
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/fredrikt/yxa.git with the last commit being 0dee7a7

These are Current warnings for yxa.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
ELDAPv3.erl:541: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'mandatory'
appserver.erl:12: Callback info about the yxa_app behaviour is not available
contact_param.erl:199: Function test/0 has no local return
contact_param.erl:247: The call contact_param:to_norm([{[108 | 114,...],[]},...]) breaks the contract ([{Name::nonempty_string(),Value::nonempty_string() | 'none'}]) -> contact_param()
dnsutil.erl:261: Function siplookup_naptr/1 has no local return
dnsutil.erl:294: Function naptr_to_srvlist/1 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:300: Function naptr_to_srvlist2/2 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:337: Function debugfriendly_srventry/1 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:340: Function debugfriendly_srventry2/2 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:399: Function sort_srvlist/1 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:716: Function naptrlookup/1 has no local return
dnsutil.erl:717: The call inet_res:nslookup(Name::any(),'in',35) will never return since the success typing is (string() | {byte(),byte(),byte(),byte()} | {char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char()},'any' | 'chaos' | 'hs' | 'in',atom()) -> {'error',_} | {'ok',{_,_,_,_,_,_}} and the contract is (Name,Class,Type) -> {'ok',dns_msg()} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,dns_name() | inet:ip_address()), is_subtype(Class,dns_class()), is_subtype(Type,rr_type()), is_subtype(Reason,inet:posix() | res_error())
dnsutil.erl:749: The pattern <[{'dns_rr', _, 'naptr', _, _, _, Data, _, _, _} | T], Res> can never match the type <[#dns_rr{domain::[],type::1 | 2 | 35,class::'in',cnt::0,ttl::0,data::[any()],bm::[],func::'false'}],[#naptrrecord{order::char(),preference::char(),flags::[any()],services::[any()],regexp::[any()],replacement::[any()]}]>
dnsutil.erl:814: Function naptr_from_tuple/1 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:833: Function remove_last_period/1 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:836: Function remove_last_period/2 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:917: Function srvlookup/2 will never be called
dnsutil.erl:920: The created fun has no local return
eldap.erl:695: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'error',_} | {'ok','http_eoh' | binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | {'http_error',binary() | string()} | {'http_request','DELETE' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'TRACE' | binary() | string(),'*' | binary() | string() | {'abs_path',binary() | [any()]} | {'scheme',binary() | [any()],binary() | [any()]} | {'absoluteURI','http' | 'https',binary() | [any()],'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),binary() | [any()]},{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}} | {'http_response',{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},integer(),binary() | string()} | {'http_header',integer(),atom() | binary() | string(),_,binary() | string()}}
eldap.erl:1063: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type integer()
incomingproxy.erl:13: Callback info about the yxa_app behaviour is not available
incomingproxy_test.erl:92: Function test_route2/0 has no local return
incomingproxy_test.erl:195: Function test_pubsub_routing2/0 has no local return
incomingproxy_test.erl:274: Function test_regexp_routing2/0 has no local return
local.erl:215: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:init/0
local.erl:257: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:url2mnesia_userlist/1
local.erl:289: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:canonify_user/1
local.erl:326: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:canonify_addresses/1
local.erl:397: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookup_homedomain_request/2
local.erl:426: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookup_remote_request/2
local.erl:442: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:is_request_to_this_proxy/1
local.erl:459: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookupregexproute/1
local.erl:482: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookupuser/1
local.erl:504: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookupuser_gruu/2
local.erl:526: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookupuser_locations/2
local.erl:543: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:remove_unsuitable_locations/2
local.erl:556: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookup_url_to_locations/1
local.erl:569: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookup_url_to_addresses/2
local.erl:582: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookup_addresses_to_users/1
local.erl:595: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookup_address_to_users/1
local.erl:608: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookupappserver/1
local.erl:621: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:prioritize_locations/2
local.erl:634: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookupdefault/1
local.erl:647: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookuppotn/1
local.erl:660: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookupnumber/1
local.erl:673: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookupenum/1
local.erl:686: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookuppstn/1
local.erl:699: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:isours/1
local.erl:715: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:homedomain/1
local.erl:743: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_remote_party_number/4
local.erl:765: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:format_number_for_remote_party_id/3
local.erl:789: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_remote_party_name/2
local.erl:806: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:rewrite_potn_to_e164/1
local.erl:825: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_user_with_address/1
local.erl:839: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_users_for_address_of_record/1
local.erl:852: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_users_for_addresses_of_record/1
local.erl:866: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_addresses_for_user/1
local.erl:879: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_addresses_for_users/1
local.erl:892: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_users_for_url/1
local.erl:905: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_password_for_user/1
local.erl:918: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_classes_for_user/1
local.erl:931: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_telephonenumber_for_user/1
local.erl:944: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_forwards_for_users/1
local.erl:962: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:sipuserdb_backend_override/3
local.erl:989: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:sipuserdb_mysql_make_sql_statement/2
local.erl:1007: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_locations_for_users/1
local.erl:1022: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_user_with_contact/1
local.erl:1037: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_locations_with_contact/1
local.erl:1054: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:gruu_make_url/4
local.erl:1070: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:is_gruu_url/1
local.erl:1087: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_user_verified/2
local.erl:1100: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_user_verified_proxy/2
local.erl:1117: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:can_use_address/2
local.erl:1138: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:can_use_address_detail/2
local.erl:1161: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:can_register/2
local.erl:1179: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:is_allowed_pstn_dst/4
local.erl:1202: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:canonify_authusername/2
local.erl:1220: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:incomingproxy_challenge_before_relay/3
local.erl:1236: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:incomingproxy_request_homedomain_event/2
local.erl:1270: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:pstnproxy_route_pstn_not_e164/3
local.erl:1290: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:pstnproxy_auth_and_tag/4
local.erl:1309: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:pstnproxy_allowed_methods/2
local.erl:1327: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:pstnproxy_allowed_proxy_request/2
local.erl:1346: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:pstnproxy_verify_from/4
local.erl:1358: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:pstnproxy_number_based_routing/4
local.erl:1370: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:pstnproxy_lookup_action/2
local.erl:1389: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:outgoingproxy_challenge_before_relay/3
local.erl:1418: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_event_package_module/3
local.erl:1438: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_all_event_packages/0
local.erl:1451: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:eventserver_locationdb_action/3
local.erl:1476: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:start_sippipe/4
local.erl:1518: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:sippipe_received_response/3
local.erl:1537: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:user_has_cpl_script/1
local.erl:1554: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:user_has_cpl_script/2
local.erl:1572: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_cpl_for_user/1
local.erl:1588: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:cpl_log/4
local.erl:1600: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:cpl_is_log_dest/1
local.erl:1612: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:cpl_mail/2
local.erl:1641: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:start_client_transaction/4
local.erl:1670: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:new_request/3
local.erl:1696: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:new_response/3
local.erl:1721: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:is_acceptable_socket/7
local.erl:1739: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:is_tls_equivalent/3
local.erl:1765: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:get_valid_altnames/3
local.erl:1790: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:lookup_sipsocket_blacklist/1
local.erl:1816: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:check_config_type/3
local.erl:1838: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:config_is_soft_reloadable/2
local.erl:1859: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:config_change_action/3
local.erl:1889: Call to missing or unexported function local_default:create_dialog_state_uas/4
lookup.erl:1447: Function test_mnesia_dependant_functions/0 has no local return
mysql_auth.erl:125: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'none'
mysql_auth.erl:136: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'none'
outgoingproxy.erl:15: Callback info about the yxa_app behaviour is not available
outgoingproxy_test.erl:87: Function test_route2/0 has no local return
pstnproxy.erl:16: Callback info about the yxa_app behaviour is not available
registrar.erl:102: The inferred return type of handle_call/3 ({'reply',{'error',[1..255,...],_}}) has nothing in common with {'noreply',_} | {'noreply',_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer()} | {'reply',_,_} | {'stop',_,_} | {'reply',_,_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer()} | {'stop',_,_,_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of gen_server behaviour
siplocation.erl:1745: Function test_mnesia_dependant_functions/0 has no local return
sippacket.erl:274: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
sippacket.erl:288: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
sipserver.erl:87: Call to missing or unexported function ssl:seed/1
sipsocket_tcp.erl:14: Callback info about the sipsocket behaviour is not available
sipsocket_test.erl:13: Callback info about the sipsocket behaviour is not available
sipuserdb_file.erl:19: Callback info about the sipuserdb behaviour is not available
sipuserdb_ldap.erl:11: Callback info about the sipuserdb behaviour is not available
sipuserdb_mnesia.erl:12: Callback info about the sipuserdb behaviour is not available
sipuserdb_mysql.erl:12: Callback info about the sipuserdb behaviour is not available
sipuserdb_test.erl:13: Callback info about the sipuserdb behaviour is not available
stun.erl:240: The pattern 'ignore' can never match the type #stun_result{action::'send_response',type::'ok',change::'both' | 'ip' | 'none' | 'port',response::[binary(),...]}
stun.erl:986: The pattern <6, _In> can never match the type <9 | 10 | 32 | 32802,_>
stun.erl:1001: The pattern <7, _In> can never match the type <9 | 10 | 32 | 32802,_>
stun.erl:1016: The pattern <8, _In> can never match the type <9 | 10 | 32 | 32802,_>
stun.erl:1068: The pattern <20, _In> can never match the type <10 | 32 | 32802,_>
stun.erl:1083: The pattern <21, _In> can never match the type <10 | 32 | 32802,_>
tcp_listener.erl:274: Call to missing or unexported function ssl:accept/1
transactionstatelist.erl:1115: Function test/0 has no local return
transactionstatelist.erl:1172: Record construction #rfc2543_id{uri::#sipurl{},from_tag::[45 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 102,...],to_tag::'none',call_id::[46 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 54 | 55 | 57 | 64 | 99 | 101,...],cseq::{[50,...],[69 | 73 | 78 | 84 | 86,...]},top_via::'error' | 'none' | #via{proto::[any()],port::'none' | integer(),param::[any()]}} violates the declared type of field to_tag::'undefined' | nonempty_string() and top_via::'undefined' | #via{}
transactionstatelist.erl:1250: Function will never be called
transactionstatelist.erl:1378: Function will never be called
transactionstatelist.erl:1383: Function test_check_is_empty_ets_table/1 will never be called
transactionstatelist.erl:1394: Function test_compare_records/3 will never be called
transactionstatelist.erl:1400: Function test_record_info/1 will never be called
yxa_config_check.erl:73: The pattern {'error', Msg} can never match the type 'ok'
yxa_config_default.erl:11: Callback info about the yxa_config behaviour is not available
yxa_config_erlang.erl:12: Callback info about the yxa_config behaviour is not available