
Code pulled with manually from the developers on Wed Sep 14 15:28:00 EEST 2011

These are Intersection warnings for Sim-Diasca-2-0-10.

(Only new warnings by Intersection-enabled analysis are listed. Warnings by current public version of Dialyzer are listed here.)

dialyzer -n -q -Wno_improper_lists -r .
class_Mesh.erl:802: The call file_utils:open(DigraphFilename::[any(),...],'write') will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (atom() | binary() | [atom() | [any()] | char()],['append' | 'binary' | 'compressed' | 'delayed_write' | 'exclusive' | 'raw' | 'read' | 'read_ahead' | 'write' | {'encoding','latin1' | 'unicode' | 'utf16' | 'utf32' | 'utf8' | {'utf16','big' | 'little'} | {'utf32','big' | 'little'}} | {'read_ahead',pos_integer()} | {'delayed_write',non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}])
class_Mesh.erl:834: Function write_graph_header/2 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:848: Function write_graph_nodes/2 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:852: Function write_graph_nodes/3 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:886: Function format_options/1 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:891: The created fun has no local return
class_Mesh.erl:897: Function format_marked_options_for_nodes/2 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:905: Function filter_marked_options_for_nodes/3 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:922: Function format_marked_options_for_links/2 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:930: Function filter_marked_options_for_links/3 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:947: Function write_graph_links/2 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:953: Function write_graph_links/3 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:977: Function write_raw_elements/2 will never be called
class_Mesh.erl:978: The created fun has no local return
class_Mesh.erl:983: Function write_graph_footer/2 will never be called
class_PerformanceTracker.erl:253: The call basic_utils:get_registered_pid_for(RegisteredName::atom(),'global_only') will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (any(),'global' | 'local_and_global' | 'local_otherwise_global') or (atom(),'local' | 'local_and_global' | 'local_otherwise_global')
linear_2D.erl:208: The pattern {PmaxForH, LongestSquareDistanceFromH} can never match the type {{number(),number()},{number(),number()},number()}