
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being ce8c342

These are Current warnings for gen-nb-server.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
gen_nb_server.erl:68: Function start_link/2 has no local return
gen_nb_server.erl:69: The call gen_server:start_link('gen_nb_server',[any(),...],[{'fullsweep_after',0},...]) will never return since it differs in the 3rd argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | tuple(),any(),[{'debug',['debug' | 'log' | 'statistics' | 'trace' | {_,_}]} | {'spawn_opt',['link' | 'monitor' | {_,_}]} | {'timeout','infinity' | non_neg_integer()}])
gen_nb_server.erl:74: Function start_link/3 has no local return
gen_nb_server.erl:75: The call gen_server:start_link(Name::any(),'gen_nb_server',[any(),...],[{'fullsweep_after',0},...]) will never return since it differs in the 4th argument from the success typing arguments: ({'global',_} | {'local',atom()},atom() | tuple(),any(),[{'debug',['debug' | 'log' | 'statistics' | 'trace' | {_,_}]} | {'spawn_opt',['link' | 'monitor' | {_,_}]} | {'timeout','infinity' | non_neg_integer()}])
gen_nb_server.erl:122: The return type {'error',_} in the specification of init/1 is not a subtype of 'ignore' | {'ok',_} | {'stop',_} | {'ok',_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer()}, which is the expected return type for the callback of gen_server behaviour