
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/cliffmoon/dynomite.git with the last commit being a5618dc

These are Current warnings for dynomite.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin deps
mochijson.erl:481: The pattern 'unicode' can never match the type 'utf8'
mochiweb_http.erl:103: The pattern {'error', {'http_error', "\r\n"}} can never match the type {'error',atom()} | {'ok','http_eoh' | binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | []) | {'http_error',binary() | string()} | {'http_response',{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},integer(),binary() | string()} | {'http_header',integer(),atom() | binary() | string(),_,binary() | string()}}
mochiweb_http.erl:105: The pattern {'error', {'http_error', "\n"}} can never match the type {'error',atom()} | {'ok','http_eoh' | binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | []) | {'http_error',binary() | string()} | {'http_response',{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},integer(),binary() | string()} | {'http_header',integer(),atom() | binary() | string(),_,binary() | string()}}
mochiweb_request.erl:202: Function start_response/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:211: Function start_raw_response/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:218: The call mochiweb:new_response({{_,port(),_,_,_,_},binary() | maybe_improper_list() | integer(),gb_tree()}) contains an opaque term as 1st argument when a structured term of type {_,_,[any()] | tuple()} is expected
mochiweb_request.erl:226: Function start_response_length/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:236: Function respond/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:280: Function not_found/1 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:286: Function not_found/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:293: Function ok/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:466: Function serve_file/3 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:471: Function serve_file/4 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:532: Function iodevice_stream/2 will never be called
mochiweb_sup.erl:26: The pattern [Spec | _] can never match the type []
thrift_base64_transport.erl:3: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_buffered_transport.erl:11: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_client.erl:96: Function cast/3 will never be called
thrift_client.erl:173: The pattern {_, 'function_info', [Function, _]} can never match the type {atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}
thrift_disk_log_transport.erl:13: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_disk_log_transport.erl:38: The call timer:apply_interval(N::pos_integer(),'thrift_disk_log_transport','force_flush',State::#dl_transport{log::atom(),close_on_close::boolean(),sync_every::'infinity' | pos_integer()}) breaks the contract (Time,Module,Function,Arguments) -> {'ok',TRef} | {'error',Reason} when is_subtype(Time,time()), is_subtype(Module,module()), is_subtype(Function,atom()), is_subtype(Arguments,[term()]), is_subtype(TRef,tref()), is_subtype(Reason,term())
thrift_file_transport.erl:4: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_framed_transport.erl:11: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_http_transport.erl:11: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
thrift_socket_transport.erl:3: Callback info about the thrift_transport behaviour is not available
block_server.erl:48: Function read_free/2 will never be called
block_server.erl:167: The pattern <Keys, [0 | Bytes]> can never match the type <pid() | {'file_descriptor',atom() | tuple(),_},[]>
block_server.erl:177: Function deserialize/1 will never be called
bloom.erl:40: The call erlang:open_port({'spawn', 'bloom_drv'},['binary',...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | {'spawn',string()} | {'spawn_driver',string()} | {'spawn_executable',binary() | [integer()]} | {'fd',integer(),integer()},['binary' | 'eof' | 'exit_status' | 'hide' | 'in' | 'nouse_stdio' | 'out' | 'stderr_to_stdout' | 'stream' | 'use_stdio' | {'arg0' | 'args' | 'cd' | 'env' | 'line' | 'packet',binary() | [binary() | [integer()] | integer() | {_,_}] | integer()}])
dmerkle.erl:84: Function get_state/1 will never be called
dmerkle.erl:509: Function foldl/4 will never be called
dmerkle.erl:511: The created fun has no local return
dmerkle.erl:534: Function scan_for_nulls/2 will never be called
dmerkle.erl:535: The created fun has no local return
dmerkle.erl:800: The pattern <{'leaf', _, _, Offset}, {'leaf', _, _, _}> can never match the type <_,#node{}>
dmerkle.erl:807: Function offset/2 will never be called
dmerkle.erl:814: Function m/2 will never be called
dmtree.erl:89: Function state/1 will never be called
dmtree.erl:413: Function true_size/1 will never be called
dmtree.erl:414: The created fun has no local return
dmtree.erl:548: Function deserialize/1 will never be called
dynomite.erl:65: Function collect_loop/0 has no local return
dynomite_app.erl:67: Function verify_ulimit/1 will never be called
dynomite_app.erl:76: Function alter_ulimit/2 will never be called
dynomite_rpc.erl:51: Call to missing or unexported function erlang:disconnect/1
dynomite_web.erl:79: Function get_option/2 will never be called
ets_storage.erl:59: The variable Failure can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type boolean()
ets_storage.erl:64: The pattern 'ok' can never match the type 'true'
fnv.erl:31: The created fun has no local return
fnv.erl:68: Function loop/1 will never be called
fnv.erl:85: Function open/0 has no local return
fnv.erl:86: The call erlang:open_port({'spawn', 'fnv_drv'},['binary',...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | {'spawn',string()} | {'spawn_driver',string()} | {'spawn_executable',binary() | [integer()]} | {'fd',integer(),integer()},['binary' | 'eof' | 'exit_status' | 'hide' | 'in' | 'nouse_stdio' | 'out' | 'stderr_to_stdout' | 'stream' | 'use_stdio' | {'arg0' | 'args' | 'cd' | 'env' | 'line' | 'packet',binary() | [binary() | [integer()] | integer() | {_,_}] | integer()}])
fnv.erl:92: Function recv/1 will never be called
membership.erl:424: Function merge_and_save_state/2 will never be called
membership.erl:520: Function index_for_partition/2 will never be called
murmur.erl:65: Function open/0 has no local return
murmur.erl:66: The call erlang:open_port({'spawn', 'murmur_drv'},['binary',...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | {'spawn',string()} | {'spawn_driver',string()} | {'spawn_executable',binary() | [integer()]} | {'fd',integer(),integer()},['binary' | 'eof' | 'exit_status' | 'hide' | 'in' | 'nouse_stdio' | 'out' | 'stderr_to_stdout' | 'stream' | 'use_stdio' | {'arg0' | 'args' | 'cd' | 'env' | 'line' | 'packet',binary() | [binary() | [integer()] | integer() | {_,_}] | integer()}])
partitions.erl:94: Function map_partitions/4 will never be called
partitions.erl:115: Function within/4 will never be called
partitions.erl:118: Function within/5 will never be called
partitions.erl:135: Function node_hash/3 will never be called
socket_server.erl:200: Guard test ContextData::'http_eoh' | binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | []) | {'http_error',binary() | string()} | {'http_request','DELETE' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'TRACE' | binary() | string(),'*' | binary() | string() | {'abs_path',binary() | string()} | {'scheme',binary() | string(),binary() | string()} | {'absoluteURI','http' | 'https',binary() | string(),'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),binary() | string()},{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}} | {'http_response',{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},integer(),binary() | string()} | {'http_header',integer(),atom() | binary() | string(),_,binary() | string()} =:= 'undefined' can never succeed
storage_manager.erl:159: The pattern 'already_present' can never match the type {'error',_} | {'ok','undefined' | pid() | [pid()]} | {'ok','undefined' | pid() | [pid()],_}
sync_manager.erl:173: The pattern 'already_present' can never match the type {'error',_} | {'ok','undefined' | pid() | [pid()]} | {'ok','undefined' | pid() | [pid()],_}
ulimit.erl:30: The call erlang:open_port({'spawn', 'ulimit_drv'},['binary',...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | {'spawn',string()} | {'spawn_driver',string()} | {'spawn_executable',binary() | [integer()]} | {'fd',integer(),integer()},['binary' | 'eof' | 'exit_status' | 'hide' | 'in' | 'nouse_stdio' | 'out' | 'stderr_to_stdout' | 'stream' | 'use_stdio' | {'arg0' | 'args' | 'cd' | 'env' | 'line' | 'packet',binary() | [binary() | [integer()] | integer() | {_,_}] | integer()}])
mock.erl:79: Function stub/4 will never be called
dynomite_thrift.erl:8: Callback info about the thrift_service behaviour is not available