
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/hibari/hibari.git with the last commit being edc0528

These are Current warnings for hibari.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r hibari/lib
leexinc.hrl:49: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'token', T, Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token' | {'end_token',{'dot',_}},[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'binary',_,binary()} | {'float',_,float()} | {'integer',_,_} | {'string',_,[any()]}]>
leexinc.hrl:54: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T, Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'binary',_,binary()} | {'float',_,float()} | {'integer',_,_} | {'string',_,[any()]}]>
leexinc.hrl:59: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'skip_token', Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error',[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'binary',_,binary()} | {'float',_,float()} | {'integer',_,_} | {'string',_,[any()]}]>
leexinc.hrl:62: The pattern <_Rest, Line, {'error', S}, _Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error',[{atom(),_} | {'atom',_,atom()} | {'binary',_,binary()} | {'float',_,float()} | {'integer',_,_} | {'string',_,[any()]}]>
leexinc.hrl:118: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'token', T, Push}> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token' | {'end_token',{'dot',_}}>
leexinc.hrl:123: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T, Push}> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token'>
leexinc.hrl:128: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'skip_token', Push}> can never match the type <_,_,'error'>
leexinc.hrl:131: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'error', S}> can never match the type <_,_,'error'>
leexinc.hrl:192: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'token', T, Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token' | {'end_token',{'dot',_}},_>
leexinc.hrl:197: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', T, Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',_>
leexinc.hrl:202: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'skip_token', Push}, Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error',_>
leexinc.hrl:205: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'error', S}, _Ts> can never match the type <_,_,'error',_>
leexinc.hrl:243: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'token', _T, Push}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token' | {'end_token',{'dot',_}},_>
leexinc.hrl:248: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'end_token', _T, Push}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error' | 'skip_token',_>
leexinc.hrl:253: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'skip_token', Push}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error',_>
leexinc.hrl:256: The pattern <Rest, Line, {'error', _S}, Error> can never match the type <_,_,'error',_>
yeccpre.hrl:70: Function yecc_error_type/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:70: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'contract_yecc', F, ArityOrArgs} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>
brick_chainmon.erl:1096: The created fun has no local return
brick_ets.erl:3022: The created fun has no local return
brick_mboxmon.erl:313: The created fun has no local return
brick_server.erl:4995: The created fun has no local return
gdss_s3_httpd_request_handler.erl:163: The inferred return type of handle_cast/2 ({'reply',{'cast_api_violation',_},_}) has nothing in common with {'noreply',_} | {'noreply',_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer()} | {'stop',_,_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of gen_server behaviour
meck.erl:473: The pattern <Mod, Func, Args, [Meck = {'meck', 'exec', _Arity} | Stack]> can never match the type <atom(),_,_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]},...]>
partition_detector_sup.erl:32: The return type {'ok',_} in the specification of init/1 is not a subtype of 'ignore' | {'ok',{{'one_for_all',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'one_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'rest_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'simple_one_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},[{_,{atom() | tuple(),atom(),'undefined' | [any()]},'permanent' | 'temporary' | 'transient','brutal_kill' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer(),'supervisor' | 'worker','dynamic' | [atom() | tuple()]}]}}, which is the expected return type for the callback of supervisor behaviour
riak_err_monitor.erl:84: The specified type for the 2nd argument of handle_call/3 (reference()) is not a supertype of {pid(),_}, which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the gen_server behaviour
riak_err_sup.erl:39: The return type {'ok',{{'one_for_one',1000,3600},[tuple()]}} in the specification of init/1 is not a subtype of 'ignore' | {'ok',{{'one_for_all',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'one_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'rest_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()} | {'simple_one_for_one',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},[{_,{atom() | tuple(),atom(),'undefined' | [any()]},'permanent' | 'temporary' | 'transient','brutal_kill' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer(),'supervisor' | 'worker','dynamic' | [atom() | tuple()]}]}}, which is the expected return type for the callback of supervisor behaviour