
Code pulled with git from git://github.com/etnt/polish.git with the last commit being 857f6ad

These are Intersection warnings for polish.

(Only new warnings by Intersection-enabled analysis are listed. Warnings by current public version of Dialyzer are listed here.)

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r ebin dep
eopenid_v1.erl:137: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:checkid_setup/1. The success typing is ([{_,_},...]) -> {'ok',nonempty_maybe_improper_list()}
eopenid_v1.erl:167: Invalid type specification for function eopenid_v1:associate/1. The success typing is ([{_,_},...]) -> {'error',_} | {'ok',[{_,_},...]}