
Code pulled with manually from the developers on Wed Sep 14 15:28:00 EEST 2011

These are Current warnings for Sim-Diasca-2-0-10.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r .
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_Wooper_attribute_test:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_ViviparousBeing:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_Squirrel:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_Platypus:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_OvoviviparousBeing:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_Oak:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_MaleRedSquirrel:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_ForestDweller:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_Forest:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_FemaleRedSquirrel:delete/1
:2347: Call to missing or unexported function class_Creature:delete/1
app_facilities.erl:45: Function stop/0 has no local return
basic_utils_test.erl:53: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Actor.erl:1128: Function getSimulationDate/1 has no local return
class_Actor.erl:1130: The call calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(float()) will never return since the success typing is (non_neg_integer()) -> {{non_neg_integer(),1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,1..255},{byte(),byte(),byte()}} and the contract is (Seconds) -> datetime() when is_subtype(Seconds,non_neg_integer())
class_Actor.erl:1755: The pattern <'passive', CurrentAgenda> can never match the type <integer(),_>
class_Actor.erl:1758: The pattern <'terminating', CurrentAgenda> can never match the type <integer(),_>
class_Cat_test.erl:20: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Cat_test.erl:245: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
class_ComputingHostManager.erl:882: Function send_deployment_agent/1 has no local return
class_ComputingHostManager.erl:888: The call rpc:call(TargetNode::any(),'erlang','system_info','otp_release') breaks the contract (Node,Module,Function,Args) -> Res | {'badrpc',Reason} when is_subtype(Node,node()), is_subtype(Module,module()), is_subtype(Function,atom()), is_subtype(Args,[term()]), is_subtype(Res,term()), is_subtype(Reason,term())
class_ConnectablePoint.erl:79: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:construct/2
class_Creature_test.erl:20: Function run/0 has no local return
class_DataLogger.erl:925: The call class_Probe:generate_command_file(binary(),[tuple()],#probe_settings{}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ([any()],[any()],#probe_settings{x_range::'undefined' | {_,_},y_range::'undefined' | {_,_},labels::[{{_,_},binary(),_,_,_}]})
class_DeploymentManager.erl:185: Function construct/4 has no local return
class_DeploymentManager.erl:325: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:328: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:415: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:514: Function process_setup_outcome/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:539: Function wait_setup_outcome/6 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:604: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:620: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:732: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'ok' | {'error',{'badarg' | [any(),...],_}}
class_DeploymentManager.erl:998: Function get_node_for/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1008: Function get_node_names/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1009: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1016: Function get_clean_up_settings/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1051: Function interpret_setup_outcome/4 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1160: Function notify_failed_node/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1192: Function determine_root_directory/0 has no local return
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1214: Function determine_host_list_from/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1286: Function ensure_localhost_included/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1304: Function ensure_username_specified/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1325: Function get_hosts_from_file/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1331: Function filter_line_elements/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1374: Function set_up_computing_nodes/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1392: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1406: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1452: Function dispatch_agents/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1497: The pattern <[{'tcp_restricted_range', R = {Min, Max}} | T], {Port, 'undefined'}> can never match the type <_,{'undefined' | integer(),'no_restriction'}>
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1506: The pattern <[{'tcp_restricted_range', R = {_Min, _Max}} | _T], {_Port, 'undefined'}> can never match the type <_,{'undefined' | integer(),'no_restriction'}>
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1524: Function get_node_name_from/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1533: Function interpret_failed_hosts/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1541: Function interpret_failed_hosts/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1556: Function interpret_host_failure/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1577: Function check_non_clashing_node_names/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1627: Function get_simulation_package/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1650: Function save_simulation_package/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1662: Function load_simulation_package/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1679: Function build_simulation_package/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1692: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1733: Function get_engine_deployment_settings/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1754: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1768: Function standardise_deploy_element/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1790: Function standardise_deploy_options/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1825: Function manage_rebuild_and_select/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1827: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1836: Function process_element/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1948: Function check_element_path_exists/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:1967: Function select_content_from/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:2023: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:2033: Function rebuild_directory/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManager.erl:2075: Function rebuild_file/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:196: Function construct/4 has no local return
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:426: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:remote_synchronous_timed_new_link/4
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:426: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:585: The pattern {'error', Reason} can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'ok' | {'error',{'badarg' | [any(),...],_}}
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:808: Function determine_root_directory/0 has no local return
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:823: Function determine_host_list_from/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:892: Function ensure_localhost_included/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:907: Function get_hosts_from_file/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:913: Function filter_line_elements/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:936: Function set_up_computing_nodes/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:940: Function set_up_computing_nodes/4 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1049: Function dispatch_agents/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1113: Function get_node_name_from/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1120: Function get_fully_qualified_node_name/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1126: Function interpret_failed_hosts/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1133: Function interpret_failed_hosts/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1143: Function interpret_host_failure/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1155: Function check_non_clashing_node_names/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1209: Function launch_node/4 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1441: Function deploy_simulation/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1527: Function get_simulation_package/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1550: Function save_simulation_package/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1562: Function load_simulation_package/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1579: Function build_simulation_package/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1592: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1627: Function get_engine_deployment_settings/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1647: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1661: Function standardise_deploy_element/1 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1683: Function standardise_deploy_options/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1718: Function manage_rebuild_and_select/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1720: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1729: Function process_element/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1841: Function check_element_path_exists/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1860: Function select_content_from/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1916: Function will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1926: Function rebuild_directory/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:1966: Function rebuild_file/2 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:2006: Function manage_nodes/3 will never be called
class_DeploymentManagerSeq.erl:2014: Function wait_for/4 will never be called
class_Describable_test.erl:34: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Equipment.erl:111: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:construct/2
class_FailureModel.erl:90: Call to missing or unexported function class_StochasticActor:construct/3
class_FailureModel.erl:167: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:convertSecondsToTicksWith/2
class_Forest.erl:658: The variable _Others can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'famine' | 'fire' | 'reproduction' | 'savage'
class_Graphable_test.erl:33: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Locatable_test.erl:36: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Mammal_test.erl:18: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Mammal_test.erl:147: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
class_Mesh.erl:683: Function generateTopologicalView/2 has no local return
class_Mesh.erl:701: Function generateTopologicalView/3 has no local return
class_Mesh.erl:756: Function generate_topological_view/3 has no local return
class_Mesh.erl:802: The call file_utils:open(DigraphFilename::[any(),...],'write') will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | binary() | [atom() | [any()] | char()],['append' | 'binary' | 'compressed' | 'delayed_write' | 'exclusive' | 'raw' | 'read' | 'read_ahead' | 'write' | {'encoding','latin1' | 'unicode' | 'utf16' | 'utf32' | 'utf8' | {_,_}} | {'read_ahead',pos_integer()} | {'delayed_write',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}])
class_Mesh_test.erl:35: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Network.erl:255: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:construct/2
class_Network_test.erl:37: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Network_test.erl:44: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:create/0
class_Network_test.erl:75: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:remove/0
class_OvoviviparousBeing_test.erl:19: Function run/0 has no local return
class_OvoviviparousBeing_test.erl:111: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
class_PerformanceTracker.erl:250: Function stop/0 has no local return
class_PerformanceTracker.erl:253: The call basic_utils:get_registered_pid_for(RegisteredName::atom(),'global_only') will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (any(),'global' | 'local' | 'local_and_global' | 'local_otherwise_global')
class_PerformanceTracker.erl:700: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
class_PerformanceTracker.erl:864: The pattern {'badrpc', _Reason} can never match the type string()
class_PerformanceTracker_test.erl:32: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Platypus_test.erl:19: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Platypus_test.erl:290: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
class_Probe_test.erl:81: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
class_Probe_test.erl:152: Function run/0 has no local return
class_RandomManager.erl:299: Call to missing or unexported function class_RandomManager:synchronous_new/2
class_RandomManager.erl:319: Call to missing or unexported function class_RandomManager:synchronous_new/2
class_RandomManager.erl:914: The pattern {'registration_waiting_timeout', 'sim_diasca_random_manager'} can never match the type pid()
class_RandomManager_Exponential_test.erl:185: Function run/0 has no local return
class_RandomManager_Exponential_test.erl:198: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type pid()
class_RandomManager_Exponential_test.erl:212: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:remove/0
class_RandomManager_Gaussian_test.erl:211: Function run/0 has no local return
class_RandomManager_Gaussian_test.erl:216: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:create/0
class_RandomManager_Gaussian_test.erl:227: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type pid()
class_RandomManager_Gaussian_test.erl:242: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:remove/0
class_RandomManager_Uniform_test.erl:179: Function run/0 has no local return
class_RandomManager_Uniform_test.erl:184: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:create/0
class_RandomManager_Uniform_test.erl:195: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type pid()
class_RandomManager_Uniform_test.erl:209: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:remove/0
class_RandomManager_test.erl:324: Function run/0 has no local return
class_RandomManager_test.erl:330: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:create/0
class_RandomManager_test.erl:341: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type pid()
class_RandomManager_test.erl:382: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:remove/0
class_RepairModel.erl:92: Call to missing or unexported function class_StochasticActor:construct/3
class_RepairModel.erl:147: Call to missing or unexported function class_StochasticActor:initialize_random_buffers/1
class_RepairModel.erl:154: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:manage_end_of_tick/1
class_RepairModel.erl:174: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:convertSecondsToTicksWith/2
class_Reptile_test.erl:19: Function run/0 has no local return
class_Reptile_test.erl:136: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
class_ResultManager.erl:439: Call to missing or unexported function lists:remove/2
class_ResultManager.erl:632: Call to missing or unexported function lists:remove/2
class_ScenarioManager.erl:84: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:construct/2
class_ScenarioManager.erl:95: Call to missing or unexported function class_RandomManager:synchronous_new_link/2
class_ScenarioManager.erl:216: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:manage_end_of_tick/1
class_SimulationManager.erl:131: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:new_link/3
class_TestCircularActor.erl:66: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:construct/2
class_TestCircularActor.erl:105: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:act_not_ready/2
class_TestCircularActor.erl:108: Call to missing or unexported function class_Actor:manage_end_of_tick/1
class_TraceAggregator.erl:422: The pattern {'registration_waiting_timeout', 'ceylan_trace_aggregator'} can never match the type pid()
class_ViviparousBeing_test.erl:20: Function run/0 has no local return
class_ViviparousBeing_test.erl:109: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
class_Wooper_attribute_test.erl:188: Function run/0 has no local return
core_utils_test.erl:38: Function run/0 has no local return
core_utils_test.erl:44: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:create/0
core_utils_test.erl:55: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type pid()
core_utils_test.erl:101: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:remove/0
crash.erl:4: Function f/0 has no local return
crash.erl:7: Function g/0 has no local return
crash.erl:9: The pattern 'b' can never match the type 5
datalogging_test.erl:162: Function run/0 has no local return
deployment_firewall_restriction_test.erl:36: Function run/0 has no local return
deployment_reloading_saved_package_test.erl:39: Function run/0 has no local return
deployment_saving_package_test.erl:39: Function run/0 has no local return
equipment_integration_test.erl:41: Call to missing or unexported function class_TestEquipment:synchronous_new_link/2
equipment_integration_test.erl:48: Function run/0 has no local return
equipment_integration_test.erl:53: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:create/0
equipment_integration_test.erl:190: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:remove/0
executable_utils_test.erl:38: Function run/0 has no local return
file_utils_test.erl:37: Function run/0 has no local return
fsm_utils.erl:62: The pattern 'undefined' can never match the type {'hashtable_key_not_found',_} | {'value',_}
fsm_utils_test.erl:42: Function run/0 has no local return
fsm_utils_test.erl:48: The pattern 'undefined' can never match the type {'hashtable_key_not_found',_} | {'value',_}
gui_test.erl:203: Function run/0 has no local return
hashtable_test.erl:39: Function run/0 has no local return
linear_2D.erl:208: The pattern {PmaxForH, LongestSquareDistanceFromH} can never match the type {_,{number(),number()},number()}
linear_2D_test.erl:39: Function run/0 has no local return
math_utils_test.erl:38: Function run/0 has no local return
most_basic_example_app.erl:39: Function exec/0 has no local return
net_utils_test.erl:38: Function run/0 has no local return
option_list_test.erl:39: Function run/0 has no local return
polygon_test.erl:38: Function run/0 has no local return
probe_rendering_test.erl:42: Function run/0 has no local return
probe_rendering_test.erl:84: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'
randomManagerAndStochasticActorPair_test.erl:38: Function run/0 has no local return
randomManagerAndStochasticActorPair_test.erl:43: Call to missing or unexported function class_TimeManager:create/0
randomManagerAndStochasticActorPair_test.erl:56: Call to missing or unexported function class_TestStochasticActor:synchronous_new_link/3
result_management_test.erl:34: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_initial_placement_hint_test.erl:39: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_multiple_coupled_erratic_actors_longer_test.erl:45: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_multiple_coupled_erratic_actors_test.erl:41: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_multiple_coupled_periodic_actors_test.erl:42: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_multiple_uncoupled_erratic_actors_test.erl:41: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_multiple_uncoupled_periodic_actors_test.erl:41: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_one_creating_actor_test.erl:36: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_one_erratic_actor_test.erl:52: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_one_initial_non_terminating_actor_test.erl:40: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_one_initial_terminating_actor_test.erl:39: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_one_periodic_actor_test.erl:45: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_one_recursive_creating_actor_test.erl:36: Function run/0 has no local return
scheduling_scalability_test.erl:78: Function run/0 has no local return
setting_initial_and_final_date_test.erl:38: Function run/0 has no local return
simulationAndScenario_test.erl:35: Function run/0 has no local return
soda_deterministic_integration_test.erl:43: Function run/0 has no local return
soda_stochastic_integration_test.erl:43: Function run/0 has no local return
space_test.erl:36: Function run/0 has no local return
ssi_test.erl:80: Function run/0 has no local return
system_utils_test.erl:52: Function run/0 has no local return
test_facilities.erl:50: Function stop/0 has no local return
text_utils_test.erl:55: Function run/0 has no local return
traceListening_test.erl:78: Function test_actual_body/0 has no local return
traceListening_test.erl:145: Function run/0 has no local return
traceManagementUnderPressure_test.erl:68: Function run/0 has no local return
traceManagement_test.erl:55: Function run/0 has no local return
trace_enabled_app.erl:39: Function exec/0 has no local return
trace_enabled_app.erl:41: Call to missing or unexported function traces:app_start/2
traces.erl:97: Function test_stop/2 has no local return
traces.erl:104: Function test_immediate_stop/2 has no local return
wooper_class_manager_test.erl:41: Function run/0 has no local return