
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/klacke/yaws.git with the last commit being 16834ce

These are Current warnings for yaws.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin/
yaws.erl:1758: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
yaws.erl:2263: Guard test Ret::'file' == 'fd' can never succeed
yaws.erl:2271: Guard test Ret::'file' == 'binfd' can never succeed
yaws_api.erl:470: The pattern <Data, ParseState = {'mp_parse_state', 'start_header', _, _, _, _}, Acc, [], []> can never match the type <_,#mp_parse_state{state::'header'},_,[any()],[{atom() | [any()],[any()]}]>
yaws_api.erl:1049: Call to missing or unexported function yaws_trace:set_trace_tty/1
yaws_config.erl:462: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
yaws_ctl.erl:524: Function hup/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:529: Function stop/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:533: Function status/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:536: Function load/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:558: Function trace/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:561: Function debug_dump/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:564: Function stats/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:566: Function running_config/1 has no local return
yaws_dav.erl:541: The pattern 'eof' can never match the type {'error',_}
yaws_revproxy.erl:322: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
yaws_sendfile.erl:81: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
yaws_server.erl:4845: The pattern {'ok', {IP, Port}} can never match the type {'unknown' | {byte(),byte(),byte(),byte()} | {char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char(),char()},'unknown' | non_neg_integer()}
yaws_sup_restarts.erl:47: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
yaws_trace.erl:144: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'value',_,[{_,_}]}
yaws_trace.erl:479: Call to missing or unexported function yaws_api:headers_encoding/1