
Code pulled with hg from http://hg.basho.com/riak on Mon Feb 13 04:09:12 EET 2012

These are Current warnings for riak.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r deps
bitcask.erl:165: The pattern <_Ref, _Key, 0> can never match the type <_,_,2>
bitcask.erl:171: The variable E can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'not_found'
bitcask.erl:197: Function put/3 has no local return
bitcask.erl:261: Function delete/2 has no local return
bitcask.erl:303: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'not_found'
bitcask.erl:332: The variable E can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'not_found'
bitcask.erl:669: The created fun has no local return
bitcask.erl:764: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
bitcask.erl:790: Function inner_merge_write/4 will never be called
bitcask.erl:844: The variable E can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'not_found'
bitcask_nifs.erl:71: Invalid type specification for function bitcask_nifs:keydir_put_int/6. The success typing is (_,_,_,_,<<_:64>>,_) -> 'already_exists' | 'ok'
bitcask_nifs.erl:155: Function keydir_put/6 has no local return
bitcask_nifs.erl:156: The call bitcask_nifs:keydir_put_int(Ref::any(),Key::any(),FileId::any(),TotalSz::any(),<<_:64>>,Tstamp::any()) breaks the contract (reference(),binary(),integer(),integer(),{integer(),integer()},integer()) -> 'ok' | 'already_exists'
bitcask_nifs.erl:169: The pattern <<Offset:64/integer-native-unit:1>> can never match the type {pos_integer(),pos_integer()}
bitcask_nifs.erl:213: The pattern <<Offset:64/integer-native-unit:1>> can never match the type {pos_integer(),pos_integer()}
gen_server2.erl:505: The call sys:handle_debug(Debug::any(),{'gen_server2', 'print_event'},Name::any(),{'in',_}) breaks the contract (Debug,FormFunc,Extra,Event) -> [dbg_opt()] when is_subtype(Debug,[dbg_opt()]), is_subtype(FormFunc,dbg_fun()), is_subtype(Extra,term()), is_subtype(Event,system_event())
gen_server2.erl:732: Function handle_msg/8 will never be called
gen_server2.erl:781: Function handle_common_reply/9 will never be called
gen_server2.erl:801: Function reply/5 will never be called
gen_server2.erl:817: Function system_terminate/4 has no local return
gen_server2.erl:959: Call to missing or unexported function global:safe_whereis_name/1
gen_server2.erl:981: Call to missing or unexported function global:safe_whereis_name/1
js_mochijson2.erl:530: The variable __V can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'true'
logReader.erl:18: Function read/2 has no local return
luwak_block.erl:9: Function create/2 has no local return
luwak_file.erl:23: Function create/3 has no local return
luwak_file.erl:39: Function create/4 has no local return
luwak_io.erl:19: Function put_range/4 has no local return
luwak_io.erl:68: Function internal_put_range/4 has no local return
luwak_io.erl:79: The created fun has no local return
luwak_io.erl:89: The created fun has no local return
luwak_io.erl:145: The call luwak_block:data(PartialStartBlock::binary()) does not have a term of type [any()] | {'r_object','undefined' | binary(),'undefined' | binary(),[{'r_content','undefined' | dict(),_}],_,dict(),_} (with opaque subterms) as 1st argument
luwak_put_stream.erl:133: The pattern {'ok', [W]} can never match the type {'ok',[]}
luwak_put_stream.erl:190: Function update_checksum/2 will never be called
luwak_put_stream.erl:194: The created fun has no local return
luwak_tree.erl:18: Function update/4 has no local return
luwak_tree.erl:158: Function create_tree/3 has no local return
luwak_tree.erl:170: Function subtree_update/7 has no local return
luwak_tree.erl:183: The created fun has no local return
luwak_tree.erl:205: The created fun has no local return
luwak_tree.erl:308: Function create_node/2 has no local return
mochijson2.erl:530: The variable __V can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'true'
mochiweb_http.erl:143: Function handle_invalid_request/1 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:246: The variable Length can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'chunked' | 'undefined' | integer() | {'unknown_transfer_encoding',_}
mochiweb_request.erl:255: Function start_response/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:264: Function start_raw_response/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:271: The call mochiweb:new_response({{_,port() | {'ssl',{'sslsocket',_,pid()}},_,_,_,_},binary() | maybe_improper_list() | integer(),gb_tree()}) contains an opaque term as 1st argument when a structured term of type {_,_,[any()] | tuple()} is expected
mochiweb_request.erl:279: Function start_response_length/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:289: Function respond/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:296: The created fun has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:333: Function not_found/1 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:339: Function not_found/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:346: Function ok/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:549: Function serve_file/3 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:554: Function serve_file/4 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:574: Function maybe_redirect/4 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:598: Function maybe_serve_file/3 has no local return
mochiweb_socket_server.erl:128: The call erlang:integer_to_list(S::maybe_improper_list()) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (integer())
mochiweb_sup.erl:26: The pattern [Spec | _] can never match the type []
riak_client.erl:97: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
riak_client.erl:506: Contract for function that does not exist: riak_client:for_dialyzer_only_ignore/2
riak_core_handoff_receiver.erl:27: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
riak_core_ring.erl:352: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
riak_core_ring_manager.erl:28: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
riak_err_monitor.erl:84: The specified type for the 2nd argument of handle_call/3 (reference()) is not a supertype of {pid(),_}, which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the gen_server behaviour
riak_err_sup.erl:39: The return type {'ok',{{'one_for_one',1000,3600},[tuple()]}} in the specification of init/1 is not a subtype of 'ignore' | {'ok',{{'one_for_all',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'one_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'rest_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'simple_one_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},[{_,{atom() | tuple(),atom(),'undefined' | [any()]},'permanent' | 'temporary' | 'transient','brutal_kill' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer(),'supervisor' | 'worker','dynamic' | [atom() | tuple()]}]}}, which is the expected return type for the callback of supervisor behaviour
riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl:87: The pattern {'error', Reason2} can never match the type reference()
riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl:99: The pattern {'ok', Value} can never match the type 'not_found'
riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl:103: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match the type 'not_found'
riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl:107: Function put/3 has no local return
riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl:115: Function delete/2 has no local return
riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl:223: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match the type 'undefined'
riak_kv_js_manager.erl:170: Call to missing or unexported function riak_kv_js_sup:start_js/1
riak_kv_js_vm.erl:79: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',port()}
riak_kv_keys_fsm.erl:68: The call erlang:link(Client::'undefined' | {pid(),reference()}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (pid() | port())
riak_kv_map_localphase.erl:56: Call to missing or unexported function riak_kv_vnode:map/5
riak_kv_map_master.erl:26: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
riak_kv_map_master.erl:146: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
riak_kv_map_master.erl:163: Function defer_mapper/5 has no local return
riak_kv_map_master.erl:212: The pattern {'error', _} can never match the type 'not_found'
riak_kv_map_master.erl:214: The pattern {'mapper', _, _, _, Phase} can never match the type 'not_found'
riak_kv_map_master.erl:220: Function write_entry/3 has no local return
riak_kv_map_master.erl:226: The pattern {'ok', D} can never match the type 'not_found'
riak_kv_map_master.erl:230: Function delete_entry/2 has no local return
riak_kv_map_phase.erl:29: Callback info about the luke_phase behaviour is not available
riak_kv_mapred_json.erl:150: The variable _Filter can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [any()]
riak_kv_mapreduce.erl:249: Function map_identity_test/0 has no local return
riak_kv_mapreduce.erl:253: Function map_object_value_test/0 has no local return
riak_kv_pb_socket.erl:332: Function update_rpbcontent/2 will never be called
riak_kv_pb_socket.erl:338: Function update_pbvc/2 will never be called
riak_kv_pb_socket.erl:349: Function default_w/1 will never be called
riak_kv_pb_socket.erl:354: Function default_dw/1 will never be called
riak_kv_pb_socket.erl:368: Function erlify_rpbvc/1 will never be called
riak_kv_put_fsm.erl:342: Function make_vtag_test/0 has no local return
riak_kv_put_fsm.erl:344: The created fun has no local return
riak_kv_reduce_phase.erl:28: Callback info about the luke_phase behaviour is not available
riak_kv_stat.erl:145: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
riak_kv_vnode.erl:26: Callback info about the riak_core_vnode behaviour is not available
riak_kv_vnode.erl:90: Call to missing or unexported function riak_core_vnode_master:sync_spawn_command/4
riak_kv_vnode.erl:453: The pattern <Caller, ReqId, Idx, '_', {Bucket, _K}, Acc> can never match the type <'undefined' | pid(),'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),'undefined' | binary(),_,_>
riak_kv_vnode.erl:456: The pattern <Caller, ReqId, Idx, {'filter', Bucket, Fun}, {_, K}, Acc> can never match the type <'undefined' | pid(),'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),'undefined' | binary(),_,_>
riak_object.erl:64: Function new/3 has no local return
riak_object.erl:65: The call riak_object:new(B::binary(),K::binary(),V::any(),'no_initial_metadata') does not have a term of type string() | dict() (with opaque subterms) as 4th argument
riak_object.erl:380: Function dejsonify_values/2 will never be called
riak_object.erl:384: Function will never be called
riak_object.erl:387: Function will never be called
riak_object.erl:399: Function will never be called
riakc_pb_socket.erl:683: The pattern {'noreply', NewState0} can never match the type {'pending',#state{}}
skerl.erl:17: Function init/0 has no local return
skerl.erl:20: The call filename:join("../priv",'skerl_nifs') breaks the contract (Name1,Name2) -> file:filename() when is_subtype(Name1,file:filename()), is_subtype(Name2,file:filename())
skerl.erl:22: The call filename:join(Dir::binary() | string(),'skerl_nifs') breaks the contract (Name1,Name2) -> file:filename() when is_subtype(Name1,file:filename()), is_subtype(Name2,file:filename())
skerl.erl:35: Function hexhash/2 has no local return
skerl.erl:36: The pattern {'ok', Hash} can never match the type [1..255,...]
vclock.erl:236: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
vclock.erl:249: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
watchdog.erl:267: The call lists:keyreplace(Key::{'log' | 'pid' | 'tcp' | 'udp' | integer(),_},1,Subs::maybe_improper_list(),Sub::fun((_) -> any())) will never return since it differs in the 4th argument from the success typing arguments: (any(),pos_integer(),maybe_improper_list(),tuple())
webmachine_resource.erl:152: The pattern <[{M, F, [RD = {'wm_reqdata', _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}, S]} | STRest], THIS = {_, R_Mod, R_ModState, R_ModExports, R_Trace}> can never match the type <[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}],{_,_,_,_,_}>