
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/JacobVorreuter/epm.git with the last commit being 36e9f97

These are Current warnings for epm.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
bitbucket_api.erl:30: Callback info about the api_behavior behaviour is not available
epm_core.erl:524: The pattern 'fasle' can never match the type 'false'
epm_util.erl:67: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'value',_,[{_,_}]}
github_api.erl:2: Callback info about the api_behavior behaviour is not available
github_api.erl:130: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {_,_}