
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being fda429c

These are Current warnings for triq.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
pdict_statem.erl:12: Function prop_pdict_statem/0 has no local return
pdict_statem.erl:14: The created fun has no local return
pdict_statem.erl:32: The created fun has no local return
triq_dom.erl:246: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:307: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:327: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:351: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:423: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:424: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:431: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:527: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:734: The pattern 0 can never match the type pos_integer()
triq_dom.erl:759: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:778: Function try_shrink/3 will never be called
triq_dom.erl:836: Function bindshrink/2 has no local return
triq_dom.erl:839: The call triq_dom:domain('letshrink',fun((_,_) -> none()),'undefined') will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) -> #'@'{kind::atom() | tuple(),pick::fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),shrink::fun((_,_) -> {_,_}),empty_ok::'true'} and the contract is (Name::atom(),PickFun::pick_fun(T),ShrinkFun::shrink_fun(T)) -> domain(T)
triq_dom.erl:840: The created fun has no local return
triq_dom.erl:842: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
triq_dom.erl:849: Function bindshrink2/5 has no local return
triq_dom.erl:850: The call triq_dom:domain('letshrink2','undefined',fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) -> #'@'{kind::atom() | tuple(),pick::fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),shrink::fun((_,_) -> {_,_}),empty_ok::'true'} and the contract is (Name::atom(),PickFun::pick_fun(T),ShrinkFun::shrink_fun(T)) -> domain(T)
triq_dom.erl:937: Function frequency/1 has no local return
triq_dom.erl:944: The call triq_dom:domain('frequency',fun((_,_) -> {_,_}),'undefined') will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) -> #'@'{kind::atom() | tuple(),pick::fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),shrink::fun((_,_) -> {_,_}),empty_ok::'true'} and the contract is (Name::atom(),PickFun::pick_fun(T),ShrinkFun::shrink_fun(T)) -> domain(T)
triq_dom.erl:1040: Function shrink_without_duplicates/1 has no local return
triq_dom.erl:1041: The call triq_dom:domain('shrink_without_duplicates1',fun((_,_) -> none()),'undefined') will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) -> #'@'{kind::atom() | tuple(),pick::fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),shrink::fun((_,_) -> {_,_}),empty_ok::'true'} and the contract is (Name::atom(),PickFun::pick_fun(T),ShrinkFun::shrink_fun(T)) -> domain(T)
triq_dom.erl:1042: The created fun has no local return
triq_dom.erl:1049: Function shrink_without_duplicates/2 has no local return
triq_dom.erl:1050: The call triq_dom:domain('shrink_without_duplicates2','undefined',fun((_,_) -> any())) will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) -> #'@'{kind::atom() | tuple(),pick::fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),shrink::fun((_,_) -> {_,_}),empty_ok::'true'} and the contract is (Name::atom(),PickFun::pick_fun(T),ShrinkFun::shrink_fun(T)) -> domain(T)
triq_statem.erl:12: Function commands/1 has no local return
triq_statem.erl:13: The call triq_dom:domain('commands',fun((_,_) -> no_return()),'undefined') will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) -> {'@',atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_}),'true'} and the contract is (Name::atom(),PickFun::pick_fun(T),ShrinkFun::shrink_fun(T)) -> domain(T)
triq_statem.erl:53: Function shrinkable_commands/3 has no local return
triq_statem.erl:54: The call triq_dom:domain('shrinking_commands','undefined',fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_})) -> {'@',atom() | tuple(),fun((_,integer()) -> {_,_}),fun((_,_) -> {_,_}),'true'} and the contract is (Name::atom(),PickFun::pick_fun(T),ShrinkFun::shrink_fun(T)) -> domain(T)
triq_statem.erl:191: Function prop_statem/1 has no local return
triq_statem.erl:192: The created fun has no local return
triq_statem.erl:211: The pattern <RemIdx, Tup> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <pos_integer(),[any()]>
triq_tests.erl:78: Function prop_timeout/0 has no local return
triq_tests.erl:80: The created fun has no local return
triq_tests.erl:81: The created fun has no local return
triq_tests.erl:163: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'