
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 45296fb

These are Current warnings for egearmand-server.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
administration.erl:9: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
administration.erl:65: The created fun has no local return
administration.erl:65: Matching of pattern {'worker_proxy_info', _Id, {N1, N2, N3, N4}, WorkerId, Fs, _} tagged with a record name violates the declared type of #worker_proxy_info{identifier::'undefined' | binary(),ip::'undefined' | string(),worker_id::binary(),functions::[binary()],current::'none' | 'undefined' | #job_request{identifier::'undefined' | string(),background::'false' | 'true' | 'undefined',function::'undefined' | binary(),queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()},unique_id::'undefined' | binary(),opaque_data::'undefined' | binary(),level::'high' | 'low' | 'normal' | 'undefined',status::{integer(),integer()},options::{[binary()]},client_socket_id::atom()}}
administration.erl:66: The created fun has no local return
administration.erl:121: The call administration:update_current_info(F::'undefined' | binary(),Ds::{'undefined' | binary(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer(),pos_integer()},[{'undefined' | binary(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer(),pos_integer()},...]) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (any(),[{'undefined' | binary(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer(),pos_integer()}],[{'undefined' | binary(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer(),pos_integer()}])
administration.erl:130: Function update_function_queues_test/0 has no local return
administration.erl:134: Function will never be called
administration.erl:135: Function will never be called
administration.erl:136: Function will never be called
administration.erl:138: Function update_function_count_acum_a_test/0 has no local return
administration.erl:140: Record construction #function_register{function_name::[101 | 115 | 116,...]} violates the declared type of field function_name::'undefined' | binary()
administration.erl:142: The created fun has no local return
administration.erl:143: Function will never be called
administration.erl:146: Function update_function_count_acum_b_test/0 has no local return
administration.erl:148: Record construction #function_register{function_name::[101 | 115 | 116,...]} violates the declared type of field function_name::'undefined' | binary()
administration.erl:150: The created fun has no local return
administration.erl:151: Function will never be called
administration.erl:153: Function count_functions_test/0 has no local return
administration.erl:156: The created fun has no local return
administration.erl:157: Function will never be called
administration.erl:158: The created fun has no local return
administration.erl:159: Function will never be called
administration.erl:160: Function will never be called
client_proxy.erl:9: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
client_proxy.erl:117: Function process_job_bg/5 has no local return
client_proxy.erl:122: The created fun has no local return
client_proxy.erl:123: The created fun has no local return
client_proxy.erl:129: Function process_job/5 has no local return
client_proxy.erl:134: The created fun has no local return
client_proxy.erl:135: The created fun has no local return
connections.erl:5: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
connections.erl:84: Invalid type specification for function connections:server_socket_process/2. The success typing is (port(),_) -> 'ok'
connections.erl:105: Invalid type specification for function connections:process_connection/1. The success typing is (port()) -> 'ok'
connections.erl:212: Function process_job_bg/4 has no local return
connections.erl:217: The created fun has no local return
connections.erl:218: The created fun has no local return
connections.erl:224: Function process_job/4 has no local return
connections.erl:229: The created fun has no local return
connections.erl:230: The created fun has no local return
connections.erl:238: Invalid type specification for function connections:do_recv/2. The success typing is (port(),_) -> {'ok',binary()}
connections.erl:250: Invalid type specification for function connections:do_recv/1. The success typing is (port()) -> {'error','socket_closed'} | {'ok','http_eoh' | binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | []) | {'http_error',binary() | string()} | {'http_request','DELETE' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'TRACE' | binary() | string(),'*' | binary() | string() | {'abs_path',binary() | [any()]} | {'scheme',binary() | [any()],binary() | [any()]} | {'absoluteURI','http' | 'https',binary() | [any()],'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),binary() | [any()]},{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}} | {'http_response',{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},integer(),binary() | string()} | {'http_header',integer(),atom() | binary() | string(),_,binary() | string()}}
functions_registry.erl:9: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
jobs_queue_server.erl:9: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
jobs_queue_server.erl:29: Function submit_job/5 has no local return
jobs_queue_server.erl:37: Record construction #job_request{identifier::[any()],status::{0,0},options::[],client_socket_id::atom()} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | string() and background::'false' | 'true' | 'undefined' and function::'undefined' | binary() and unique_id::'undefined' | binary() and opaque_data::'undefined' | binary() and level::'high' | 'low' | 'normal' | 'undefined' and options::{[binary()]}
jobs_queue_server.erl:50: Function submit_job_from_client_proxy/5 has no local return
jobs_queue_server.erl:52: Record construction #job_request{identifier::[any()],status::{0,0},options::[]} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | string() and background::'false' | 'true' | 'undefined' and function::'undefined' | binary() and unique_id::'undefined' | binary() and opaque_data::'undefined' | binary() and level::'high' | 'low' | 'normal' | 'undefined' and options::{[binary()]} and client_socket_id::atom()
jobs_queue_server.erl:89: Function check_option_for_job/2 has no local return
jobs_queue_server.erl:90: The call lists:any(fun((_) -> boolean()),{[binary()]}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (fun((_) -> boolean()),[any()])
jobs_queue_server.erl:105: The created fun has no local return
jobs_queue_server.erl:106: Record construction #job_request{identifier::'undefined' | string(),background::'false' | 'true' | 'undefined',function::'undefined' | binary(),queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()},unique_id::'undefined' | binary(),opaque_data::'undefined' | binary(),level::'high' | 'low' | 'normal' | 'undefined',status::{integer(),integer()},options::nonempty_improper_list(any(),{[binary()]}),client_socket_id::atom()} violates the declared type of field options::{[binary()]}
jobs_queue_server.erl:152: Function check_option_for_job_test/0 has no local return
jobs_queue_server.erl:153: Record construction #job_request{status::{0,0},options::[<<_:40>>,...]} violates the declared type of field options::{[binary()]}
jobs_queue_server.erl:154: Function will never be called
jobs_queue_server.erl:155: Function will never be called
lists_extensions.erl:166: Function index_test/0 has no local return
lists_extensions.erl:168: The created fun has no local return
lists_extensions.erl:168: Guard test 'not_found' =:= __X::pos_integer() can never succeed
lists_extensions.erl:168: Fun application with arguments (pos_integer()) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ('not_found')
lists_extensions.erl:169: Function will never be called
lists_extensions.erl:170: Function will never be called
lists_extensions.erl:171: Function will never be called
lists_extensions.erl:172: Function will never be called
log.erl:8: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
log.erl:103: The inferred return type of handle_call/3 ({'reply',_}) has nothing in common with {'noreply',_} | {'noreply',_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer()} | {'reply',_,_} | {'stop',_,_} | {'reply',_,_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer()} | {'stop',_,_,_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of gen_server behaviour
log.erl:134: Guard test 'or'('false','false') can never succeed
mnesia_store.erl:50: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
mnesia_store.erl:157: Function with_empty_database/1 has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:162: Function dequeue_test/0 has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:163: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:164: Record construction #job_request{identifier::1,function::'test',queue_key::{'test','high'},level::'high',status::{0,0},options::[]} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | string() and function::'undefined' | binary() and queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()} and options::{[binary()]}
mnesia_store.erl:174: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:175: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:176: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:177: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:178: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:179: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:182: Function insertion_test/0 has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:183: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:184: Record construction #job_request{identifier::1,function::'test',queue_key::{'test','high'},level::'high',status::{0,0},options::[]} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | string() and function::'undefined' | binary() and queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()} and options::{[binary()]}
mnesia_store.erl:189: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:190: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:191: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:195: Function deletion_test/0 has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:196: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:197: Record construction #job_request{identifier::1,function::'test',queue_key::{'test','high'},level::'high',status::{0,0},options::[]} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | string() and function::'undefined' | binary() and queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()} and options::{[binary()]}
mnesia_store.erl:202: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:203: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:204: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:206: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:207: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:210: Function dirty_find_test/0 has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:211: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:212: Record construction #job_request{identifier::1,function::'test',queue_key::{'test','high'},level::'high',status::{0,0},options::[]} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | string() and function::'undefined' | binary() and queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()} and options::{[binary()]}
mnesia_store.erl:217: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:219: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:221: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:224: Function all_test/0 has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:225: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:226: Record construction #job_request{identifier::1,function::'test',queue_key::{'test','high'},level::'high',status::{0,0},options::[]} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | string() and function::'undefined' | binary() and queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()} and options::{[binary()]}
mnesia_store.erl:236: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:237: Function will never be called
mnesia_store.erl:240: Function update_test/0 has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:241: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:242: Record construction #job_request{identifier::1,function::'test',queue_key::{'test','high'},level::'high',status::{0,0},options::[]} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | string() and function::'undefined' | binary() and queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()} and options::{[binary()]}
mnesia_store.erl:247: The created fun has no local return
mnesia_store.erl:249: Function will never be called
proplists_extensions.erl:29: Function get_value_test/0 has no local return
proplists_extensions.erl:30: The created fun has no local return
proplists_extensions.erl:30: Guard test 'default' =:= __X::{_,_} can never succeed
proplists_extensions.erl:30: Fun application with arguments ({_,_}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ('default')
store.erl:137: Invalid type specification for function store:delete_from_all/2. The success typing is (1,[{atom(),[any()]}]) -> [{_,maybe_improper_list()}]
store.erl:178: Function next_test/0 has no local return
store.erl:183: The created fun has no local return
store.erl:183: Guard test atom() =:= __X::1 can never succeed
store.erl:185: Function will never be called
store.erl:187: Function will never be called
store.erl:188: Function will never be called
store.erl:190: Function dequeue_test/0 has no local return
store.erl:197: The created fun has no local return
store.erl:197: Guard test atom() =:= __X::2 can never succeed
store.erl:199: Function will never be called
store.erl:200: Function will never be called
store.erl:210: Function deletion_from_all_test/0 has no local return
store.erl:214: The call store:delete_from_all(1,QueueC::[{atom(),[any()]}]) breaks the contract (atom(),[{atom(),[any()]}]) -> [{atom(),[any()]}]
store.erl:215: The created fun has no local return
store.erl:216: The created fun has no local return
store.erl:216: Function will never be called
worker_proxy.erl:10: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
worker_proxy.erl:80: Record construction #worker_proxy_state{identifier::'undefined' | binary(),functions::[atom(),...],worker_id::'undefined' | binary(),current::'none' | #job_request{identifier::'undefined' | string(),background::'false' | 'true' | 'undefined',function::'undefined' | binary(),queue_key::'undefined' | {binary(),atom()},unique_id::'undefined' | binary(),opaque_data::'undefined' | binary(),level::'high' | 'low' | 'normal' | 'undefined',status::{integer(),integer()},options::{[binary()]},client_socket_id::atom()}} violates the declared type of field functions::[binary()]
worker_proxy.erl:103: The pattern {'job_request', Identifier, _, FunctionName, _, _, Opaque, _, _, _, _} can never match the type 'not_found'
worker_proxy.erl:118: The pattern {'job_request', Identifier, _, FunctionName, _, Unique, Opaque, _, _, _, _} can never match the type 'not_found'
worker_proxy.erl:131: The pattern 'none' can never match the type 'reeschedule'
worker_proxy.erl:144: The pattern 'none' can never match the type 'reeschedule'
worker_proxy.erl:241: Call to missing or unexported function protocol:pack_response/3
worker_proxy.erl:288: Record construction #worker_proxy_info{ip::{byte(),byte(),byte(),byte()} | {char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char()},worker_id::[101 | 110 | 111,...],functions::[],current::'none'} violates the declared type of field identifier::'undefined' | binary() and ip::'undefined' | string() and worker_id::binary()
worker_proxy.erl:375: The call jobs_queue_server:lookup_job(F::binary()) breaks the contract (atom()) -> {'ok',('not_found' | #job_request{})}
workers_registry.erl:8: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')