30: Function test2/0 has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:33: The created fun has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:35: Function all/0 has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:36: The call code:lib_dir([98 | 100 | 105 | 108 | 115 | 116,...]) breaks the contract (Name) -> file:filename() | {'error','bad_name'} when is_subtype(Name,atom())
elib1_tagger.erl:40: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:42: Function my_parse/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:70: Function erl2chunks/1 has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:83: Function post_process/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:86: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:106: Function collect_by_tag/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:118: Function is_func/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:121: Function splitErlang/1 has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:123: The pattern {'ok', Forms} can never match the type {'error',atom()}
elib1_tagger.erl:131: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:135: Function erl2html/2 has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:142: Function erl2html0/1 has no local return
elib1_tagger.erl:150: Function merge_forms/3 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:158: Function apply_patches/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:161: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:165: Function apply_patches/3 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:179: Function simplify/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:208: Function do_patch/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:213: Function reformat/3 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:217: Function reformat/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:225: Function to_html/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:226: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:228: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:230: Function anchor1/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:238: Function linkname/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:243: Function a2s/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:246: Function span/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:249: Function htmlquote/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:253: Function to_html1/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:278: Function merge_anchors/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:296: Function contains/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:321: The call epp_dodger:parse(Handle::pid() | {'file_descriptor',atom() | tuple(),_},{1,1}) will never return since the success typing is (pid() | {'file_descriptor',atom() | tuple(),_},integer()) -> {'ok',[tuple()]} and the contract is (file:io_device(),integer()) -> {'ok',erl_syntax:forms()}
elib1_tagger.erl:323: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:329: Function revert_forms/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:350: Function read_raw_forms/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:354: Function loop/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:364: Function normalize_toks/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:365: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:367: Function normalize_tok/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:378: Function analyse/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:383: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:388: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:405: Function compute_anchors/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:406: Function will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:415: Function merge_specs/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:422: Function anchor0/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:430: Function anchor/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:458: Function resolve/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:475: Function calls/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:496: Function prelude/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:504: Function htmlname/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:507: Function final/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:510: Function final1/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:522: Function fix_imports/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:528: Function fix_imports/2 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:537: Function find_imported_module/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:540: Function find_imported_module1/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:546: Function fix_exports/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:560: Function fix_remote/1 will never be called
elib1_tagger.erl:605: Function is_terminal/1 will never be called
elib1_telnet.erl:23: Function start/0 has no local return
elib1_webkit.erl:333: Function forever/0 has no local return
elib1_webkit.erl:422: Function start_batch_mod_server/1 has no local return
elib1_webquery.erl:23: Call to missing or unexported function elib1_indexer:extract/3
elib1_xml.erl:263: The pattern <[], Ln1, Ln, Name, Args, F1> can never match the type <nonempty_maybe_improper_list(),_,_,[any(),...],[{_,_}],_>
elib1_xml.erl:395: The pattern <[], Ln, F1> can never match the type <nonempty_maybe_improper_list(),_,_>
tryxform.erl:7: Function test/0 has no local return
tryxform.erl:10: The call tryxform:get_node(L::{[any()],[{_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}]},[97 | 99 | 104 | 112,...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (nonempty_maybe_improper_list(),any())