
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 19795e6

These are Current warnings for erlguten.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin
eg_afm.erl:104: Function make/0 has no local return
eg_afm.erl:106: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:110: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:114: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:115: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:116: Function will never be called
eg_afm.erl:118: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:121: Function all_afms/0 has no local return
eg_afm.erl:122: The call file:open(binary() | string(),'read') breaks the contract (Filename,Modes) -> {'ok',IoDevice} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Filename,name()), is_subtype(Modes,[mode()]), is_subtype(IoDevice,io_device()), is_subtype(Reason,posix() | 'badarg' | 'system_limit')
eg_afm.erl:128: Function find_atms/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:145: Function read_locations/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:154: Function file_type/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:161: Function is_dir/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:165: Function exists/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:173: Function first/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:178: Function mk_Make/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:180: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:192: Function mk_eg_font_map/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:193: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:196: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:204: Function parse/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:217: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:223: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:245: Function copy_pfb/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:258: Function mk_program/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:283: Function mk_kern/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:290: Function widths_2_erl/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:299: Function normalise_widths/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:305: Function gather/3 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:312: Function get_fixed_pitch/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:322: Function get_encoding/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:327: Function get_fontBBox/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:333: Function get_font_name/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:338: Function get_val/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:349: Function get_keyword/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:360: Function is_prefix/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:367: Function get_kerning_info/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:368: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:377: Function parse_kerning/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:398: Function charno/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:399: Function will never be called
eg_afm.erl:407: Function get_char_widths/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:408: The created fun has no local return
eg_afm.erl:413: Function add_char/3 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:423: Function parse_char_data/2 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:446: Function flags/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:488: Function stemV/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:544: Function make_flags/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:579: Function file2numbered_lines/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:583: Function str2lines/1 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:585: Function str2lines/4 will never be called
eg_afm.erl:598: Function name_to_char/1 will never be called
eg_pdf_analyse.erl:72: Function test_unpack/0 has no local return
eg_pdf_analyse.erl:671: Function unpack/1 has no local return
eg_pdf_analyse.erl:676: The pattern {_, _, {'stream', Len, Bin, Dict}} can never match the type 'void' | {{'obj',integer(),integer()},_}
eg_pdf_analyse.erl:689: Function write_file/2 will never be called
eg_pdf_analyse.erl:712: Function exists/1 will never be called
eg_pdf_annot.erl:85: The pattern 'freetext' can never match the type 'line'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:87: The pattern 'square' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:88: The pattern 'circle' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:89: The pattern 'highlight' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:90: The pattern 'underline' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:91: The pattern 'squiggly' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:92: The pattern 'strikeout' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:93: The pattern 'stamp' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:94: The pattern 'ink' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:95: The pattern 'popup' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:96: The pattern 'fileattachement' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:97: The pattern 'sound' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:98: The pattern 'movie' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:99: The pattern 'widget' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:100: The pattern 'printermark' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_pdf_annot.erl:101: The pattern 'trapnet' can never match the type 'line' | 'link' | 'text'
eg_xml_lite.erl:100: The pattern {'ok', Tree, _} can never match the type [{'comment',_} | {'doctype',_} | {'pi',_} | {'xml',{_,_} | {_,_,_}},...] | {'error','more_data_expected' | {'errorInLine',_,_}}
eg_xml_lite.erl:104: The pattern {'more', _} can never match the type [{'comment',_} | {'doctype',_} | {'pi',_} | {'xml',{_,_} | {_,_,_}},...]
erlguten.erl:37: Function test/0 has no local return
erlguten.erl:39: Function bug/0 has no local return
erlguten.erl:42: Function batch/1 has no local return
erlguten.erl:70: Function format/1 has no local return
erlguten.erl:85: The call file:write_file(Out::nonempty_string(),[{_,_},...]) breaks the contract (Filename,Bytes) -> 'ok' | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Filename,name()), is_subtype(Bytes,iodata()), is_subtype(Reason,posix() | 'badarg' | 'terminated' | 'system_limit')
erlguten.erl:118: Call to missing or unexported function eg_pdf_lib:draw_box/6