
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 6e36de6

These are Current warnings for erlydtl.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
yeccpre.hrl:70: Function yecc_error_type/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:70: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'erlydtl_parser', F, ArityOrArgs} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
erlydtl_runtime.erl:20: The call gb_trees:lookup(Key::any(),{integer(),_}) does not have an opaque term of type gb_tree() as 2nd argument
erlydtl_runtime.erl:30: The call dict:find(Key::any(),Tuple::tuple()) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 2nd argument
erlydtl_dateformat.erl:345: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
i18n_manager.erl:20: Function generate_pos/1 has no local return
i18n_manager.erl:22: The pattern {'ok', SplittedLocales} can never match the type [nonempty_string()]
i18n_manager.erl:28: The created fun has no local return
i18n_manager.erl:57: Function open_table/1 will never be called
i18n_manager.erl:62: The created fun has no local return
i18n_manager.erl:73: Function close_tables/1 will never be called
i18n_manager.erl:81: The created fun has no local return
i18n_manager.erl:82: The created fun has no local return
i18n_manager.erl:84: Function insert_tokens/1 will never be called
i18n_manager.erl:89: Function insert_token/4 will never be called
i18n_manager.erl:94: Function insert_translations/1 will never be called
i18n_manager.erl:107: Function insert_translation/2 will never be called
i18n_manager.erl:124: Function get_file_info/1 will never be called