
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git with the last commit being 948318c

These are Current warnings for ejabberd.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists src
cyrsasl_anonymous.erl:32: Callback info about the cyrsasl behaviour is not available
cyrsasl_digest.erl:37: Callback info about the cyrsasl behaviour is not available
cyrsasl_plain.erl:32: Callback info about the cyrsasl behaviour is not available
cyrsasl_scram.erl:37: Callback info about the cyrsasl behaviour is not available
ejabberd_c2s.erl:33: Callback info about the p1_fsm behaviour is not available
ejabberd_s2s_in.erl:30: Callback info about the p1_fsm behaviour is not available
ejabberd_s2s_in.erl:136: Function start_link/2 has no local return
ejabberd_s2s_in.erl:137: The call p1_fsm:start_link('ejabberd_s2s_in',[any(),...],[{'max_queue',2000},...]) will never return since it differs in the 3rd argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | tuple(),any(),[{'debug',['debug' | 'log' | 'statistics' | 'trace' | {_,_}]} | {'spawn_opt',['link' | 'monitor' | {_,_}]} | {'timeout','infinity' | non_neg_integer()}])
ejabberd_s2s_out.erl:30: Callback info about the p1_fsm behaviour is not available
ejabberd_service.erl:32: Callback info about the p1_fsm behaviour is not available
eldap.erl:442: Call to missing or unexported function ssl:seed/1
mod_adhoc.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_announce.erl:33: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_blocking.erl:29: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_caps.erl:33: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_configure.erl:33: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_configure2.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_disco.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_echo.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_http_bind.erl:38: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_http_fileserver.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_ip_blacklist.erl:32: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_irc.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_last.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_last_odbc.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_muc.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_muc_log.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_offline.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_offline_odbc.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_privacy.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_privacy_odbc.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_private.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_private_odbc.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_proxy65.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_pubsub.erl:50: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_pubsub.erl:1072: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
mod_pubsub.erl:1092: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
mod_pubsub.erl:1561: The pattern {S, SID} can never match the type 'none' | 'subscribed'
mod_pubsub.erl:2063: Guard test PersistItems::boolean() == 0 can never succeed
mod_pubsub.erl:3930: The call mod_pubsub:extended_error('feature-not-implemented','unsupported',[45 | 97 | 101 | 102 | 105 | 108 | 110 | 111 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118,...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ({'xmlelement',_,_,[any()]},any(),any())
mod_pubsub_odbc.erl:50: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_pubsub_odbc.erl:880: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
mod_pubsub_odbc.erl:900: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
mod_pubsub_odbc.erl:1376: The pattern {S, SID} can never match the type 'none' | 'subscribed'
mod_pubsub_odbc.erl:2438: The pattern {'error', 'notfound'} can never match the type {'result','ok'}
mod_pubsub_odbc.erl:2978: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'error','notfound'} | {'result',#pubsub_subscription{options::[{_,_}]}}
mod_pubsub_odbc.erl:3775: The call mod_pubsub_odbc:extended_error('feature-not-implemented','unsupported',[45 | 97 | 101 | 102 | 105 | 108 | 110 | 111 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118,...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ({'xmlelement',_,_,[any()]},any(),any())
mod_register.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_register_web.erl:56: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_roster.erl:39: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_roster_odbc.erl:39: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_service_log.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_shared_roster.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_shared_roster_ldap.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_sic.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_stats.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_time.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_vcard.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_vcard_ldap.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_vcard_odbc.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_vcard_xupdate.erl:10: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
mod_version.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_mod behaviour is not available
node_buddy.erl:32: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_club.erl:32: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_dag.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_dispatch.erl:32: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_flat.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_flat_odbc.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_hometree.erl:47: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_hometree.erl:355: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [any()]
node_hometree_odbc.erl:49: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_hometree_odbc.erl:347: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'result',[any()]}
node_hometree_odbc.erl:809: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'result',[any()]}
node_hometree_odbc.erl:1237: The pattern <_Affiliation, _Subscription> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <'member' | 'none' | 'outcast' | 'owner' | 'publisher',_>
node_hometree_odbc.erl:1379: The variable I can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type nonempty_string()
node_mb.erl:43: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_pep.erl:36: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_pep_odbc.erl:38: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_pep_odbc.erl:149: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'result',{'default','broadcast'}}
node_private.erl:32: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
node_public.erl:32: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_node behaviour is not available
nodetree_dag.erl:44: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_nodetree behaviour is not available
nodetree_tree.erl:44: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_nodetree behaviour is not available
nodetree_tree_odbc.erl:45: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_nodetree behaviour is not available
nodetree_virtual.erl:39: Callback info about the gen_pubsub_nodetree behaviour is not available
p1_fsm.erl:295: Call to missing or unexported function global:safe_whereis_name/1
p1_fsm.erl:317: Call to missing or unexported function global:safe_whereis_name/1
pubsub_subscription.erl:141: The variable Other can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [tuple()]
pubsub_subscription.erl:271: The pattern 'digest' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:272: The pattern 'digest_frequency' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:273: The pattern 'expire' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:274: The pattern 'include_body' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:281: The pattern 'digest' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:282: The pattern 'digest_frequency' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:283: The pattern 'expire' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:284: The pattern 'include_body' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:300: The pattern 'digest' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:301: The pattern 'digest_frequency' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:302: The pattern 'expire' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:303: The pattern 'include_body' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription.erl:310: The pattern <'digest', Val> can never match the type <'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type',_>
pubsub_subscription.erl:311: The pattern <'digest_frequency', Val> can never match the type <'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type',_>
pubsub_subscription.erl:312: The pattern <'expire', Val> can never match the type <'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type',_>
pubsub_subscription.erl:313: The pattern <'include_body', Val> can never match the type <'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type',_>
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:139: The variable Other can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [tuple()]
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:243: The pattern 'digest' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:244: The pattern 'digest_frequency' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:245: The pattern 'expire' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:246: The pattern 'include_body' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:253: The pattern 'digest' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:254: The pattern 'digest_frequency' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:255: The pattern 'expire' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:256: The pattern 'include_body' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:272: The pattern 'digest' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:273: The pattern 'digest_frequency' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:274: The pattern 'expire' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:275: The pattern 'include_body' can never match the type 'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type'
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:282: The pattern <'digest', Val> can never match the type <'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type',_>
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:283: The pattern <'digest_frequency', Val> can never match the type <'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type',_>
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:284: The pattern <'expire', Val> can never match the type <'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type',_>
pubsub_subscription_odbc.erl:285: The pattern <'include_body', Val> can never match the type <'show_values' | 'subscription_depth' | 'subscription_type',_>
yeccpre.hrl:70: Function yecc_error_type/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:70: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'eldap_filter_yecc', F, ArityOrArgs} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>