
Code pulled with git from git:// with the last commit being 4bd50de

These are Intersection warnings for erlide.

(Only new warnings by Intersection-enabled analysis are listed. Warnings by current public version of Dialyzer are listed here.)

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r .
api_interface.erl:95: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
wrangler_refacs.erl:241: Invalid type specification for function wrangler_refacs:load_user_refactorings/1. The success typing is (string()) -> [string(),...]
app_meta.erl:34: Function meta_to_app/1 has no local return
app_meta.erl:35: The call app_meta:clean({'app_meta',atom(),[{atom(),'infinity' | 'undefined' | [any()] | integer() | {_,_} | {_,_,_}},...]}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ([any()])
app_meta.erl:197: Function remove_defaults/2 will never be called
app_meta.erl:198: The created fun has no local return
erlide_dbg_ieval.erl:1239: Function eval_b_generate/4 has no local return
erlide_dbg_ieval.erl:1246: The pattern {'nomatch', Rest} can never match the type {'match',_,_}
erlide_dbg_ieval.erl:1248: The pattern 'done' can never match the type {'match',_,_}
erlide_dialyze.erl:42: The call erlide_dialyze:do_analysis(Files::any(),'none',Plt::dialyzer_plt:plt(),'none','succ_typings',Includes::any(),NoCheckPLT::any(),From::'byte_code' | 'src_code','none') will never return since it differs in the 2nd, 4th, 5th and/or 9th argument from the success typing arguments: ([binary() | string()],'none',dialyzer_plt:plt(),'none','succ_typings',[binary() | string()],any(),'byte_code' | 'src_code','false') or ([binary() | string()],'none',dialyzer_plt:plt(),'none','succ_typings',[binary() | string()],any(),'byte_code' | 'src_code',pid()) or ([binary() | string()],binary() | string(),'undefined' | dialyzer_plt:plt(),{[{binary() | [any()],binary()}],dict()},'plt_build',[],'true','byte_code','false') or ([binary() | string()],binary() | string(),'undefined' | dialyzer_plt:plt(),{[{binary() | [any()],binary()}],dict()},'plt_build',[],'true','byte_code',pid())