
Code pulled with hg from http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-public-umbrella on Mon Feb 13 04:08:52 EET 2012

These are Current warnings for rabbit.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists erlang-rfc4627/ebin rabbitmq-auth-backend-ldap/ebin rabbitmq-auth-mechanism-ssl/ebin rabbitmq-erlang-client/ebin rabbitmq-jsonrpc-channel/ebin rabbitmq-jsonrpc/ebin rabbitmq-management-agent/ebin rabbitmq-management/ebin rabbitmq-mochiweb/ebin rabbitmq-server/ebin rabbitmq-shovel/ebin rabbitmq-stomp/ebin
eldap.erl:369: Call to missing or unexported function ssl:seed/1
eldap.erl:684: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'error',_} | {'ok','http_eoh' | binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | {'http_error',binary() | string()} | {'http_request','DELETE' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'TRACE' | binary() | string(),'*' | binary() | string() | {'abs_path',binary() | [any()]} | {'scheme',binary() | [any()],binary() | [any()]} | {'absoluteURI','http' | 'https',binary() | [any()],'undefined' | non_neg_integer(),binary() | [any()]},{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}} | {'http_response',{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},integer(),binary() | string()} | {'http_header',integer(),atom() | binary() | string(),_,binary() | string()}}
eldap.erl:767: Function log1/3 will never be called
eldap.erl:1052: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type integer()
eldap_fsm.erl:342: The pattern {'ok', Hosts, Rootdn, Passwd, Log} can never match the type {'error',_} | {'ok',_,_,_,_,_}
eldap_fsm.erl:426: The pattern <Event, From, StateName, S> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <_,_,_,_>
eldap_fsm.erl:772: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match the type {'ok',#eldap{id::number()}}
ELDAPv3.erl:541: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'mandatory'
amqp_channel_sup.erl:22: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
amqp_channel_sup_sup.erl:22: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
amqp_connection_sup.erl:22: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
amqp_connection_type_sup.erl:22: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
amqp_direct_connection.erl:22: Callback info about the amqp_gen_connection behaviour is not available
amqp_network_connection.erl:22: Callback info about the amqp_gen_connection behaviour is not available
amqp_sup.erl:22: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
delegate.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
gatherer.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
gen_server2.erl:1083: Call to missing or unexported function global:safe_whereis_name/1
gen_server2.erl:1105: Call to missing or unexported function global:safe_whereis_name/1
rabbit_amqqueue.erl:261: The created fun has no local return
rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl:21: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_amqqueue_sup.erl:19: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl:20: Callback info about the rabbit_auth_backend behaviour is not available
rabbit_auth_backend_ldap.erl:39: Callback info about the rabbit_auth_backend behaviour is not available
rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl:20: Callback info about the rabbit_auth_mechanism behaviour is not available
rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl:20: Callback info about the rabbit_auth_mechanism behaviour is not available
rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl:20: Callback info about the rabbit_auth_mechanism behaviour is not available
rabbit_auth_mechanism_ssl.erl:34: Callback info about the rabbit_auth_mechanism behaviour is not available
rabbit_channel.erl:21: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_channel_sup.erl:19: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_channel_sup_sup.erl:19: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_client_sup.erl:19: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_connection_sup.erl:19: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl:20: Callback info about the rabbit_exchange_type behaviour is not available
rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl:20: Callback info about the rabbit_exchange_type behaviour is not available
rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl:21: Callback info about the rabbit_exchange_type behaviour is not available
rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl:21: Callback info about the rabbit_exchange_type behaviour is not available
rabbit_limiter.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_memory_monitor.erl:25: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_mgmt_app.erl:55: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
rabbit_mgmt_db.erl:505: Function will never be called
rabbit_mgmt_db.erl:507: The call dict:to_list(Dict::tuple()) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
rabbit_msg_store.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_msg_store_ets_index.erl:19: Callback info about the rabbit_msg_store_index behaviour is not available
rabbit_msg_store_gc.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_prelaunch.erl:265: Function terminate/2 has no local return
rabbit_prelaunch.erl:269: Function terminate/1 has no local return
rabbit_reader.erl:849: The pattern {'ok', {P, {K, C, H, _}}} can never match the type 'nossl' | {'error',_} | {'ok',{'sslv3',{'dh_anon','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'} | {'dhe_dss','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'} | {'dhe_rsa','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'} | {'null','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'} | {'rsa','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'}} | {'tlsv1',{'dh_anon','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'} | {'dhe_dss','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'} | {'dhe_rsa','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'} | {'null','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'} | {'rsa','3des_ede_cbc' | 'aes_128_cbc' | 'aes_256_cbc' | 'des40_cbc' | 'des_cbc' | 'idea_cbc' | 'null' | 'rc4_128','md5' | 'null' | 'sha'}}}
rabbit_shovel_sup.erl:18: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_shovel_worker.erl:18: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_ssl.erl:84: The pattern {'ok', DecCert} can never match the type #'Certificate'{} | #'OTPCertificate'{}
rabbit_stomp_client_sup.erl:32: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_stomp_processor.erl:32: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
rabbit_tests.erl:700: The created fun has no local return
rabbit_tests.erl:702: The call rabbit_exchange_type_topic:route(X::any(),#delivery{message::#basic_message{routing_key::binary()}}) breaks the contract (rabbit_types:exchange(),rabbit_types:delivery()) -> rabbit_router:match_result()
rabbit_tests.erl:706: The created fun has no local return
rabbit_variable_queue.erl:223: Callback info about the rabbit_backing_queue behaviour is not available
rfc4627.erl:153: The call dict:to_list(Dict::tuple()) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 1st argument
test_sup.erl:19: Callback info about the supervisor2 behaviour is not available
worker_pool.erl:29: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available
worker_pool_worker.erl:19: Callback info about the gen_server2 behaviour is not available