
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/freeakk/ux.git with the last commit being 2feba99

These are Current warnings for ux.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
ux_cldr.erl:76: Function get_env/0 has no local return
ux_cldr.erl:77: The created fun has no local return
ux_cldr.erl:77: The call lists:map(fun((_) -> none()),['locale',...]) will never return since the success typing arguments are (fun((_) -> any()),[any()])
ux_cldr.erl:82: Function set_env/1 will never be called
ux_cldr.erl:83: The created fun has no local return
ux_cldr_server.erl:30: Call to missing or unexported function ux_cldr:get_value/2
ux_cldr_support.erl:4: Function make_hrl_files/0 has no local return
ux_cldr_support.erl:32: Function extract_files/1 has no local return
ux_cldr_support.erl:33: The call ux_unidata:get_source_file('cldr_core') will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ('allkeys' | 'blocks' | 'comp_exclusions' | 'grapheme_break_property' | 'norm_props' | 'scripts' | 'unidata' | 'word_break_property')
ux_cldr_support.erl:34: The created fun has no local return
ux_cldr_support.erl:49: Function xsd_to_hrl/1 will never be called
ux_cldr_support.erl:50: The created fun has no local return
ux_cldr_support.erl:56: Function xsd_to_hrl/2 will never be called
ux_cldr_support.erl:63: Call to missing or unexported function ux_unidata:get_xsd_file/1
ux_erlsom_model_server.erl:24: Call to missing or unexported function ux_unidata:get_xsd_file/1
ux_html.erl:41: Invalid type specification for function ux_html:strip_tags/2. The success typing is (maybe_improper_list(),[any()]) -> [any()]
ux_html.erl:48: Invalid type specification for function ux_html:strip_tags/3. The success typing is (maybe_improper_list(),[any()],[any()]) -> [any()]
ux_html.erl:111: The pattern <_, [], _, _, _> can never match the type <_,[any(),...],[any()],boolean(),integer()>
ux_locale.erl:17: Function decode/1 will never be called
ux_string.erl:84: Function comp/2 will never be called
ux_string.erl:663: The pattern <Canonical, Str> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <boolean(),nonempty_maybe_improper_list()>
ux_string.erl:913: The pattern <[], _Buf = [], Res> can never match the type <[any()],[any(),...],[[any(),...]]>
ux_uca.erl:281: Function weights/1 will never be called
ux_uca.erl:352: The call ux_uca:do_alt(A::fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),WH::[any()]) breaks the contract (fun(),binary() | integer()) -> [integer()]
ux_uca.erl:355: The created fun has no local return
ux_uca.erl:362: The created fun has no local return
ux_uca.erl:390: The pattern <S, _W = [], R> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:391: The created fun has no local return
ux_uca.erl:395: The pattern <S, [[_WH = 0] | WT], R> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:397: The pattern <S, [[_WH = 0 | WR] | WT], R> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:399: The pattern <S, [[WH] | WT], R> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:400: The created fun has no local return
ux_uca.erl:402: The pattern <S, [[WH | WR] | WT], R> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:403: The created fun has no local return
ux_uca.erl:414: The pattern <S, _W = [], R> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:415: The created fun has no local return
ux_uca.erl:419: The pattern <S, [[_WH = 0] | WT], R> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:421: The pattern <S, [[_WH = 0 | WR] | WT], R> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:423: The pattern <S, [[WH] | WT], R> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:424: The created fun has no local return
ux_uca.erl:426: The pattern <S, [[WH | WR] | WT], R> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,[],[]>
ux_uca.erl:427: The created fun has no local return
ux_uca.erl:615: The call ux_uca:do_search_extract(NewM::'minimal',C::#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},NewS::string(),D::fun(),NewA::any(),NewPW::[[any(),...],...]) breaks the contract (M::atom(),#uca_options{},S::string(),D::fun(),A::fun(),PW::uca_weights()) -> term()
ux_uca.erl:644: The call ux_uca:do_search_extract(M::'maximal' | 'minimal',C::#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},NewS::string(),D::fun(),NewA::any(),NewPW::[[any(),...],...]) breaks the contract (M::atom(),#uca_options{},S::string(),D::fun(),A::fun(),PW::uca_weights()) -> term()
ux_uca_common.hrl:4: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_sort_key_uncompressed:do_alt/2. The success typing is (fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),[any(),...]) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}
ux_uca_common.hrl:4: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_sort_key_list:do_alt/2. The success typing is (fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),[any(),...]) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}
ux_uca_common.hrl:4: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_sort_key_binary_cs:do_alt/2. The success typing is (fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),[any(),...]) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}
ux_uca_common.hrl:4: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_sort_key_binary:do_alt/2. The success typing is (fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),[any(),...]) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}
ux_uca_common.hrl:4: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca:do_alt/2. The success typing is (fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),[any(),...]) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}
ux_uca_common.hrl:6: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_sort_key_uncompressed:do_extract/3. The success typing is (#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},string(),fun()) -> {[[any()]],string()}
ux_uca_common.hrl:6: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_sort_key_list:do_extract/3. The success typing is (#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},string(),fun()) -> {[[any()]],string()}
ux_uca_common.hrl:6: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_sort_key_binary_cs:do_extract/3. The success typing is (#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},string(),fun()) -> {[[any()]],string()}
ux_uca_common.hrl:6: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_sort_key_binary:do_extract/3. The success typing is (#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},string(),fun()) -> {[[any()]],string()}
ux_uca_common.hrl:6: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca:do_extract/3. The success typing is (#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},string(),fun()) -> {[[any()]],string()}
ux_uca_common.hrl:11: Function do_alt/3 will never be called
ux_uca_common.hrl:20: Function do_extract/3 will never be called
ux_uca_common.hrl:34: Function split_levels/3 will never be called
ux_uca_common.hrl:41: The pattern <[WH | WT], Res, Rem> can never match the type <[],[],[]>
ux_uca_common.hrl:41: Function do_split_levels/3 will never be called
ux_uca_common.hrl:51: Function get_reassign_function/2 will never be called
ux_uca_extract.erl:27: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_extract:extract/3. The success typing is (#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},fun(),string()) -> {[[any()]],string()}
ux_uca_extract.erl:36: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_extract:do_extract/3. The success typing is (#uca_options{hangul_terminator::integer(),natural_sort::boolean(),strength::1 | 2 | 3 | 4,alternate::'blanked' | 'non_ignorable' | 'shift_trimmed' | 'shifted',case_sensitive::boolean(),case_first::'lower' | 'off' | 'upper',backwards::boolean(),sort_key_format::'binary' | 'list' | 'uncompressed'},fun(),string()) -> {[[any()]],string()}
ux_uca_extract.erl:73: Function check_weights/1 will never be called
ux_uca_extract.erl:74: Function do_check_weights/1 will never be called
ux_uca_extract.erl:86: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type []
ux_uca_extract.erl:202: Invalid type specification for function ux_uca_extract:do_decimal/5. The success typing is (fun(('get_more' | 'restart' | 'term' | [any()]) -> 'no_more' | fun(([any()],[any()]) -> {_,_}) | integer() | {[any()],[]}),fun((_) -> nonempty_maybe_improper_list()),integer(),[any()],[[atom() | integer()]]) -> 'no_more' | fun(([any()],[any()]) -> {_,_}) | integer() | {_,_}
ux_uca_extract.erl:215: The call ux_uca_extract:do_decimal(NewE::[],F::fun((_) -> nonempty_maybe_improper_list()),N::number(),NewW::[any()],Acc::any()) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (fun(('get_more' | 'restart' | 'term' | [any()]) -> 'no_more' | fun(([any()],[any()]) -> {_,_}) | integer() | {[any()],[]}),fun((_) -> nonempty_maybe_improper_list()),integer(),[any()],[[atom() | integer()]])
ux_uca_extract.erl:331: The call ux_uca_extract:do_extract1(S::nonempty_maybe_improper_list(),MFn::fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list(),_) -> 'bad_ccc' | {_,_}),Key::[],OldCCC::'false',Skipped::[],Res::'false') breaks the contract (string(),fun(),string(),ux_ccc() | 'false',string(),uca_array()) -> {'result',string(),string()} | 'not_found'
ux_uca_extract.erl:364: The call ux_uca_extract:do_extract1(T::any(),MFn::fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list(),_) -> 'bad_ccc' | {_,_}),NewKey::[any(),...],CCC::'false' | byte(),Skipped::[any()],'more') breaks the contract (string(),fun(),string(),ux_ccc() | 'false',string(),uca_array()) -> {'result',string(),string()} | 'not_found'
ux_uca_extract.erl:367: The call ux_uca_extract:do_extract1(T::any(),MFn::fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list(),_) -> 'bad_ccc' | {_,_}),NewKey::[any(),...],CCC::'false' | byte(),Skipped::[any()],'more') breaks the contract (string(),fun(),string(),ux_ccc() | 'false',string(),uca_array()) -> {'result',string(),string()} | 'not_found'
ux_uca_extract.erl:409: Function do_implicit/1 will never be called
ux_uca_extract.erl:490: Function implicit_weight/2 will never be called
ux_uca_sort_key_binary.erl:26: The call ux_uca_sort_key_binary:do_alt(A::fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),WH::[any()]) breaks the contract (fun(),binary() | integer()) -> [integer()]
ux_uca_sort_key_binary.erl:62: The pattern [_ | _] can never match the type []
ux_uca_sort_key_binary_cs.erl:28: The call ux_uca_sort_key_binary_cs:do_alt(A::fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),WH::[any()]) breaks the contract (fun(),binary() | integer()) -> [integer()]
ux_uca_sort_key_binary_cs.erl:47: The pattern <_S = 0, _B, [], D, _A, _R, K> can never match the type <1 | 2 | 3 | 4,boolean(),[],fun(),fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),[],[]>
ux_uca_sort_key_binary_cs.erl:61: The pattern 3 can never match the type 2
ux_uca_sort_key_binary_cs.erl:68: The pattern [_ | _] can never match the type []
ux_uca_sort_key_list.erl:25: The call ux_uca_sort_key_list:do_alt(A::fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),WH::[any()]) breaks the contract (fun(),binary() | integer()) -> [integer()]
ux_uca_sort_key_list.erl:52: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type []
ux_uca_sort_key_list.erl:54: The pattern [_ | _] can never match the type []
ux_uca_sort_key_uncompressed.erl:25: The call ux_uca_sort_key_uncompressed:do_alt(A::fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list()) -> {fun((_) -> any()),_}),WH::[any()]) breaks the contract (fun(),binary() | integer()) -> [integer()]
ux_uca_sort_key_uncompressed.erl:50: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type []
ux_uca_sort_key_uncompressed.erl:52: The pattern [_ | _] can never match the type []
ux_unidata_filelist.erl:228: The call application:set_env(Name::atom(),Key::{_,_},Val::fun((_) -> any())) breaks the contract (Application,Par,Val) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Application,atom()), is_subtype(Par,atom()), is_subtype(Val,term())
ux_unidata_parser.erl:65: Invalid type specification for function ux_unidata_parser:run/1. The success typing is ({atom(),'all' | [atom()],_}) -> {'ok',[],[any()]}
ux_unidata_parser.erl:81: The call file:close(FileName::[atom() | [any()] | char()]) breaks the contract (IoDevice) -> 'ok' | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(IoDevice,io_device()), is_subtype(Reason,posix() | 'badarg' | 'terminated')
ux_unidata_parser.erl:183: The pattern <[{Name, _Table} | EtsTail], [{_, 'skip'} | ValTail]> can never match the type <[],[any()]>
ux_unidata_parser.erl:185: The pattern <[{Name, Table} | EtsTail], [{_, Val} | ValTail]> can never match the type <[],[any()]>
ux_unidata_parser.erl:197: Invalid type specification for function ux_unidata_parser:split/2. The success typing is (_,[any()]) -> [[any()],...]
ux_unidata_parser.erl:354: Invalid type specification for function ux_unidata_parser:do_expand_fun/4. The success typing is (atom() | tid(),atom(),string(),_) -> string()
ux_unidata_parser.erl:367: Invalid type specification for function ux_unidata_parser:do_expand_fun_next/5. The success typing is (atom() | tid(),atom(),string(),_,_) -> string()
ux_unidata_parser_allkeys.erl:16: Function parse/1 has no local return
ux_unidata_parser_allkeys.erl:276: Function parse_el/1 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_allkeys.erl:282: Function parse_el/4 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_allkeys.erl:298: Function el_res/2 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_allkeys.erl:302: Function split_large_weights/2 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_allkeys.erl:323: Function el_to_bin/1 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_allkeys.erl:324: Function do_el_to_bin/2 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_allkeys.erl:330: Function type_int/1 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_blocks.erl:38: Function parse_code/1 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_cldr_collation.erl:21: Call to missing or unexported function ux_cldr:get_env/0
ux_unidata_parser_cldr_collation.erl:26: Call to missing or unexported function ux_cldr:set_env/1
ux_unidata_parser_cldr_collation.erl:30: Function parse/2 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_grapheme_break_property.erl:51: Function parse_code/1 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_norm_props.erl:59: Function parse_code/1 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_scripts.erl:37: Function parse_code/1 will never be called
ux_unidata_parser_unidata.erl:20: Function parse/1 has no local return
ux_unidata_parser_word_break_property.erl:37: Function parse_code/1 will never be called
ux_unidata_store.erl:187: The call ets:delete(Table::integer()) does not have a term of type atom() | tid() (with opaque subterms) as 1st argument