
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being ad9d089

These are Current warnings for natter.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists ebin
natter_auth.erl:66: The call natter_dispatcher:send_and_wait(any(),AuthStanza::[[any()] | char()]) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (pid(),{'xmlelement',string(),[any()],_})
natter_connection.erl:99: Function send_wait_iq/5 has no local return
natter_connection.erl:106: Function send_wait_iq/6 has no local return
natter_connection.erl:110: The call natter_dispatcher:send_and_wait(Dispatcher::atom() | pid(),Iq::[[any()] | char()],Timeout::any()) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (pid(),{'xmlelement',string(),[any()],_},integer())
natter_dispatcher.erl:122: Function dispatch/2 has no local return
natter_dispatcher.erl:151: The pattern {'error', 'already_registered'} can never match the type 'ok' | {'error',string()}
natter_dispatcher.erl:154: The pattern {'wait', 'reconnecting'} can never match the type 'ok' | {'error',string()}
natter_packetizer.erl:261: Function ssl_connect/1 will never be called
natter_parser.erl:27: Function parse/1 has no local return
natter_parser.erl:30: The call erlang:open_port({'spawn', 'natter_expat'},['binary',...]) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | {'spawn',string()} | {'spawn_driver',string()} | {'spawn_executable',binary() | [integer()]} | {'fd',integer(),integer()},['binary' | 'eof' | 'exit_status' | 'hide' | 'in' | 'nouse_stdio' | 'out' | 'stderr_to_stdout' | 'stream' | 'use_stdio' | {'arg0' | 'args' | 'cd' | 'env' | 'line' | 'packet',binary() | [binary() | [integer()] | integer() | {_,_}] | integer()}])
natter_parser.erl:38: Function parse/3 will never be called
natter_parser.erl:44: The created fun has no local return
natter_parser.erl:56: Function close/1 will never be called
natter_parser.erl:92: Function add_to_parent/2 will never be called
natter_parser.erl:97: Function handle_event/2 will never be called
natter_parser.erl:117: Call to missing or unexported function erlang:concat_binary/1