
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 2ba6c0f

These are Current warnings for McErlang.

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists stacks/ebin ebin Ltl2Buchi/ebin utility/ebin tables/ebin languages/erlang/ebin behaviours/ebin abstractions/ebin app/ebin algorithms/ebin monitors/ebin Ltl2Buchi_glue schedulers/ebin
buchi_reduce.erl:184: Function expand_accept/1 will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:185: Call to missing or unexported function buchi:cycles/1
buchi_reduce.erl:187: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:188: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:191: Function accepts/2 will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:246: Function remove_unnecessary_states/1 will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:249: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:250: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:251: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:254: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:259: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:263: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:267: Function will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:325: The pattern [{SC, _} | _] can never match the type ['false' | {[any()],_,boolean()}]
buchi_reduce.erl:488: Function buchi2digraph/1 will never be called
buchi_reduce.erl:490: The created fun has no local return
buchi_reduce.erl:493: The created fun has no local return
ltl2buchi.erl:482: The pattern 0 can never match the type pos_integer()
ltl2buchi.erl:540: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:154: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:155: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:156: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:157: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:158: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:159: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:160: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:161: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:162: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:164: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:165: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:167: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:168: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:170: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:171: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:173: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:174: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
ltl_parse.erl:175: The variable _ can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'false'
mce_abs_hash.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_abstraction behaviour is not available
mce_abs_none.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_abstraction behaviour is not available
mce_abs_norm.erl:38: Callback info about the mce_behav_abstraction behaviour is not available
mce_alg_buechi.erl:41: Callback info about the mce_behav_algorithm behaviour is not available
mce_alg_debugger.erl:43: Callback info about the mce_behav_algorithm behaviour is not available
mce_alg_equiv.erl:45: Callback info about the mce_behav_algorithm behaviour is not available
mce_alg_safety.erl:38: Callback info about the mce_behav_algorithm behaviour is not available
mce_alg_safety.erl:182: The variable Other can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',{_,_}}
mce_alg_safety_parallel.erl:39: Callback info about the mce_behav_algorithm behaviour is not available
mce_alg_safety_parallel.erl:108: The variable Result can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',{_,_,_}}
mce_alg_safety_parallel.erl:231: The variable Error can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type {'ok',{_,_,_}}
mce_alg_safety_parallel_variant1.erl:78: Call to missing or unexported function mce_alg_safety:run/3
mce_alg_safety_rnd.erl:39: Callback info about the mce_behav_algorithm behaviour is not available
mce_alg_safety_rnd.erl:201: The call mce_alg_safety_rnd:get_random_keyvalue(New::gb_tree()) contains an opaque term as 1st argument when a structured term of type {pos_integer(),{_,_,_,_}} is expected
mce_alg_safety_rnd.erl:263: The call mce_alg_safety_rnd:get_random_keyvalue(T::gb_tree()) contains an opaque term as 1st argument when a structured term of type {pos_integer(),{_,_,_,_}} is expected
mce_alg_safety_rnd.erl:359: Guard test New::gb_tree() > 0 can never succeed
mce_alg_safety_rnd.erl:435: Function get_random_keyvalue/1 has no local return
mce_alg_safety_rnd.erl:436: The attempt to match a term of type gb_tree() against the pattern {Size, Tree} breaks the opaqueness of the term
mce_alg_safety_rnd.erl:439: Function get_value/2 will never be called
mce_alg_safety_rnd.erl:442: Function get_value1/2 will never be called
mce_alg_safety_variant1.erl:41: Callback info about the mce_behav_algorithm behaviour is not available
mce_alg_simulation.erl:42: Callback info about the mce_behav_algorithm behaviour is not available
mce_erl.erl:421: The variable Module can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'void'
mce_erl.erl:428: The pattern <[{'mce_erl', _, _} | Rest], ModuleSelf> can never match the type <[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]},...],_>
mce_erl.erl:430: The pattern <[{ModuleSelf, _, _} | Rest], _> can never match the type <[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]},...],_>
mce_erl.erl:432: The pattern <[{Module, _, _} | _], _> can never match the type <[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]},...],_>
mce_erl_compile.erl:44: Function start/0 has no local return
mce_erl_compile.erl:356: The call cerl:from_records(CoreCode::binary()) breaks the contract (cerl()) -> cerl()
mce_erl_compile_info.erl:322: Guard test atom() =:= Conf::dict() can never succeed
mce_erl_coreTrans.erl:129: The pattern <'void', Msg> can never match the type <nonempty_string(),[1..255,...]>
mce_erl_coreTrans.erl:138: Guard test is_atom(File::nonempty_string()) can never succeed
mce_erl_coreTrans.erl:1051: Function strip_vars/1 will never be called
mce_erl_debugger.erl:299: The pattern {'value', RetVal, NewBindings} can never match the type 'fail'
mce_erl_debugger.erl:367: The variable Return can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'fail'
mce_erl_debugger.erl:481: Guard test is_integer(N::'void') can never succeed
mce_erl_debugger.erl:720: Function parse_eval_1/2 has no local return
mce_erl_debugger.erl:736: Function eval_expr/2 has no local return
mce_erl_debugger.erl:737: The call erl_eval:expr(Term::any(),Bindings::any(),{'eval', {'mce_erl_debugger', 'eval_local_func'}},{'value',{'mce_erl_debugger','eval_nonlocal_func'}}) will never return since the success typing is ({'nil',_} | {atom(),_,_} | {'bc' | 'call' | 'case' | 'cons' | 'lc' | 'match' | 'op' | 'record_field',_,_,_} | {'op',_,_,{'nil',_} | {atom(),_,_} | {'bc' | 'call' | 'case' | 'cons' | 'lc' | 'match' | 'op' | 'record_field',_,_,_} | {'op',_,_,{_,_} | {_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_},_} | {'receive',_,_,{_,_} | {_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_},_} | {'try',_,_,_,_,[any()]},_} | {'receive',_,_,{'nil',_} | {atom(),_,_} | {'bc' | 'call' | 'case' | 'cons' | 'lc' | 'match' | 'op' | 'record_field',_,_,_} | {'op',_,_,{_,_} | {_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_},_} | {'receive',_,_,{_,_} | {_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_},_} | {'try',_,_,_,_,[any()]},_} | {'try',_,_,_,_,[{_,_} | {_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_}]},[{_,_}],'none' | {'eval',fun((atom(),[any()],[{_,_}]) -> {'value',_,[any()]})} | {'value',fun((atom(),[any()]) -> any())},'none' | {'value',fun((fun() | {atom() | tuple(),atom()},[any()]) -> any())}) -> any() and the contract is (Expression,Bindings,LocalFunctionHandler,NonLocalFunctionHandler) -> {'value',Value,NewBindings} when is_subtype(Expression,expression()), is_subtype(Bindings,binding_struct()), is_subtype(LocalFunctionHandler,local_function_handler()), is_subtype(NonLocalFunctionHandler,non_local_function_handler()), is_subtype(Value,value()), is_subtype(NewBindings,binding_struct())
mce_erl_debugger.erl:742: Function eval_exprs/2 has no local return
mce_erl_debugger.erl:743: The call erl_eval:exprs(Terms::any(),Bindings::any(),{'eval', {'mce_erl_debugger', 'eval_local_func'}},{'value',{'mce_erl_debugger','eval_nonlocal_func'}}) breaks the contract (Expressions,Bindings,LocalFunctionHandler,NonLocalFunctionHandler) -> {'value',Value,NewBindings} when is_subtype(Expressions,expressions()), is_subtype(Bindings,binding_struct()), is_subtype(LocalFunctionHandler,local_function_handler()), is_subtype(NonLocalFunctionHandler,non_local_function_handler()), is_subtype(Value,value()), is_subtype(NewBindings,binding_struct())
mce_erl_debugger.erl:760: The created fun has no local return
mce_erl_debugger.erl:1195: The pattern [] can never match the type nonempty_maybe_improper_list()
mce_erl_debugger.erl:1410: Function has_actions/1 will never be called
mce_erl_debugger.erl:1421: Function get_actions/1 will never be called
mce_erl_find_action_source.erl:146: Function get_depth/1 will never be called
mce_erl_opsem.erl:318: The pattern <Ether, Seen, State> can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type <[{_,_}],[{{_,_},nonempty_maybe_improper_list()}],#state{}>
mce_erl_opsem.erl:477: Function signal_user_error/2 has no local return
mce_erl_opsem.erl:631: Function isTagged/1 will never be called
mce_erl_rcv_agent.erl:33: Undefined callback function handle_cast/2 (behaviour 'gen_server')
mce_erl_rcv_agent.erl:33: Undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server')
mce_erl_references.erl:109: Function getNewValue/4 will never be called
mce_erl_sef_analysis.erl:191: Function print_funcalls/1 will never be called
mce_erl_sef_analysis.erl:192: The created fun has no local return
mce_erl_sef_analysis.erl:283: Function pp/1 will never be called
mce_erl_shell_eval.erl:67: The variable Return can never match since previous clauses completely covered the type 'fail' | {'value',_,[{_,_}]}
mce_erl_shell_eval.erl:170: The pattern [{'erl_eval', 'do_apply', _} | _] can never match the type [{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]
mce_erl_shell_eval.erl:172: The pattern [{'erl_eval', 'local_func', _} | _] can never match the type [{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]
mce_erl_shell_eval.erl:174: The pattern [{'shell_eval', 'eval_local_func', [Name, Arguments]} | _] can never match the type [{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]
mce_erl_shell_eval.erl:176: The pattern [{'shell_mcerl_try', 'do_apply_try', _} | _] can never match the type [{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]
mce_erl_shell_eval.erl:178: The pattern [{'shell_eval', 'eval_nonlocal_func', [Name, Arguments]} | _] can never match the type [{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]
mce_erl_shell_eval.erl:188: Function del_eval_server/1 will never be called
mce_erl_stack_to_dot.erl:111: The pattern <'void', Stats> can never match the type <[any()],#statistics{first_pid::'void' | {'pid',_,_},links::[{_,_}],monitors::[{_,_}],monitor_nodes::[{_,_}],spawns::[{_,_,_,_,_}],comms::[{_,_}],registers::[{_,_}],limit::'void'}>
mce_erl_sysOS.erl:325: The pattern {'message', Pid, _Message} can never match the type {'signal',_,_}
mce_mon_and.erl:35: Callback info about the mce_behav_monitor behaviour is not available
mce_mon_buechi_true.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_monitor behaviour is not available
mce_mon_deadlock.erl:39: Callback info about the mce_behav_monitor behaviour is not available
mce_mon_queue.erl:39: Callback info about the mce_behav_monitor behaviour is not available
mce_mon_sane.erl:39: Callback info about the mce_behav_monitor behaviour is not available
mce_mon_test.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_monitor behaviour is not available
mce_mon_testFinal.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_monitor behaviour is not available
mce_mon_wrap.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_monitor behaviour is not available
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:9: The pattern <[Command | Rest], Store> can never match the type <[],[]>
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:12: Function run_command/2 will never be called
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:17: Call to missing or unexported function mce:choice/1
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:19: The created fun has no local return
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:25: The created fun has no local return
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:30: Function do_call/4 will never be called
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:33: Function bind/3 will never be called
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:38: Function replaceArgs/2 will never be called
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:39: The created fun has no local return
mce_quickcheck_commands.erl:41: Function replaceArg/2 will never be called
mce_sched_prohibit.erl:35: Callback info about the mce_behav_scheduler behaviour is not available
mce_sched_rnd.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_scheduler behaviour is not available
mce_stack_list.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_stack behaviour is not available
mce_stack_onePlace.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_stack behaviour is not available
mce_table_bit.erl:38: Callback info about the mce_behav_table behaviour is not available
mce_table_hash.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_table behaviour is not available
mce_table_hashWithActions.erl:38: Callback info about the mce_behav_table behaviour is not available
mce_table_hash_bounded.erl:36: Callback info about the mce_behav_table behaviour is not available
mce_table_void.erl:34: Callback info about the mce_behav_table behaviour is not available
mcerlang.erl:1113: Call to missing or unexported function erlang:gen_udp_open/1
mcerlang.erl:1118: Call to missing or unexported function erlang:gen_udp_open/2
yeccpre.hrl:70: Function yecc_error_type/2 has no local return
yeccpre.hrl:70: The pattern <'function_clause', [{'ltl_parser', F, ArityOrArgs} | _]> can never match the type <_,[{atom(),atom(),[any()] | byte(),[any()]}]>