
Code pulled with svn from on Mon Feb 13 04:09:49 EET 2012

These are Current warnings for scalaris.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin contrib
yeccpre.hrl:76: Function yecc_error_type/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:76: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'log4erl_parser', F, [_, _, _, _, Token, _, _]} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
yeccpre.hrl:79: The pattern <{'case_clause', {State}}, [{'log4erl_parser', 'yeccpars2', _} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
yeccpre.hrl:82: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'log4erl_parser', F, [State]} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
yeccpre.hrl:126: Function yeccerror/1 will never be called
yeccpre.hrl:131: Function yecctoken2string/1 will never be called
email_msg.erl:33: Function simp_msg/4 has no local return
log4erl_lex.erl:51: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'token', T, Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'default',_,atom()} | {'integer',_,integer()} | {'loger',_,atom()} | {'val',_,[any()]}]>
log4erl_lex.erl:54: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'default',_,atom()} | {'integer',_,integer()} | {'loger',_,atom()} | {'val',_,[any()]}]>
log4erl_lex.erl:56: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T, Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'default',_,atom()} | {'integer',_,integer()} | {'loger',_,atom()} | {'val',_,[any()]}]>
log4erl_lex.erl:61: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'skip_token', Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error',[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'default',_,atom()} | {'integer',_,integer()} | {'loger',_,atom()} | {'val',_,[any()]}]>
log4erl_lex.erl:64: The pattern <_Rest, Line, {'error', S}, _Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error',[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'default',_,atom()} | {'integer',_,integer()} | {'loger',_,atom()} | {'val',_,[any()]}]>
log4erl_lex.erl:120: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'token', T, Push}> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token'>
log4erl_lex.erl:123: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T}> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token'>
log4erl_lex.erl:125: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T, Push}> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token'>
log4erl_lex.erl:130: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'skip_token', Push}> can never match the type <_,_,'error'>
log4erl_lex.erl:133: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'error', S}> can never match the type <_,_,'error'>
log4erl_lex.erl:194: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'token', T, Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:197: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:199: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T, Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:204: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'skip_token', Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:207: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'error', S}, _Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:245: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'token', _T, Push}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:248: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', _T}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:250: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', _T, Push}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:255: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'skip_token', Push}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:258: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'error', _S}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error',_>
log4erl_lex.erl:262: Function yyrev/2 will never be called
log_formatter.erl:159: Guard test byte() =:= D::{{1..1114111,1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,1..255},{byte(),byte(),byte()}} can never succeed
log_formatter.erl:178: Guard test byte() =:= D::{{1..1114111,1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,1..255},{byte(),byte(),byte()}} can never succeed
smtp_appender.erl:124: Function init_smtp/4 will never be called
syslog_appender.erl:167: The variable Int can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type byte()
syslog_appender.erl:172: The variable Atom can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type atom()
xml_appender.erl:214: Guard test is_binary(B::[any()]) can never succeed
xml_appender.erl:216: Guard test is_atom(A::[any()]) can never succeed
xml_appender.erl:224: Guard test is_binary(B::maybe_improper_list()) can never succeed
xml_appender.erl:226: Guard test is_atom(A::maybe_improper_list()) can never succeed
xml_appender.erl:230: Guard test is_integer(I::maybe_improper_list()) can never succeed
xml_appender.erl:232: Guard test is_float(F::maybe_improper_list()) can never succeed
yaws.erl:1747: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
yaws.erl:2274: Guard test Ret::'file' == 'fd' can never succeed
yaws.erl:2282: Guard test Ret::'file' == 'binfd' can never succeed
yaws_api.erl:470: The pattern <Data, ParseState = {'mp_parse_state', 'start_header', _, _, _, _}, Acc, [], []> can never match the type <_,#mp_parse_state{state::'header'},_,[any()],[{atom() | [any()],[any()]}]>
yaws_config.erl:462: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
yaws_ctl.erl:515: Function hup/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:520: Function stop/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:524: Function status/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:527: Function load/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:549: Function trace/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:552: Function debug_dump/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:555: Function stats/1 has no local return
yaws_ctl.erl:557: Function running_config/1 has no local return
yaws_dav.erl:541: The pattern 'eof' can never match the type {'error',_}
yaws_revproxy.erl:322: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
yaws_sup_restarts.erl:43: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
api_monitoring.erl:39: Call to missing or unexported function statistics:getMonitorStats/2
api_monitoring.erl:56: Call to missing or unexported function statistics:getMonitorStats/2
bench_server.erl:22: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
comm_conn_rcv.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
comm_conn_rcv.erl:49: Function start_link/2 has no local return
comm_conn_rcv.erl:62: The call gen_component:start_link('comm_conn_rcv',Socket::port(),[{'pid_groups_join_as',_,nonempty_string()},...]) will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((tuple(),_) -> any()),any()) -> {'ok',pid()} and the contract is (module(),handler(),term()) -> {'ok',pid()}
comm_conn_send.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
comm_conn_send.erl:57: Function start_link/3 has no local return
comm_conn_send.erl:63: The call gen_component:start_link('comm_conn_send',{{_,_,_,_},integer(),char()},[{'pid_groups_join_as',_,nonempty_string()},...]) will never return since the success typing is (atom() | tuple(),fun((tuple(),_) -> any()),any()) -> {'ok',pid()} and the contract is (module(),handler(),term()) -> {'ok',pid()}
comm_conn_send.erl:86: Call to missing or unexported function comm_layer:report_send_error/3
comm_conn_send.erl:217: Call to missing or unexported function comm_server:tcp_options/0
comm_conn_send.erl:318: Call to missing or unexported function comm_layer:report_send_error/3
comm_connection.erl:31: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
comm_server.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
cyclon.erl:29: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
db_ets.erl:26: Callback info about the db_beh behaviour is not available
db_toke.erl:24: Callback info about the db_beh behaviour is not available
db_verify_use.erl:26: Callback info about the db_beh behaviour is not available
dc_clustering.erl:27: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
dht_node.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
dht_node_monitor.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
fd.erl:26: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
gossip.erl:66: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
lb_psv_gossip.erl:33: Callback info about the lb_psv_beh behaviour is not available
lb_psv_simple.erl:30: Callback info about the lb_psv_beh behaviour is not available
lb_psv_split.erl:30: Callback info about the lb_psv_beh behaviour is not available
mgmt_server.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
monitor.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
monitor_perf.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
msg_delay.erl:34: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
acceptor.erl:27: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
learner.erl:27: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
proposer.erl:28: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
pid_groups.erl:37: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
bloom.erl:27: Callback info about the bloom_beh behaviour is not available
hfs_lhsp.erl:33: Callback info about the hfs_beh behaviour is not available
hfs_lhsp_md5.erl:31: Callback info about the hfs_beh behaviour is not available
rep_upd.erl:25: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
rep_upd_recon.erl:22: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
rep_upd_recon.erl:213: The created fun has no local return
rep_upd_recon.erl:213: The call rep_upd_recon:add_to_tree(DBList::any(),Params::[{'art',{'art',[{'correction_factor',non_neg_integer()} | {'inner_bf_fpr',float()} | {'leaf_bf_fpr',float()}],intervals:interval(),'empty' | {'bloom',non_neg_integer(),binary(),{'hfs_lhsp',integer(),fun((binary()) -> binary() | integer()),fun((binary()) -> binary() | integer())},'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},'empty' | {'bloom',non_neg_integer(),binary(),{'hfs_lhsp',integer(),fun((binary()) -> binary() | integer()),fun((binary()) -> binary() | integer())},'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}}} | {'interval',intervals:interval()} | {'senderPid',comm:mypid()}]) contains an opaque term as 2nd argument when terms of different types are expected in these positions
rep_upd_recon.erl:423: Invalid type specification for function rep_upd_recon:add_to_tree/2. The success typing is ([any()],[{'art',{_,_,_,_,_}} | {'interval',intervals:interval()} | {'senderPid',comm:mypid()}]) -> [{'art',{_,_,_,_,_}} | {'interval',intervals:interval()} | {'senderPid',comm:mypid()}]
rep_upd_resolve.erl:32: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
rep_upd_sync.erl:24: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
rep_upd_sync.erl:234: The created fun has no local return
rep_upd_sync.erl:235: The call rep_upd_sync:build_sync_struct('bloom',{intervals:interval(),nonempty_maybe_improper_list()},{float(),comm:mypid()}) will never return since it differs in the 1st and 3rd argument from the success typing arguments: ('merkleTree',{intervals:interval(),[{rt_chord:key(),atom() | binary() | number(),boolean(),non_neg_integer(),integer()}]},{comm:mypid()})
rep_upd_sync.erl:292: Call to missing or unexported function merkle_tree:gen_hashes/1
rep_upd_sync.erl:539: The call bloom:new(ElementNum::non_neg_integer(),Fpr::float(),Hfs::{'hfs_lhsp_md5',integer()}) will never return since the success typing is (integer(),number(),{'hfs_lhsp',integer(),fun((binary()) -> binary() | integer()),fun((binary()) -> binary() | integer())}) -> {'bloom',non_neg_integer(),binary(),{'hfs_lhsp',integer(),fun((_) -> any()),fun((_) -> any())},non_neg_integer(),0} and the contract is (integer(),float() | integer(),hfs_lhsp:hfs()) -> bloom_filter()
rep_upd_sync.erl:559: Function fill_bloom/3 will never be called
rep_upd_sync.erl:577: Call to missing or unexported function merkle_tree:insert/3
rep_upd_sync.erl:757: Function start_sync/2 has no local return
rep_upd_sync.erl:763: The call gen_component:start('rep_upd_sync',State::#rep_upd_sync_state{ownerLocalPid::pid(),ownerRemotePid::comm:mypid(),dhtNodePid::'failed' | pid(),sync_struct::{},sync_stage::'reconciliation',sync_master::boolean(),sync_round::float(),sync_stats::#rep_upd_sync_stats{diffCount::0,updatedCount::0,notUpdatedCount::0,tree_size::{0,0},tree_compareLeft::0,tree_nodesCompared::0,tree_leafsSynced::0,tree_compareSkipped::0,errorCount::0,buildTime::0,syncTime::0},sync_start_time::{0,0,0},feedback::[]},[]) contains an opaque term as 2nd argument when terms of different types are expected in these positions
rep_upd_sync.erl:766: Function fork_sync/2 has no local return
rep_upd_sync.erl:768: The call gen_component:start('rep_upd_sync',State::#rep_upd_sync_state{ownerLocalPid::atom() | pid() | {atom() | pid(),'c',_},ownerRemotePid::comm:mypid(),dhtNodePid::atom() | pid() | {atom() | pid(),'c',_},sync_method::'bloom',sync_struct::{} | {comm:mypid(),intervals:interval()} | {'merkle_sync_struct' | 'simple_detail_sync' | comm:mypid(),comm:mypid(),[{rt_chord:key(),atom() | binary() | number(),non_neg_integer()}] | {'merkle_tree',{'mt_config',pos_integer(),pos_integer(),fun((binary()) -> 'nil' | binary()),fun((['nil' | binary()]) -> 'nil' | binary())},{'nil' | binary(),non_neg_integer(),[],intervals:interval(),[any()]}} | intervals:interval()} | #bloom_sync_struct{interval::intervals:interval(),srcNode::comm:mypid()} | intervals:interval(),sync_stage::'build_struct',sync_pid::'undefined' | comm:mypid(),sync_master::boolean(),sync_round::float(),sync_stats::#rep_upd_sync_stats{diffCount::non_neg_integer(),updatedCount::non_neg_integer(),notUpdatedCount::non_neg_integer(),tree_size::{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},tree_compareLeft::non_neg_integer(),tree_nodesCompared::non_neg_integer(),tree_leafsSynced::non_neg_integer(),tree_compareSkipped::non_neg_integer(),errorCount::non_neg_integer(),buildTime::non_neg_integer(),syncTime::integer()},sync_start_time::{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},feedback::[{rt_chord:key(),atom() | binary() | number(),non_neg_integer()}]},[]) contains an opaque term as 2nd argument when terms of different types are expected in these positions
rt_chord.erl:23: Callback info about the rt_beh behaviour is not available
rt_chord.erl:82: Function init_stabilize/2 has no local return
rt_chord.erl:203: Function calculateKey/2 has no local return
rt_chord.erl:207: The call erlang:'+'(Id::rt_chord:key(),Offset::integer()) will never return since the success typing arguments are (number(),number())
rt_chord.erl:241: Overloaded contract has overlapping domains; such contracts are currently unsupported and are simply ignored
rt_loop.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
rt_loop.erl:147: The pattern {'ok', NewRT} can never match the type {'trigger_rebuild',rt_chord:rt()}
rt_simple.erl:23: Callback info about the rt_beh behaviour is not available
rt_simple.erl:229: Function next_hop/2 has no local return
rt_simple.erl:229: The call node:pidX(gb_tree()) contains an opaque term as 1st argument when an opaque term of type node:node_type() is expected
rt_simple.erl:243: Invalid type specification for function rt_simple:to_list/1. The success typing is (dht_node_state:state()) -> [gb_tree(),...]
service_per_vm.erl:22: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
rdht_tx.erl:139: The pattern 'rdht_tx_read' can never match the type 'add_del_on_list' | 'add_on_nr' | 'commit' | 'test_and_set'
rdht_tx.erl:140: The pattern 'rdht_tx_write' can never match the type 'add_del_on_list' | 'add_on_nr' | 'commit' | 'test_and_set'
rdht_tx0.erl:77: The pattern {'set_change', Key, _ToAdd, _ToRemove} can never match the type {'commit'} | {'add_on_nr',[any()],number()} | {'add_del_on_list',[any()],[any()],[any()]} | {'test_and_set',[any()],_,_}
rdht_tx0.erl:79: The pattern {'number_add', Key, _X} can never match the type {'commit'} | {'add_on_nr',[any()],number()} | {'add_del_on_list',[any()],[any()],[any()]} | {'test_and_set',[any()],_,_}
rdht_tx0.erl:87: Function set_tlog_status_at_key/3 will never be called
rdht_tx0.erl:88: Call to missing or unexported function tx_tlog:update_status_by_key/3
rdht_tx0.erl:109: The call rdht_tx0:single_req(TLog0::[{'rdht_tx_read',[any()],integer(),'value' | {_,_},_} | {'rdht_tx_write',[any()],integer(),'value' | {_,_},_}],{'rdht_tx_read',[any()]}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: ([{'rdht_tx_read',string(),integer(),'value' | {'fail','abort' | 'not_found'},_} | {'rdht_tx_write',string(),integer(),'value' | {'fail','abort' | 'not_found'},_}],{'commit'})
rdht_tx0.erl:111: The call rdht_tx0:single_req(TLog0::[{'rdht_tx_read',[any()],integer(),'value' | {_,_},_} | {'rdht_tx_write',[any()],integer(),'value' | {_,_},_}],{'rdht_tx_write',[any()],_}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: ([{'rdht_tx_read',string(),integer(),'value' | {'fail','abort' | 'not_found'},_} | {'rdht_tx_write',string(),integer(),'value' | {'fail','abort' | 'not_found'},_}],{'commit'})
rdht_tx0.erl:115: The pattern {'set_change', Key, ToAdd, ToRemove} can never match the type {'commit'} | {'add_on_nr',[any()],number()} | {'add_del_on_list',[any()],[any()],[any()]} | {'test_and_set',[any()],_,_}
rdht_tx0.erl:131: Call to missing or unexported function util:minus/2
rdht_tx0.erl:139: The pattern {'number_add', Key, X} can never match the type {'commit'} | {'add_on_nr',[any()],number()} | {'add_del_on_list',[any()],[any()],[any()]} | {'test_and_set',[any()],_,_}
rdht_tx0.erl:162: The call rdht_tx0:single_req(TLog0::[{'rdht_tx_read',[any()],integer(),'value' | {_,_},_} | {'rdht_tx_write',[any()],integer(),'value' | {_,_},_}],{'rdht_tx_read',[any()]}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: ([{'rdht_tx_read',string(),integer(),'value' | {'fail','abort' | 'not_found'},_} | {'rdht_tx_write',string(),integer(),'value' | {'fail','abort' | 'not_found'},_}],{'commit'})
rdht_tx_read.erl:28: Callback info about the tx_op_beh behaviour is not available
rdht_tx_read.erl:33: Callback info about the rdht_op_beh behaviour is not available
rdht_tx_read.erl:37: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
rdht_tx_write.erl:29: Callback info about the tx_op_beh behaviour is not available
rdht_tx_write.erl:34: Callback info about the rdht_op_beh behaviour is not available
rdht_tx_write.erl:38: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
tx_tm_rtm.erl:30: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
trigger_dynamic.erl:32: Callback info about the trigger_beh behaviour is not available
trigger_periodic.erl:30: Callback info about the trigger_beh behaviour is not available
util.erl:182: Overloaded contract has overlapping domains; such contracts are currently unsupported and are simply ignored
util.erl:197: Overloaded contract has overlapping domains; such contracts are currently unsupported and are simply ignored
vivaldi.erl:27: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available
vivaldi_latency.erl:23: Callback info about the gen_component behaviour is not available