
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being bc48604

These are Current warnings for erlsom.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin
erlsom_compile.erl:830: The pattern <{'groupRefType', _, Ref, _, _}, Acc = {'p1acc', _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Nss, _, _, _, _, _}> can never match the type <#localElementType{},#p1acc{tps::[any()],attGrps::[any()],atts::[any()],seqCnt::non_neg_integer(),nsp::[any()],imported::[any()],path::[any(),...]}>
erlsom_lib.erl:735: The pattern {'ok', Body} can never match the type {'error',nonempty_maybe_improper_list()}
erlsom_lib.erl:742: Function prefix/1 will never be called
erlsom_lib.erl:756: The pattern {_Method, _, _Host, _Port, _Path, _Qargs} can never match the type {'error','no_scheme' | {'malformed_url',_} | {'not_supported_scheme',atom()}} | {'ok',{'http',_,_,_,_,_} | {'https',_,_,_,_,_}}
erlsom_write.erl:530: The pattern [] can never match the type nonempty_string()