
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 4f39789

These are Current warnings for socket-io-erlang.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin deps
abnfc.erl:52: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',_,[]}
abnfc.erl:55: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',nonempty_string(),[byte()]}
ex_uri.erl:136: The pattern [47 | _] can never match the type 'undefined' | [string(),...]
ex_uri.erl:215: Function simple_uris/0 has no local return
ex_uri.erl:228: Function decode_test_/0 has no local return
ex_uri.erl:229: Function will never be called
ex_uri.erl:230: The created fun has no local return
ex_uri.erl:232: Function will never be called
ex_uri.erl:235: Function encode_test_/0 has no local return
ex_uri.erl:236: Function will never be called
ex_uri.erl:237: The created fun has no local return
ex_uri.erl:239: Function will never be called
jsx.erl:91: Function term_to_json/1 has no local return
jsx.erl:100: Function term_to_json/2 has no local return
jsx_decoder.hrl:130: The pattern {'error', 'badopt'} can never match the type {'error','badarg'} | #opts{encoding::'auto'}
jsx_eep0018.erl:56: Function term_to_json/2 has no local return
jsx_eep0018.erl:63: The call jsx:format(fun(() -> {'incomplete',fun((_) -> any())} | {'event',_,fun(() -> any())}),[any(),...]) will never return since the success typing is (binary(),['indent' | 'space' | {'comments' | 'encoding' | 'indent' | 'output_encoding' | 'space' | 'strict' | 'unquoted_keys','auto' | 'false' | 'true' | 'utf16' | 'utf32' | 'utf8' | integer() | {'utf16','little'} | {'utf32','little'}}]) -> binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | []) and the contract is (JSON::binary(),Opts::format_opts()) -> binary() | iolist()
jsx_format.erl:45: The call jsx_format:format(fun(() -> {'error',{_,_}} | {'incomplete',fun((_) -> any())} | {'event','end_array' | 'end_json' | 'end_object' | 'start_array' | 'start_object' | {_,_},fun(() -> any())}),Opts::maybe_improper_list()) breaks the contract (JSON::binary(),Opts::format_opts()) -> binary() | iolist()
jsx_utils.erl:111: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
jsx_utils.erl:112: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
misultin_http.erl:379: The pattern 'undefined' can never match the type 'close' | 'keep_alive'
misultin_websocket.erl:120: The pattern <_Vsn, _Headers> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <{'draft-hixie',68 | 76},_>
nicefloats.erl:140: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
nicefloats.erl:141: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
proper.erl:1058: The call proper:threw_exception(Prop::any(),RawTrace::[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]) will never return since the success typing is (fun(),nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> boolean() and the contract is (fun(),stacktrace()) -> boolean()
proper.erl:1059: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
proper.erl:1103: Function threw_exception/2 has no local return
proper.erl:1103: The pattern <Fun, [{TopMod, TopName, TopArgs} | _Rest]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
rfc4234_core.erl:199: Guard test Max::'infinity' == pos_integer() can never succeed
socketio_data.erl:88: Function json_encoding_test/0 has no local return
socketio_data.erl:91: The call socketio_data:encode(Msg::#msg{content::[{<<_:40>>,<<_:40>>},...],json::'true',length::0}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (#heartbeat{index::integer()} | #msg{content::[any()],json::'false'})
socketio_data_v1.erl:27: Function json/3 has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:32: Function event/4 has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:49: Function ack/2 has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:146: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:146: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:149: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:149: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:151: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:151: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:153: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:153: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:158: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:158: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:160: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:160: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:162: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:162: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:184: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:184: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:213: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:213: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:215: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:215: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:217: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:217: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:219: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:219: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:224: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:224: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:226: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:226: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:228: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:228: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:234: The created fun has no local return
socketio_data_v1.erl:234: The created fun has no local return
socketio_http_misultin.erl:2: Callback info about the socketio_http_server behaviour is not available
socketio_http_misultin.erl:33: Call to missing or unexported function misultin_req:chunk/2
socketio_http_misultin.erl:53: Call to missing or unexported function misultin_req:options/2
socketio_transport_htmlfile.erl:255: Function send_message/3 has no local return
socketio_transport_polling.erl:297: Function send_message_1/5 has no local return
socketio_transport_polling.erl:331: Function escape/1 will never be called