
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/erlang/otp.git with the last commit being

These are Current warnings for otp-public-key.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists --apps public_key
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:1236: The pattern <Type, _Data> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <'Certificate','error' | binary() | {non_neg_integer(),binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | [] | {_,_}) | {_,_}}>
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:12785: The pattern <Tlv, _> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <_,'nif'>
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13419: Guard test {0,'MAX' | 256} =:= Int::integer() can never succeed
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13423: The variable SingleValue can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [] | {0,'MAX' | 256}
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13425: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [] | {0,'MAX' | 256}
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13429: The pattern <Int, []> can never match the type <integer(),[{'ecpVer1' | 'g3-facsimile' | 'g4-facsimile' | 'ia5-terminal' | 'multi' | 'teletex' | 'telex' | 'trailerFieldBC' | 'two-prime' | 'v1' | 'v2' | 'v3' | 'videotex',0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8},...]>
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13443: The pattern <{Name, Val}, TagIn> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10,_>
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13460: The pattern <Buffer, _Range, {NamedNumberList, ExtList}, _Tags> can never match the type <_,[],[{'aACompromise' | 'affiliationChanged' | 'cACompromise' | 'certificateHold' | 'cessationOfOperation' | 'keyCompromise' | 'otherObjectTypes' | 'privilegeWithdrawn' | 'publicKey' | 'publicKeyCert' | 'removeFromCRL' | 'superseded' | 'unspecified',0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10},...],maybe_improper_list()>
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13619: The pattern {_Min, Max} can never match the type 'no'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13627: The variable Size can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'no'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13665: The pattern {_Min, Max} can never match the type 'no'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13666: The variable TSize can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'no'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13720: The pattern Constr = {Min, _Max} can never match the type 'no'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13723: The pattern {Constr = {_, _}, []} can never match the type 'no'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13726: The pattern Constr = {{_, _}, {_, _}} can never match the type 'no'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13729: The variable Size can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'no'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13748: Function encode_constr_bit_str_bits/3 will never be called
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:13786: Function pad_bit_list/2 will never be called
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14127: The pattern {{Lb, _Ub}, []} can never match the type 2 | 3 | {0 | 1,'MAX' | 1..1114111}
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14128: The pattern {{Lb, _Ub}, _Ext = [Min | _]} can never match the type 2 | 3 | {0 | 1,'MAX' | 1..1114111}
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14131: The pattern {{Lb1, Ub1}, {Lb2, Ub2}} can never match the type 2 | 3 | {0 | 1,'MAX' | 1..1114111}
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14140: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [] | 2 | 3 | {0 | 1,'MAX' | 1..1114111}
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14300: The pattern 'indefinite' can never match the type number()
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14347: The pattern {'value', {_, V}} can never match the type 'false'
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14419: Guard test is_integer(H::'unclassified') can never succeed
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14426: Guard test is_integer(Int::['unclassified',...]) can never succeed
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14432: Guard test is_integer(H1::'unclassified') can never succeed
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14437: Guard test is_integer(H1::'unclassified') can never succeed
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14459: Function bit_list_to_int/2 will never be called
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14479: Function remove_trailing_zeros/1 will never be called
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14482: Function remove_trailing_zeros1/1 will never be called
OTP-PUB-KEY.erl:14483: The created fun has no local return
PKCS-FRAME.erl:2442: The pattern <Tlv, _> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <_,'nif'>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:2631: The pattern <<Class:2/integer-unit:1,Form:1/integer-unit:1,31:5/integer-unit:1,1:1/integer-unit:1,TagPart1:7/integer-unit:1,0:1/integer-unit:1,TagPartLast:8/integer-unit:1,Buffer/binary-unit:8>> can never match the type binary()
PKCS-FRAME.erl:2710: The pattern <Val, Tag> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(),binary() | []),[]>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:2839: Guard test [64 | 128,...] | {1 | 8,'MAX' | 127} =:= Int::integer() can never succeed
PKCS-FRAME.erl:2843: Guard test is_integer(SingleValue::[64 | 128,...]) can never succeed
PKCS-FRAME.erl:2849: The pattern <Int, []> can never match the type <integer(),[{'v1',0} | {'v1-0',16},...]>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:2863: The pattern <{Name, Val}, TagIn> can never match the type <0 | 1 | 2 | 3,_>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:2880: The pattern <Buffer, _Range, {NamedNumberList, ExtList}, _Tags> can never match the type <_,[],[{'dSAOperation',3} | {'directoryOperation',1} | {'distributedOperation',2} | {'userApplications',0},...],maybe_improper_list()>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3021: Function decode_bit_string2/3 will never be called
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3042: Function decode_bitstring2/3 will never be called
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3074: Function decode_bitstring_NNL/2 will never be called
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3077: Function decode_bitstring_NNL/4 will never be called
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3255: The pattern 3 can never match the type 4
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3256: The pattern 28 can never match the type 4
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3257: The pattern 30 can never match the type 4
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3264: The pattern 3 can never match the type 4
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3265: The pattern 3 can never match the type 4
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3266: The pattern 3 can never match the type 4
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3273: Guard test StrLen::non_neg_integer() == 'no_check' can never succeed
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3276: The pattern {Lb, Ub} can never match the type 8
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3280: The pattern {{Lb, _Ub}, []} can never match the type 8
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3281: The pattern {{Lb, _Ub}, _Ext = [Min | _]} can never match the type 8
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3284: The pattern {{Lb1, Ub1}, {Lb2, Ub2}} can never match the type 8
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3290: The pattern {_, _} can never match the type 8
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3293: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type [] | 8
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3307: Function mk_universal_string/1 will never be called
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3309: Function mk_universal_string/2 will never be called
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3327: Function mk_BMP_string/1 will never be called
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3329: Function mk_BMP_string/2 will never be called
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3366: The pattern 'indefinite' can never match the type number()
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3471: Guard test 'false' | 0 | 1 | 2 =:= V1::'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47 can never succeed
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3481: Guard test 'false' | 0 | 1 | 2 =:= V1::'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47 can never succeed
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3493: The pattern <'recommendation', [0]> can never match the type <_,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | maybe_improper_list('Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | [] | 47) | 47>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3494: The pattern <'question', [0]> can never match the type <_,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | maybe_improper_list('Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | [] | 47) | 47>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3495: The pattern <'administration', [0]> can never match the type <_,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | maybe_improper_list('Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | [] | 47) | 47>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3496: The pattern <'network-operator', [0]> can never match the type <_,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | maybe_improper_list('Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | [] | 47) | 47>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3497: The pattern <'identified-organization', [0]> can never match the type <_,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | maybe_improper_list('Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | [] | 47) | 47>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3500: The pattern <'standard', [1]> can never match the type <_,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | maybe_improper_list('Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | [] | 47) | 47>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3501: The pattern <'member-body', [1]> can never match the type <_,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | maybe_improper_list('Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | [] | 47) | 47>
PKCS-FRAME.erl:3502: The pattern <'identified-organization', [1]> can never match the type <_,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | maybe_improper_list('Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | 47,'Externalvaluereference' | 'PKCS5v2-0' | 'id-hmacWithSHA1' | [] | 47) | 47>