
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 4bd50de

These are Current warnings for erlide.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r .
yeccpre.hrl:70: Function yecc_error_type/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:70: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'wrangler_parse', F, ArityOrArgs} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
distel.erl:465: Function debug_subscribe/1 has no local return
distel.erl:475: The created fun has no local return
distel.erl:475: Fun application with arguments ({'error','unavaible'}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ([any()])
distel.erl:475: The pattern [] can never match the type {'error','unavaible'}
distel.erl:475: The pattern [{Proc, {M, F, A}, Status, Info} | _] can never match the type {'error','unavaible'}
distel.erl:483: Call to missing or unexported function int:subscribe/0
distel.erl:577: Call to missing or unexported function int:attached/1
distel.erl:662: Call to missing or unexported function int:meta/3
distel.erl:671: Call to missing or unexported function int:meta/2
distel.erl:675: Call to missing or unexported function int:meta/3
refac_batch_clone_elimination.erl:9: Callback info about the gen_composite_refac behaviour is not available
refac_add_an_import_attribute.erl:14: Callback info about the gen_refac behaviour is not available
refac_add_to_export.erl:14: Callback info about the gen_refac behaviour is not available
refac_add_to_export.erl:98: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match the type 'ok'
refac_apply_to_remote_call.erl:5: Callback info about the gen_refac behaviour is not available
refac_keysearch_to_keyfind.erl:5: Callback info about the gen_refac behaviour is not available
refac_remove_an_argument.erl:5: Callback info about the gen_refac behaviour is not available
refac_remove_an_import_attribute.erl:13: Callback info about the gen_refac behaviour is not available
refac_specialise_a_function.erl:16: Callback info about the gen_refac behaviour is not available
refac_swap_function_arguments.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_refac behaviour is not available
refac_state_to_record.erl:56: Function eqc_statem_to_record/4 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:63: Function eqc_statem_to_record_eclipse/3 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:67: Function eqc_statem_to_record_1/4 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:90: Function eqc_fsm_to_record/4 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:97: Function eqc_fsm_to_record_eclipse/3 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:101: Function eqc_fsm_to_record_1/4 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:127: Function gen_fsm_to_record/4 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:134: Function gen_fsm_to_record_eclipse/3 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:138: Function gen_fsm_to_record_1/4 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:231: Function state_to_record/4 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:1095: Function check_current_state_type/4 has no local return
refac_state_to_record.erl:1103: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1113: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1143: Function get_current_state_type_1/4 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1156: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1164: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1169: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1173: Function get_current_state_type_2/3 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1174: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1181: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1186: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1189: Function get_gen_fsm_return_types/1 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1213: Function get_eqc_fsm_state_functions/2 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1225: Function get_eqc_fsm_state_functions_1/3 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1229: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1235: Function get_eqc_fsm_state_functions_2/2 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1236: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1243: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1246: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1262: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1265: Function get_gen_fsm_state_functions/3 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1278: Function get_gen_fsm_state_functions_1/4 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1282: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1285: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1294: Function get_gen_fsm_state_functions_2/2 will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1295: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1318: Function will never be called
refac_state_to_record.erl:1798: Function lookup_record/3 will never be called
wrangler_cmd_server.erl:139: The inferred return type of handle_cast/2 ({'noreply','normal',{atom() | pid() | port() | {atom(),atom()},atom() | pid() | port() | {atom(),atom()}}}) has nothing in common with {'noreply',_} | {'noreply',_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer()} | {'stop',_,_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of gen_server behaviour
wrangler_epp_dodger.erl:690: The pattern {_, L, _V} can never match the type {atom(),integer()}
wrangler_expand_rule.erl:300: Function parse_str/2 has no local return
wrangler_expand_rule.erl:313: Function make_match_expr_for_meta_atom/3 has no local return
wrangler_expand_rule.erl:319: Function make_match_expr_for_meta_atom_1/3 has no local return
wrangler_expand_rule.erl:325: Function mk_match_expr_for_meta_atom/7 has no local return
wrangler_expand_rule.erl:341: Function make_match_expr/3 has no local return
wrangler_expand_rule.erl:349: Function make_match_expr_1/3 has no local return
wrangler_expand_rule.erl:356: Function mk_match_expr/7 has no local return
wrangler_io.erl:143: The pattern <_Pid, R> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <pid(),{'format',_,_}>
wrangler_modularity_inspection.erl:256: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
wrangler_modularity_inspection.erl:700: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
wrangler_modularity_inspection.erl:707: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
wrangler_modularity_inspection.erl:768: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
wrangler_modularity_inspection.erl:777: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
wrangler_modularity_inspection.erl:778: Function will never be called
wrangler_modularity_inspection.erl:897: Function format_a_cluster/1 will never be called
wrangler_refacs.erl:191: Invalid type specification for function wrangler_refacs:input_par_prompts_eclipse/1. The success typing is (_) -> {'ok',_}
wrangler_refacs.erl:197: Invalid type specification for function wrangler_refacs:input_par_prompts_c_eclipse/1. The success typing is (_) -> {'ok',_}
wrangler_refacs.erl:228: Invalid type specification for function wrangler_refacs:load_callback_mod_eclipse/2. The success typing is (string(),string()) -> {'error','badfile' | 'native_code' | 'nofile' | 'not_purged' | 'on_load' | 'sticky_directory'} | {'module',atom() | tuple()}
wrangler_refacs.erl:234: Guard test atom() | tuple() =:= Module::string() can never succeed
wrangler_refacs.erl:241: Invalid type specification for function wrangler_refacs:load_user_refactorings/1. The success typing is (binary() | string()) -> [string(),...]
wrangler_syntax_lib.erl:665: Function try_to_get_value/1 has no local return
wrangler_type_info.erl:19: Function get_type_info_using_typer/1 has no local return
wrangler_type_info.erl:26: The created fun has no local return
wrangler_type_info.erl:43: Function get_type_info/1 will never be called
wrangler_type_info.erl:59: Function collect/1 has no local return
wrangler_type_info.erl:142: Function lookup/2 will never be called
wrangler_type_info.erl:160: Call to missing or unexported function dialyzer_codeserver:next_core_label/1
wrangler_type_info.erl:169: Call to missing or unexported function dialyzer_codeserver:insert/2
wrangler_type_info.erl:178: Call to missing or unexported function dialyzer_codeserver:update_next_core_label/2
wrangler_type_info.erl:192: Call to missing or unexported function dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_contracts/3
app_meta.erl:33: Invalid type specification for function app_meta:meta_to_app/1. The success typing is (#app_meta{name::atom(),description::string(),id::string(),vsn::string(),modules::[atom() | tuple()],maxT::'infinity' | integer(),registered::[atom()],included_applications::[atom() | {atom(),[any()] | {_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_}}],applications::[atom() | {atom(),[any()] | {_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_}}],env::[{_,_}],mod::'undefined' | {atom() | tuple(),_},start_phases::'undefined' | [{atom(),_}],otp_version::'undefined' | string(),layout::{'application',_,{'application',_,{_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}} | #layout{src::[any()],include::[any()],ebin::[any()] | {_,_},doc::[any()],priv::[any()] | {_,_}} | #app_meta{name::atom(),description::[any()],id::[any()],vsn::[any()],modules::[any()],maxT::'infinity' | integer(),registered::[any()],included_applications::[any()],applications::[any()],env::[any()],mod::'undefined' | {_,_},start_phases::'undefined' | [any()],otp_version::'undefined' | [any()],layout::{_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_},compiler_options::[any()]}} | #layout{src::[[any()] | {_,_}],include::[[any()] | {_,_}],ebin::string() | {atom(),[any()]},doc::[[any()] | {_,_}],priv::string() | {atom(),[any()]}} | #app_meta{name::atom(),description::string(),id::string(),vsn::string(),modules::[atom() | tuple()],maxT::'infinity' | integer(),registered::[atom()],included_applications::[atom() | {_,_}],applications::[atom() | {_,_}],env::[{_,_}],mod::'undefined' | {atom() | tuple(),_},start_phases::'undefined' | [{_,_}],otp_version::'undefined' | string(),layout::{'application',_,{_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}} | #layout{src::[any()],include::[any()],ebin::[any()] | {_,_},doc::[any()],priv::[any()] | {_,_}} | #app_meta{name::atom(),description::[any()],id::[any()],vsn::[any()],modules::[any()],maxT::'infinity' | integer(),registered::[any()],included_applications::[any()],applications::[any()],env::[any()],mod::'undefined' | {_,_},start_phases::'undefined' | [any()],otp_version::'undefined' | [any()],layout::{_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_},compiler_options::[any()]},compiler_options::[{_,_}]},compiler_options::[{atom(),_}]}) -> {'application',atom(),[{_,_}]}
app_meta.erl:37: Invalid type specification for function app_meta:app_to_meta/1. The success typing is ({'application',_,[any()]}) -> {'app_meta',_,_}
app_meta.erl:41: Invalid type specification for function app_meta:merge_app_to_meta/2. The success typing is (fun((_,_) -> any()),[any()]) -> any()
app_meta.erl:184: Function get_all_modules/1 will never be called
app_meta.erl:185: The created fun has no local return
app_meta.erl:187: The created fun has no local return
app_meta.erl:188: Function will never be called
app_meta.erl:208: Function test/0 has no local return
app_meta.erl:210: The pattern {_, Name, Options} can never match the type #app_meta{name::atom(),description::string(),id::string(),vsn::string(),modules::[atom() | tuple()],maxT::'infinity' | integer(),registered::[atom()],included_applications::[atom() | {atom(),string() | {atom(),string()} | #layout{src::[string() | {atom(),string()}],include::[string() | {atom(),string()}],ebin::string() | {atom(),string()},doc::[string() | {atom(),string()}],priv::string() | {atom(),string()}}}],applications::[atom() | {atom(),string() | {atom(),string()} | #layout{src::[string() | {atom(),string()}],include::[string() | {atom(),string()}],ebin::string() | {atom(),string()},doc::[string() | {atom(),string()}],priv::string() | {atom(),string()}}}],env::[{_,_}],mod::'undefined' | {atom() | tuple(),_},start_phases::'undefined' | [{atom(),_}],otp_version::'undefined' | string(),compiler_options::[{atom(),_}]}
erlide_backend.erl:155: The pattern <[{'eof'} | T], R, V> can never match the type <[{atom(),[any()] | integer() | {_,_}} | {atom(),[any()] | integer() | {_,_},atom() | [any()] | number()},...],[[{_,_} | {_,_,_},...]],[{atom(),[any()] | integer() | {_,_}} | {atom(),[any()] | integer() | {_,_},atom() | [any()] | number()}]>
erlide_dbg_debugged.erl:127: The pattern [{'erlide_dbg_debugged', _, _} | _] can never match the type [{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]},...]
erlide_dbg_ieval.erl:1639: The call eval_bits:match_bits(Fs::any(),B::binary(),Bs1::[any()],BBs::[any()],fun((_,_,_) -> {'match',_}),fun((_,_) -> any()),'false') will never return since it differs in the 5th argument from the success typing arguments: (any(),any(),any(),any(),fun((_,_) -> any()),fun((_,_) -> any()),any())
erlide_dialyze.erl:42: The call erlide_dialyze:do_analysis(Files::any(),'none',Plt::dialyzer_plt:plt(),'none','succ_typings',Includes::any(),NoCheckPLT::any(),From::'byte_code' | 'src_code','none') will never return since it differs in the 9th argument from the success typing arguments: ([binary() | string()],'none' | binary() | string(),'undefined' | dialyzer_plt:plt(),'none' | {[{binary() | [any()],binary()}],dict()},'plt_build' | 'succ_typings',[binary() | string()],any(),'byte_code' | 'src_code','false' | pid())
erlide_dialyze.erl:75: Function dialyze/6 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:162: The pattern {'error', {'no_file_to_remove', F}} can never match the type 'ok' | {'error','no_such_file' | 'not_valid' | 'read_error'} | {'old_version',[{binary() | string(),binary()}]} | {'differ',[{binary() | string(),binary()}],[{'differ',atom()} | {'removed',atom()},...],dict()}
erlide_dialyze.erl:206: The pattern {'error', {'no_file_to_remove', F}} can never match the type 'ok' | {'error','no_such_file' | 'not_valid' | 'read_error'} | {'old_version',[{binary() | string(),binary()}]} | {'differ',[{binary() | string(),binary()}],[{'differ',atom()} | {'removed',atom()},...],dict()}
erlide_dialyze.erl:346: The pattern Err = {'error', _What} can never match the type 'ok' | {'differ',[{_,_}],[{_,_},...]}
erlide_dialyze.erl:352: The pattern Err = {'error', _What} can never match the type 'ok' | {'differ',[{_,_}],[{_,_},...]}
erlide_dialyze.erl:364: The pattern {'error', _} can never match the type 'ok' | {'differ',[{_,_}],[{_,_},...]}
erlide_dialyze.erl:385: The pattern <Md5, Paths, RemoveFiles0, AddFiles0> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <[{binary() | [any()],binary()}],_,[],[]>
erlide_dialyze.erl:455: Function init_diff_list/2 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:456: Function will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:457: Function will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:461: Function will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:463: Function init_md5_list/3 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:464: Function will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:469: Function init_md5_list_1/3 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:486: Function will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:655: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
erlide_dialyze.erl:672: Function native_compile/1 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:679: The created fun has no local return
erlide_dialyze.erl:682: Function hc/1 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:824: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
erlide_dialyze.erl:837: Function print_unknown_behaviours/1 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:864: Function do_print_unknown_behaviours/3 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:870: Function print_warnings/1 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:882: Function will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:884: Function will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:902: Function print_ext_calls/1 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:925: Function do_print_ext_calls/3 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:931: Function print_ext_types/1 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:955: Function do_print_ext_types/3 will never be called
erlide_dialyze.erl:975: The variable Outfile can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'standard_io'
erlide_kernel_ide.erl:14: Function init1/1 will never be called
erlide_kernel_ide.erl:15: Function will never be called
erlide_search_server.erl:169: The pattern 'ok' can never match the type #state{}