
Code pulled with hg from http://hg.basho.com/riak on Mon Feb 13 04:09:12 EET 2012

These are Intersection warnings for riak.

(Only new warnings by Intersection-enabled analysis are listed. Warnings by current public version of Dialyzer are listed here.)

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r deps
js_mochijson2.erl:775: The call js_mochijson2:encode({}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ('false') or ('null' | 'true') or (<<>>) or (integer()) or ({'json',_}) or ([] | {'struct',[]}) or (atom() | <<_:8,_:_*8>> | [any(),...] | float() | {'struct',[any(),...]})
mochijson2.erl:775: The call mochijson2:encode({}) will never return since it differs in the 1st argument from the success typing arguments: ('false') or ('null' | 'true') or (<<>>) or (integer()) or ({'json',_}) or ([] | {'struct',[]}) or (atom() | <<_:8,_:_*8>> | [any(),...] | float() | {'struct',[any(),...]})
mochiweb_headers.erl:201: Function make_test/0 has no local return
mochiweb_headers.erl:203: The created fun has no local return
mochiweb_headers.erl:205: Guard test tuple() =:= __X::gb_tree() can never succeed
mochiweb_headers.erl:205: The call mochiweb_headers:make(Identity::gb_tree()) contains an opaque term as 1st argument when a structured term of type [any()] | tuple() is expected
riak_core_vnode.erl:233: Invalid type specification for function riak_core_vnode:reply/2. The success typing is ({'raw',_,atom() | pid() | port() | {atom(),atom()}},_) -> {_,_}; ({'server',_,{_,_}},_) -> any(); ('ignore' | {'fsm',_,atom() | pid() | port() | {atom(),_}},_) -> 'ok'
watchdog.erl:267: The call lists:keyreplace(Key::{'log' | 'pid' | 'tcp' | 'udp' | integer(),_},1,Subs::maybe_improper_list(),Sub::fun((_) -> any())) will never return since it differs in the 4th argument from the success typing arguments: (any(),pos_integer(),nonempty_maybe_improper_list(),tuple()) or (any(),pos_integer(),[],tuple())