
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 5ffdbe7

These are Current warnings for bitcask.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin deps
bitcask.erl:474: The pattern [U | _] can never match the type []
bitcask.erl:563: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
bitcask.erl:579: Function will never be called
bitcask.erl:580: Function will never be called
bitcask.erl:582: Function will never be called
bitcask.erl:596: Function will never be called
bitcask.erl:603: Function frag_threshold/1 will never be called
bitcask.erl:605: The created fun has no local return
bitcask.erl:613: Function dead_bytes_threshold/1 will never be called
bitcask.erl:615: The created fun has no local return
bitcask.erl:623: Function small_file_threshold/1 will never be called
bitcask.erl:630: The created fun has no local return
bitcask.erl:638: The created fun has no local return
bitcask.erl:641: Function expired_threshold/1 will never be called
bitcask.erl:642: The created fun has no local return
bitcask.erl:657: The pattern [F | _] can never match the type []
bitcask.erl:687: The call bitcask:summarize(any(),S::{non_neg_integer(),pos_integer(),pos_integer(),pos_integer(),pos_integer()}) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (string(),{integer(),number(),number(),number(),number(),_})
bitcask.erl:691: The pattern [S | _] can never match the type []
bitcask.erl:700: Function summarize/2 has no local return
bitcask.erl:700: The pattern <Dirname, {FileId, LiveCount, TotalCount, LiveBytes, TotalBytes, OldestTstamp}> can never match the type <_,{non_neg_integer(),pos_integer(),pos_integer(),pos_integer(),pos_integer()}>
bitcask.erl:761: The call bitcask_fileops:fold_keys(File::#filestate{mode::'read_only',filename::string() | #filestate{},tstamp::integer(),hintcrc::0,ofs::0},F::fun((_,_,_,_) -> 'already_exists' | 'ok'),'undefined','recovery') breaks the contract ('fresh' | #filestate{},fun((binary(),integer(),{integer(),integer()},any()) -> any()),any(),'datafile' | 'hintfile' | 'default') -> any() | {'error',any()}
meck.erl:644: The pattern <Mod, Func, Args, [Meck = {'meck', 'exec', _Arity} | Stack]> can never match the type <atom(),_,_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]},...]>