Applications we are currently monitoring

A Warn means that the application currently produces some warnings. For the Current, Concurrency and Intersection warning columns a Fixed! means that at some point in time the application was producing some warnings, but these have been fixed by the developers. Click on the icons to see the relevant pages.

Application Warning-free Current warnings Intersection warnings LOC
aliceWarn/Warn/ 15420
aliterWarn/Warn/ 6513
asciiedocYes!/ 191
beamjsWarn/ 5284
beehiveWarn/Warn/ 42302
beepbeepWarn/ 12339
bert-erlWarn/ 90
bisbinoWarn/ 3869
bitcaskWarn/Warn/ 6160
cacherlYes!/Fixed!/ 1401
cechoWarn/ 770
chordialWarn/Warn/ 845
chordjerlWarn/ 1479
ConcuerrorYes!/ 7052
couchbeamWarn/Warn/ 21172
couchdbWarn/Warn/ 41242
cowboyWarn/ 23641
cucumberlWarn/ 920
discoWarn/Warn/ 20604
distelWarn/ 2159
dynomiteWarn/ 19381
e2Warn/ 1687
ecircaWarn/ 17821
edbiWarn/ 5216
edocWarn/ 11627
edownYes!/ 2171
efeneYes!/ 18980
effigyYes!/ 1288
egearmand-serverWarn/Warn/ 7652
egeoipYes!/ 1521
egitdWarn/ 1808
ehotpWarn/ 443
ejabberdWarn/Fixed!/ 82806
ejWarn/ 562
ejsonWarn/ 1768
eldapWarn/ 8105
elib1Warn/ 19869
elibWarn/ 4317
elixirWarn/Warn/ 31136
elockYes!/ 753
ememcachedYes!/ 280
enetWarn/ 23458
eopenidWarn/Warn/ 1055
eperWarn/Warn/ 5783
epgsqlYes!/ 2033
epmailWarn/ 2308
epmWarn/Warn/ 1776
eredisWarn/ 1982
erlang-amfWarn/Warn/ 1515
erlang-collectdYes!/ 474
erlang-couchdbWarn/ 1009
erlang-facebookWarn/ 309
erlang-github-apiYes!/ 1780
erlangitWarn/Warn/ 649
erlang-jsYes!/ 1939
erlang-jukeboxWarn/ 3863
erlang-mysqlWarn/ 1345
erlang-mysql-driverWarn/ 2242
erlang-oauthWarn/Warn/ 314
erlang-protobuffsWarn/ 833
erlang-rfc4627Warn/ 4231
erlang-twitterWarn/Warn/ 919
erlang-uuidYes!/ 59
erlang-websocketWarn/ 7044
erlawsWarn/ 1478
erlawysWarn/ 3016
erldisWarn/ 2947
erlgmailYes!/ 400
erlgutenWarn/Warn/ 68583
erlideWarn/Warn/ 31288
erl-imgWarn/ 4050
erlmongoWarn/Warn/ 2091
erls3Warn/ 4972
erlsomWarn/Warn/ 17147
erlsonWarn/ 33076
erlsyslogYes!/ 224
ErlwebsockserverYes!/ 7503
erlycairoWarn/ 970
erlydtlWarn/Fixed!/ 14202
erlyvideoWarn/Warn/ 99898
erlywebWarn/Warn/ 13870
ernieWarn/ 1298
esdlWarn/ 10361
esmtpWarn/ 648
eswfWarn/ 2478
etapWarn/ 975
etorrentWarn/Warn/ 77304
eunitWarn/Warn/ 7445
euuidYes!/ 978
ewgiWarn/Warn/ 10088
excavatorWarn/ 1632
ex-fcgiYes!/ 1096
exmppWarn/Warn/ 28544
fermalYes!/ 1234
fragmentronWarn/ 2324
fuzedWarn/ 10230
gen-nb-serverWarn/ 319
gen-paxosWarn/ 603
gen-smtpWarn/ 6637
getoptYes!/ 953
gettextYes!/Fixed!/ 5294
gizaYes!/ 1297
gprocWarn/ 18170
hermlWarn/ 3934
hibariWarn/Warn/ 77166
hovercraftWarn/Warn/ 605
ibrowseYes!/ 4537
innostoreWarn/ 957
iserveWarn/ 1113
jsonerlWarn/ 700
ktuoYes!/ 1063
lagerWarn/ 5539
leexWarn/ 3082
lfeWarn/ 12848
libgeoip-erlangYes!/ 112
log4erlWarn/Warn/ 2548
log-rollerWarn/ 2539
lzjb-erlangYes!/ 148
mcdYes!/ 1246
McErlangWarn/ 36142
mctraceWarn/ 852
meckWarn/ 1808
merleWarn/ 1777
misultinWarn/Warn/ 8096
mochiwebYes!/ 13139
mockgyverWarn/ 6769
mongo-erlang-driverWarn/ 1227
mustache-erlYes!/ 334
natterWarn/Warn/ 1897
neotomaWarn/ 1665
nitrogenWarn/Warn/ 11046
openpokerWarn/ 12464
osmosWarn/ 4536
pgsqlWarn/ 1301
phoebusWarn/Warn/ 26201
php-appWarn/ 898
piqiWarn/Warn/ 5957
playdarWarn/Warn/ 39236
polishWarn/Warn/ 21663
preachWarn/ 2950
properWarn/ 14998
protobuffsYes!/ 1029
pteracudaWarn/Warn/ 457
rabbitWarn/Warn/ 89505
radierlYes!/ 3917
rebarWarn/Fixed!/ 9624
redis-erlYes!/ 203
reiaWarn/ 19930
reverlWarn/ 541
reversehttpYes!/ 7564
riakWarn/Warn/ 55840
rogueunlikeWarn/ 2744
s3imagehostWarn/ 2236
scalarisWarn/Warn/ 84450
sfmt-erlangYes!/ 7774
sgteWarn/Warn/ 3286
simple-bridgeWarn/ 1558
socket-io-erlangWarn/Warn/ 25989
sqlite-erlangWarn/ 832
sshrpcWarn/ 749
stoplightWarn/ 25465
tcerlWarn/Fixed!/ 6304
thrift-erlWarn/ 2799
toraWarn/ 1150
triqWarn/ 5240
tsungWarn/Warn/ 29766
ubfWarn/ 11421
uuidYes!/ 408
uxWarn/Warn/ 24891
webmachineWarn/ 15626
wranglerWarn/Warn/ 66359
yatceWarn/Warn/ 1760
yatsyYes!/ 2505
yawsWarn/Fixed!/ 43363
yxaWarn/Warn/ 106471
zippersYes!/ 856
zotonicWarn/Warn/ 95889