
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 08c1a78

These are Current warnings for playdar.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin playdar_modules deps
yeccpre.hrl:70: Function yecc_error_type/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:70: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'erlydtl_parser', F, ArityOrArgs} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
erlydtl_dateformat.erl:329: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
erlydtl_parser.erl:947: The pattern <_, _, _, _, T, _, _> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <83,'close_tag',[byte(),...],['$undefined' | ['$undefined' | [any()] | tuple()] | tuple(),...],tuple(),_,{'no_func' | {_,_},_}>
erlydtl_runtime.erl:8: The call gb_trees:lookup(Key::any(),{integer(),_}) does not have an opaque term of type gb_tree() as 2nd argument
erlydtl_runtime.erl:18: The call dict:find(Key::any(),Tuple::tuple()) does not have an opaque term of type dict() as 2nd argument
mochiweb_http.erl:106: The pattern {'error', {'http_error', "\r\n"}} can never match the type {'error',atom()} | {'ok','http_eoh' | binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | []) | {'http_error',binary() | string()} | {'http_response',{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},integer(),binary() | string()} | {'http_header',integer(),atom() | binary() | string(),_,binary() | string()}}
mochiweb_http.erl:108: The pattern {'error', {'http_error', "\n"}} can never match the type {'error',atom()} | {'ok','http_eoh' | binary() | maybe_improper_list(binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []) | byte(),binary() | []) | {'http_error',binary() | string()} | {'http_response',{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},integer(),binary() | string()} | {'http_header',integer(),atom() | binary() | string(),_,binary() | string()}}
mochiweb_request.erl:224: The variable Length can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'chunked' | 'undefined' | integer() | {'unknown_transfer_encoding',_}
mochiweb_request.erl:233: Function start_response/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:242: Function start_raw_response/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:249: The call mochiweb:new_response({{_,port(),_,_,_,_},binary() | maybe_improper_list() | integer(),gb_tree()}) contains an opaque term as 1st argument when a structured term of type {_,_,[any()] | tuple()} is expected
mochiweb_request.erl:257: Function start_response_length/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:267: Function respond/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:311: Function not_found/1 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:317: Function not_found/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:324: Function ok/2 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:525: Function serve_file/3 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:530: Function serve_file/4 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:550: Function maybe_redirect/4 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:574: Function maybe_serve_file/3 has no local return
mochiweb_request.erl:620: Function iodevice_stream/2 will never be called
mochiweb_sup.erl:26: The pattern [Spec | _] can never match the type []
audioscrobbler_module.erl:6: Callback info about the playdar_resolver behaviour is not available
audioscrobbler_module.erl:27: Function init/1 has no local return
audioscrobbler_module.erl:28: The call playdar_config:confval({'as', 'username'},[]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
audioscrobbler_module.erl:29: The call playdar_config:confval({'as', 'password'},[]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
file_reader.erl:2: Callback info about the playdar_reader behaviour is not available
http_reader.erl:2: Callback info about the playdar_reader behaviour is not available
fake_resolver.erl:4: Callback info about the playdar_resolver behaviour is not available
lan_resolver.erl:6: Callback info about the playdar_resolver behaviour is not available
lan_resolver.erl:35: Function init/1 has no local return
lan_resolver.erl:40: The call playdar_config:confval({'lan', 'port'},60210) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
lan_resolver.erl:41: The call playdar_config:confval({'lan', 'broadcast'},{239,255,0,1}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
lan_resolver.erl:97: The call playdar_config:confval({'web', 'port'},60210) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
library_dets.erl:5: Callback info about the playdar_resolver behaviour is not available
library_dets.erl:45: Function init/1 has no local return
library_dets.erl:46: The call playdar_config:confval({'library', 'dbdir'},[46,...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
library_dets.erl:55: The call playdar_config:confval({'library', 'dbdir'},[46,...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
scanner.erl:25: Function init/1 has no local return
scanner.erl:27: The call playdar_config:confval({'library', 'taglib_driver'},[1..255,...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
scanner.erl:110: The call playdar_config:confval({'library', 'taglib_driver'},any()) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_conn.erl:26: Function start/2 has no local return
playdartcp_conn.erl:26: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'share'},'false') will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_conn.erl:51: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'port'},60211) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_conn.erl:167: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'port'},60211) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_conn.erl:205: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'fwd'},'false') will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_conn.erl:207: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'fwd_delay'},500) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_resolver.erl:3: Callback info about the playdar_reader behaviour is not available
playdartcp_resolver.erl:4: Callback info about the playdar_resolver behaviour is not available
playdartcp_resolver.erl:36: Function init/1 has no local return
playdartcp_resolver.erl:37: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'port'},60211) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_resolver.erl:43: The created fun has no local return
playdartcp_resolver.erl:49: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'peers'},[]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_router.erl:25: Function connect/2 has no local return
playdartcp_router.erl:25: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'share'},'false') will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_router.erl:53: Function init/1 has no local return
playdartcp_router.erl:55: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'listen'},'true') will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdartcp_router.erl:241: Function sanitize_msg/1 has no local return
playdartcp_router.erl:243: The call playdar_config:confval({'playdartcp', 'rewrite_identity'},'false') will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdar_config.erl:29: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',string()}
playdar_config.erl:52: The call application:set_env('playdar',{atom(),_},V::any()) breaks the contract (Application,Par,Val) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Application,atom()), is_subtype(Par,atom()), is_subtype(Val,term())
playdar_resolver.erl:252: The call playdar_config:confval({atom() | tuple(),'weight'},any()) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdar_resolver.erl:253: The call playdar_config:confval({atom() | tuple(),'targettime'},any()) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdar_resolver.erl:254: The call playdar_config:confval({atom() | tuple(),'localonly'},any()) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom(),any())
playdar_script_resolver.erl:4: Callback info about the playdar_resolver behaviour is not available