
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 78cbc65

These are Current warnings for phoebus.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin deps
external_store_file.erl:25: Callback info about the external_store behaviour is not available
external_store_hdfs.erl:25: Callback info about the external_store behaviour is not available
external_store_hdfs.erl:180: Call to missing or unexported function thrift_client:close/3
phoebus_worker.erl:193: The call worker_store:sync_table(Table::any(),'vertex',0,'true') will never return since it differs in the 4th argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),atom(),integer(),'false')
phoebus_worker.erl:287: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type []
phoebus_worker.erl:468: The call worker_store:sync_table(Table::any(),'vertex',Step::any(),'true') will never return since it differs in the 4th argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),atom(),integer(),'false')
phoebus_worker.erl:600: Function run_algo/6 has no local return
phoebus_worker.erl:602: The call worker_store:sync_table(Table::any(),'vertex',Step::integer(),'true') will never return since it differs in the 4th argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),atom(),integer(),'false')
phoebus_worker.erl:617: The created fun has no local return
phoebus_worker.erl:628: Function algo_loop/11 will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:672: Function iterate_msg/11 will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:713: Function iterate_vertex/10 will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:717: The created fun has no local return
phoebus_worker.erl:758: Function handle_msgs/4 will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:760: The created fun has no local return
phoebus_worker.erl:784: Function open_fd/4 will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:790: Function apply_aggregate/3 will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:793: Function apply_combine/2 will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:795: Function will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:798: Function apply_combine2/2 will never be called
phoebus_worker.erl:801: The created fun has no local return
thriftHadoopFileSystem_thrift.erl:8: Callback info about the thrift_service behaviour is not available
thrift_base64_transport.erl:22: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_binary_protocol.erl:22: Callback info about the thrift_protocol behaviour is not available
thrift_buffered_transport.erl:22: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_disk_log_transport.erl:25: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_file_transport.erl:22: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_framed_transport.erl:22: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_http_transport.erl:22: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_memory_buffer.erl:22: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_socket_transport.erl:22: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_transport_state_test.erl:23: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
worker_store.erl:115: The call dets:open_file(TName::any(),{'file',_}) breaks the contract (Name,Args) -> {'ok',Name} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Name,tab_name()), is_subtype(Args,[OpenArg]), is_subtype(OpenArg,{'access',access()} | {'auto_save',auto_save()} | {'estimated_no_objects',non_neg_integer()} | {'file',file:name()} | {'max_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'min_no_slots',no_slots()} | {'keypos',keypos()} | {'ram_file',boolean()} | {'repair',boolean() | 'force'} | {'type',type()} | {'version',version()}), is_subtype(Reason,term())
worker_store.erl:374: The pattern <'msg', JobId, WId, Step, RWId, Idx> can never match the type <'vertex',[any()],integer(),integer(),integer(),_>