
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/etnt/eopenid.git with the last commit being 8eed600

These are Current warnings for eopenid.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
eopenid_srv.erl:39: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_srv:put_assoc_dict/2. The success typing is (_,[{_,_}]) -> 'ok'
eopenid_v1.erl:104: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:verify_signed_keys/2. The success typing is (string(),[{_,_}]) -> boolean()
eopenid_v1.erl:138: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:checkid_setup/1. The success typing is ([{_,_}]) -> {'ok',nonempty_maybe_improper_list()}
eopenid_v1.erl:168: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:associate/1. The success typing is ([{_,_}]) -> {'error',_} | {'ok',[{_,_},...]}
eopenid_v1.erl:173: The pattern {'ok', Adict} can never match the type 'true' | {'error','not_found'}
eopenid_v1.erl:338: Function mochiweb_parse_body/2 has no local return
eopenid_v1.erl:340: The call eopenid_v1:hvals(Dict::[{_,_},...],[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:342: Function yaws_parse_body/2 has no local return
eopenid_v1.erl:344: The call eopenid_v1:hvals(Dict::[{_,_},...],[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:347: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:hvals/2. The success typing is ([{_,_},...],[any()]) -> [{_,_},...]
eopenid_v1.erl:350: The call eopenid_v1:hvals([{_,_},...],T::[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:352: The call eopenid_v1:hvals([{_,_},...],T::[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:354: The call eopenid_v1:hvals(S::[{_,_},...],T::[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:368: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:gelems/2. The success typing is (['ehtml' | 'head' | 'html' | 'link' | <<_:32>>,...],_) -> [any()]