
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 7148bbd

These are Current warnings for couchbeam.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin deps
couchbeam_util.erl:33: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
ejson.erl:17: Function init/0 has no local return
ejson.erl:24: The call filename:join(['ejson' | 'priv',...]) breaks the contract (Components) -> file:filename() when is_subtype(Components,[file:filename()])
ejson.erl:27: The call filename:join(Dir::binary() | string(),'ejson') breaks the contract (Name1,Name2) -> file:filename() when is_subtype(Name1,file:filename()), is_subtype(Name2,file:filename())
ejson.erl:51: Function nif_decode/1 has no local return
ejson.erl:69: Function nif_encode/1 has no local return
ejson.erl:135: Function make_ejson/2 will never be called
oauth.erl:67: Function signature_base_string/3 has no local return
oauth_rsa_sha1.erl:9: Call to missing or unexported function public_key:pem_to_der/1
oauth_rsa_sha1.erl:10: Call to missing or unexported function public_key:decode_private_key/1
oauth_rsa_sha1.erl:11: Call to missing or unexported function public_key:sign/2
oauth_rsa_sha1.erl:14: Call to missing or unexported function public_key:verify_signature/4
oauth_rsa_sha1.erl:22: Call to missing or unexported function public_key:pem_to_der/1
oauth_rsa_sha1.erl:23: The pattern {'ok', Cert} can never match the type #'Certificate'{} | #'OTPCertificate'{}
oauth_uri.erl:12: The pattern {Scheme, UserInfo, Host, Port, Path, _Query} can never match the type {'error','no_scheme' | {'malformed_url',_} | {'not_supported_scheme',atom()}} | {'ok',{'http',_,_,_,_,_} | {'https',_,_,_,_,_}}
oauth_uri.erl:18: Function normalize/5 will never be called
oauth_uri.erl:25: Function normalize/3 will never be called