
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/etnt/polish.git with the last commit being 857f6ad

These are Current warnings for polish.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin dep
gettext_checker.erl:512: The call lists:nth(Num::integer(),Similar::[]) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (pos_integer(),[any(),...])
gettext_checker.erl:567: The created fun has no local return
gettext_checker.erl:571: The call erlang:'+'(Acc::[any()],1) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (number(),number())
gettext_checker.erl:576: The created fun has no local return
gettext_checker.erl:582: The call erlang:'+'(Acc::[any()],1) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (number(),number())
gettext_checker.erl:919: Guard test is_atom(A::binary()) can never succeed
gettext_checker.erl:920: Guard test is_integer(I::binary()) can never succeed
gettext_checker.erl:922: The variable L can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type binary()
gettext_checker.erl:1036: The call lists:nth(Num::integer(),Similar::[]) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (pos_integer(),[any(),...])
gettext_checker.erl:1050: The pattern {'error', 'user'} can never match the type integer() | {'error',string()}
gettext_checker.erl:1057: The call lists:nth(Num::integer(),Similar::[]) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (pos_integer(),[any(),...])
action_continue.erl:60: Call to missing or unexported function error_handler:error_msg/2
disk_log_h.erl:27: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_event')
disk_log_h.erl:139: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type integer() | {'error',_,integer()}
element_file.erl:13: Call to missing or unexported function io_lib:format/1
element_spinner.erl:21: Call to missing or unexported function wf:render/1
elogger.erl:43: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
elogger.erl:107: Call to missing or unexported function error_logger:simple_logger/0
eopenid_srv.erl:39: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_srv:put_assoc_dict/2. The success typing is (_,[{_,_}]) -> 'ok'
eopenid_v1.erl:103: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:verify_signed_keys/2. The success typing is (string(),[{_,_}]) -> boolean()
eopenid_v1.erl:137: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:checkid_setup/1. The success typing is ([{_,_}]) -> {'ok',nonempty_maybe_improper_list()}
eopenid_v1.erl:167: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:associate/1. The success typing is ([{_,_}]) -> {'error',_} | {'ok',[{_,_},...]}
eopenid_v1.erl:172: The pattern {'ok', Adict} can never match the type 'true' | {'error','not_found'}
eopenid_v1.erl:274: The call eopenid_v1:hvals(Dict::[{_,_},...],[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:279: The call eopenid_v1:hvals(Dict::[{_,_},...],[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:294: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:hvals/2. The success typing is ([{_,_},...],[any()]) -> [{_,_},...]
eopenid_v1.erl:297: The call eopenid_v1:hvals([{_,_},...],T::[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:299: The call eopenid_v1:hvals([{_,_},...],T::[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:301: The call eopenid_v1:hvals(S::[{_,_},...],T::[any()]) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
eopenid_v1.erl:315: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:gelems/2. The success typing is (['ehtml' | 'head' | 'html' | 'link' | <<_:32>>,...],_) -> [any()]
default_cache_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the cache_handler behaviour is not available
default_config_handler.erl:7: Callback info about the config_handler behaviour is not available
default_identity_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the identity_handler behaviour is not available
default_log_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the log_handler behaviour is not available
default_log_handler.erl:21: Function info/3 has no local return
default_log_handler.erl:25: Function warning/3 has no local return
default_log_handler.erl:29: Function error/3 has no local return
nprocreg_registry_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the process_registry_handler behaviour is not available
default_query_handler.erl:11: Callback info about the query_handler behaviour is not available
default_role_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the role_handler behaviour is not available
dynamic_route_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the route_handler behaviour is not available
named_route_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the route_handler behaviour is not available
passthrough_route_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the route_handler behaviour is not available
default_security_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the security_handler behaviour is not available
http_basic_auth_security_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the security_handler behaviour is not available
simple_session_handler.erl:13: Callback info about the session_handler behaviour is not available
default_state_handler.erl:6: Callback info about the state_handler behaviour is not available
inets_request_bridge.erl:6: Callback info about the simple_bridge_request behaviour is not available
inets_response_bridge.erl:6: Callback info about the simple_bridge_response behaviour is not available
misultin_request_bridge.erl:2: Callback info about the simple_bridge_request behaviour is not available
misultin_response_bridge.erl:2: Callback info about the simple_bridge_response behaviour is not available
mochiweb_request_bridge.erl:6: Callback info about the simple_bridge_request behaviour is not available
mochiweb_response_bridge.erl:6: Callback info about the simple_bridge_response behaviour is not available
polish_utils.erl:36: Guard test is_integer(Gsec::{{1..1114111,1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,1..255},{byte(),byte(),byte()}}) can never succeed
polish_utils.erl:123: Function trim_whitespace_test/0 has no local return
polish_utils.erl:124: The created fun has no local return
polish_utils.erl:124: Fun application with arguments ({[9 | 10 | 13 | 32,...],[10 | 101 | 103 | 104 | 106,...],[32,...]}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (binary() | [binary() | string() | char() | {integer(),integer()}] | {integer(),integer()})
polish_utils.erl:125: Guard test binary() | [binary() | string() | char() | {integer(),integer()}] | {integer(),integer()} =:= __X::{[9 | 10 | 13 | 32,...],[10 | 101 | 103 | 104 | 106,...],[32,...]} can never succeed
polish_utils.erl:134: Function restore_whitespace_test/0 has no local return
polish_utils.erl:136: The pattern {_, Text, _} can never match the type binary() | [binary() | string() | char() | {integer(),integer()}] | {integer(),integer()}
polish_utils.erl:137: Function will never be called
polish_web_index.erl:90: The pattern {'changes', [], _} can never match the type {'always_translate' | 'bad_search' | 'po_file' | 'save' | 'save_search' | 'search',_,boolean()}
polish_web_index.erl:119: The pattern <K, 'header_info', S2> can never match the type <'header_info' | maybe_improper_list(any(),'header_info' | []),binary() | [binary() | string() | char() | {integer(),integer()},...] | {integer(),integer()},binary() | [binary() | string() | char() | {integer(),integer()}] | {integer(),integer()}>
validator_is_integer.erl:11: Call to missing or unexported function validator_custom:render_validator/3
validator_max_length.erl:13: Call to missing or unexported function validator_custom:render_validator/3
yaws_response_bridge.erl:6: Callback info about the simple_bridge_response behaviour is not available
polish_po_tests.erl:30: Call to missing or unexported function polish_po:add_new_delete_old_keys/2